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Journal Articles

Mergental, H. Laing, R.W. Kirkham, A.J. Clarke, G. Boteon, Y.L. Barton, D. Neil, D.A. Isaac, J.R. Roberts, K.J. Abradelo, M. Schlegel, A. Dasari, B.V. Ferguson, J.W. Cilliers, H. Morris, C. Friend, P.J. Yap, C. Afford, S.C. Perera, M.T. Mirza, D.F. (2024). Discarded livers tested by normothermic machine perfusion in the VITTAL trial: Secondary end points and 5-year outcomes. Liver transpl, Vol.30 (1), pp. 30-45.  show abstract  full text

Yin, Z. Mander, A.P. de Bono, J.S. Zheng, H. Yap, C. (2024). Handling Incomplete or Late-Onset Toxicities in Early-Phase Dose-Finding Clinical Trials: Current Practice and Future Prospects. Jco precis oncol, Vol.8, pp. e2300441-e2300441.  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Alger, E. Lee, S. Cheung, Y.K. (2024). 75P U-PRO-CRM: Designing patient-centred dose-finding trials with patient-reported outcomes. Esmo open, Vol.9, pp. 102303-102303.

Purshouse, K. Bulbeck, H.J. Rooney, A.G. Noble, K.E. Carruthers, R.D. Thompson, G. Hamerlik, P. Yap, C. Kurian, K.M. Jefferies, S.J. Lopez, J.S. Jenkinson, M.D. Hanemann, C.O. Stead, L.F. (2024). Adult brain tumour research in 2024: Status, challenges and recommendations. Neuropathol appl neurobiol, Vol.50 (2), p. e12979.  show abstract  full text

Alger, E. Lee, S.M. Cheung, Y.K. Yap, C. (2024). U-PRO-CRM: designing patient-centred dose-finding trials with patient-reported outcomes. Esmo open, Vol.9 (7), pp. 103626-103626.

Chatters, R. Dimairo, M. Cooper, C. Ditta, S. Woodward, J. Biggs, K. Ogunleye, D. Thistlethwaite, F. Yap, C. Rothman, A. (2024). Exploring the barriers to, and importance of, participant diversity in early-phase clinical trials: an interview-based qualitative study of professionals and patient and public representatives. Bmj open, Vol.14 (3), p. e075547.  show abstract  full text

Alger, E. Van Zyl, M. Aiyegbusi, O.L. Chuter, D. Dean, L. Minchom, A. Yap, C. (2024). Patient and public involvement and engagement in the development of innovative patient-centric early phase dose-finding trial designs. Res involv engagem, Vol.10 (1), p. 63.  show abstract  full text

Villacampa, G. Dennett, S. Mello, E. Holton, J. Lai, X. Kilburn, L. Bliss, J. Rekowski, J. Yap, C. (2024). Accrual and statistical power failure in published adjuvant phase III oncology trials: a comprehensive analysis from 2013 to 2023. Esmo open, Vol.9 (7), p. 103603.  show abstract

Araujo, D. Greystoke, A. Bates, S. Bayle, A. Calvo, E. Castelo-Branco, L. de Bono, J. Drilon, A. Garralda, E. Ivy, P. Kholmanskikh, O. Melero, I. Pentheroudakis, G. Petrie, J. Plummer, R. Ponce, S. Postel-Vinay, S. Siu, L. Spreafico, A. Stathis, A. Steeghs, N. Yap, C. Yap, T.A. Ratain, M. Seymour, L. (2023). Oncology phase I trial design and conduct: time for a change - MDICT Guidelines 2022. Ann oncol, Vol.34 (1), pp. 48-60.  show abstract

Harrison, C.N. Nangalia, J. Boucher, R. Jackson, A. Yap, C. O'Sullivan, J. Fox, S. Ailts, I. Dueck, A.C. Geyer, H.L. Mesa, R.A. Dunn, W.G. Nadezhdin, E. Curto-Garcia, N. Green, A. Wilkins, B. Coppell, J. Laurie, J. Garg, M. Ewing, J. Knapper, S. Crowe, J. Chen, F. Koutsavlis, I. Godfrey, A. Arami, S. Drummond, M. Byrne, J. Clark, F. Mead-Harvey, C. Baxter, E.J. McMullin, M.F. Mead, A.J. (2023). Ruxolitinib Versus Best Available Therapy for Polycythemia Vera Intolerant or Resistant to Hydroxycarbamide in a Randomized Trial. J clin oncol, Vol.41 (19), pp. 3534-3544.  show abstract  full text

Solovyeva, O. Dimairo, M. Weir, C.J. Hee, S.W. Espinasse, A. Ursino, M. Patel, D. Kightley, A. Hughes, S. Jaki, T. Mander, A. Evans, T.R. Lee, S. Hopewell, S. Rantell, K.R. Chan, A.-. Bedding, A. Stephens, R. Richards, D. Roberts, L. Kirkpatrick, J. de Bono, J. Yap, C. (2023). Development of consensus-driven SPIRIT and CONSORT extensions for early phase dose-finding trials: the DEFINE study. Bmc med, Vol.21 (1), p. 246.  show abstract  full text

Villacampa, G. Patel, D. Zheng, H. McAleese, J. Rekowski, J. Solovyeva, O. Yin, Z. Yap, C. (2023). Assessing the reporting quality of early phase dose-finding trial protocols: a methodological review. Eclinicalmedicine, Vol.60, p. 102020.  show abstract  full text

Alger, E. Zhang, Y. Yap, C. (2023). Reporting quality of CONSORT flow diagrams in published early phase dose-finding clinical trial reports: Improvement is needed. Contemp clin trials, Vol.131, p. 107277.  show abstract  full text

Alger, E. Minchom, A. Lee Aiyegbusi, O. Schipper, M. Yap, C. (2023). Statistical methods and data visualisation of patient-reported outcomes in early phase dose-finding oncology trials: a methodological review. Eclinicalmedicine, Vol.64, p. 102228.  show abstract  full text

Guo, C. Sharp, A. Gurel, B. Crespo, M. Figueiredo, I. Jain, S. Vogl, U. Rekowski, J. Rouhifard, M. Gallagher, L. Yuan, W. Carreira, S. Chandran, K. Paschalis, A. Colombo, I. Stathis, A. Bertan, C. Seed, G. Goodall, J. Raynaud, F. Ruddle, R. Swales, K.E. Malia, J. Bogdan, D. Tiu, C. Caldwell, R. Aversa, C. Ferreira, A. Neeb, A. Tunariu, N. Westaby, D. Carmichael, J. Fenor de la Maza, M.D. Yap, C. Matthews, R. Badham, H. Prout, T. Turner, A. Parmar, M. Tovey, H. Riisnaes, R. Flohr, P. Gil, J. Waugh, D. Decordova, S. Schlag, A. Calì, B. Alimonti, A. de Bono, J.S. (2023). Targeting myeloid chemotaxis to reverse prostate cancer therapy resistance. Nature, Vol.623 (7989), pp. 1053-1061.  show abstract  full text

Rannikko, J.H. Verlingue, L. de Miguel, M. Pasanen, A. Robbrecht, D. Skytta, T. Iivanainen, S. Shetty, S. Ma, Y.T. Graham, D.M. Arora, S.P. Jaakkola, P. Yap, C. Xiang, Y. Mandelin, J. Karvonen, M.K. Jalkanen, J. Karaman, S. Koivunen, J.P. Minchom, A. Hollmén, M. Bono, P. (2023). Bexmarilimab-induced macrophage activation leads to treatment benefit in solid tumors: The phase I/II first-in-human MATINS trial. Cell rep med, Vol.4 (12), p. 101307.  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Solovyeva, O. de Bono, J. Rekowski, J. Patel, D. Jaki, T. Mander, A. Evans, T.R. Peck, R. Hayward, K.S. Hopewell, S. Ursino, M. Rantell, K.R. Calvert, M. Lee, S. Kightley, A. Ashby, D. Chan, A.-. Garrett-Mayer, E. Isaacs, J.D. Golub, R. Kholmanskikh, O. Richards, D. Boix, O. Matcham, J. Seymour, L. Ivy, S.P. Marshall, L.V. Hommais, A. Liu, R. Tanaka, Y. Berlin, J. Espinasse, A. Dimairo, M. Weir, C.J. (2023). Enhancing reporting quality and impact of early phase dose-finding clinical trials: CONSORT Dose-finding Extension (CONSORT-DEFINE) guidance. Bmj, Vol.383, p. e076387.  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Rekowski, J. Ursino, M. Solovyeva, O. Patel, D. Dimairo, M. Weir, C.J. Chan, A.-. Jaki, T. Mander, A. Evans, T.R. Peck, R. Hayward, K.S. Calvert, M. Rantell, K.R. Lee, S. Kightley, A. Hopewell, S. Ashby, D. Garrett-Mayer, E. Isaacs, J. Golub, R. Kholmanskikh, O. Richards, D.P. Boix, O. Matcham, J. Seymour, L. Ivy, S.P. Marshall, L.V. Hommais, A. Liu, R. Tanaka, Y. Berlin, J. Espinasse, A. de Bono, J. (2023). Enhancing quality and impact of early phase dose-finding clinical trial protocols: SPIRIT Dose-finding Extension (SPIRIT-DEFINE) guidance. Bmj, Vol.383, p. e076386.  full text

Espinasse, A. Solovyeva, O. Dimairo, M. Weir, C. Jaki, T. Mander, A. Kightley, A. Evans, J. Lee, S. Bedding, A. Hopewell, S. Rantell, K. Liu, R. Chan, A.-. De Bono, J. Yap, C. (2023). SPIRIT and CONSORT extensions for early phase dose-finding clinical trials: the DEFINE (DosE-FIndiNg Extensions) study protocol. Bmj open, Vol.13 (3), p. e068173.  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Bedding, A. de Bono, J. Dimairo, M. Espinasse, A. Evans, J. Hopewell, S. Jaki, T. Kightley, A. Lee, S. Liu, R. Mander, A. Solovyeva, O. Weir, C.J. (2022). The need for reporting guidelines for early phase dose-finding trials: Dose-Finding CONSORT Extension. Nat med, Vol.28 (1), pp. 6-7.  full text

Vanderbeek, A.M. Bliss, J.M. Yin, Z. Yap, C. (2022). Implementation of platform trials in the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review. Contemp clin trials, Vol.112, p. 106625.  show abstract  full text

Copland, M. Slade, D. McIlroy, G. Horne, G. Byrne, J.L. Rothwell, K. Brock, K. De Lavallade, H. Craddock, C. Clark, R.E. Smith, M.L. Fletcher, R. Bishop, R. Milojkovic, D. Yap, C. (2022). Ponatinib with fludarabine, cytarabine, idarubicin, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor chemotherapy for patients with blast-phase chronic myeloid leukaemia (MATCHPOINT): a single-arm, multicentre, phase 1/2 trial. Lancet haematol, Vol.9 (2), pp. e121-e132.  show abstract  full text

Lai-Kwon, J. Vanderbeek, A.M. Minchom, A. Lee Aiyegbusi, O. Ogunleye, D. Stephens, R. Calvert, M. Yap, C. (2022). Using Patient-Reported Outcomes in Dose-Finding Oncology Trials: Surveys of Key Stakeholders and the National Cancer Research Institute Consumer Forum. Oncologist, Vol.27 (9), pp. 768-777.  show abstract  full text

Papadatos-Pastos, D. Yuan, W. Pal, A. Crespo, M. Ferreira, A. Gurel, B. Prout, T. Ameratunga, M. Chénard-Poirier, M. Curcean, A. Bertan, C. Baker, C. Miranda, S. Masrour, N. Chen, W. Pereira, R. Figueiredo, I. Morilla, R. Jenkins, B. Zachariou, A. Riisnaes, R. Parmar, M. Turner, A. Carreira, S. Yap, C. Brown, R. Tunariu, N. Banerji, U. Lopez, J. de Bono, J. Minchom, A. (2022). Phase 1, dose-escalation study of guadecitabine (SGI-110) in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with solid tumors. J immunother cancer, Vol.10 (6).  show abstract  full text

Love, S.B. Cafferty, F. Snowdon, C. Carty, K. Savage, J. Pallmann, P. McParland, L. Brown, L. Masters, L. Schiavone, F. Hague, D. Townsend, S. Amos, C. South, A. Sturgeon, K. Langley, R. Maughan, T. James, N. Hall, E. Kernaghan, S. Bliss, J. Turner, N. Tutt, A. Yap, C. Firth, C. Kong, A. Mehanna, H. Watts, C. Hills, R. Thomas, I. Copland, M. Bell, S. Sebag-Montefiore, D. Jones, R. Parmar, M.K. Sydes, M.R. (2022). Practical guidance for running late-phase platform protocols for clinical trials: lessons from experienced UK clinical trials units. Trials, Vol.23 (1), p. 757.  show abstract  full text

Homer, V. Yap, C. Bond, S. Holmes, J. Stocken, D. Walker, K. Robinson, E.J. Wheeler, G. Brown, S. Hinsley, S. Schipper, M. Weir, C.J. Rantell, K. Prior, T. Yu, L.-. Kirkpatrick, J. Bedding, A. Gamble, C. Gaunt, P. (2022). Early phase clinical trials extension to guidelines for the content of statistical analysis plans. Bmj, Vol.376, p. e068177.  show abstract  full text

Williamson, S.F. Grayling, M.J. Mander, A.P. Noor, N.M. Savage, J.S. Yap, C. Wason, J.M. (2022). Subgroup analyses in randomized controlled trials frequently categorized continuous subgroup information. J clin epidemiol, Vol.150, pp. 72-79.  show abstract  full text

Wason, J.M. Dimairo, M. Biggs, K. Bowden, S. Brown, J. Flight, L. Hall, J. Jaki, T. Lowe, R. Pallmann, P. Pilling, M.A. Snowdon, C. Sydes, M.R. Villar, S.S. Weir, C.J. Wilson, N. Yap, C. Hancock, H. Maier, R. (2022). Practical guidance for planning resources required to support publicly-funded adaptive clinical trials. Bmc med, Vol.20 (1), p. 254.  show abstract  full text

Fenor de la Maza, M.D. Chandran, K. Rekowski, J. Shui, I.M. Gurel, B. Cross, E. Carreira, S. Yuan, W. Westaby, D. Miranda, S. Ferreira, A. Seed, G. Crespo, M. Figueiredo, I. Bertan, C. Gil, V. Riisnaes, R. Sharp, A. Rodrigues, D.N. Rescigno, P. Tunariu, N. Liu, X.Q. Cristescu, R. Schloss, C. Yap, C. de Bono, J.S. (2022). Immune Biomarkers in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer. Eur urol oncol, Vol.5 (6), pp. 659-667.  show abstract  full text

Cruz Rivera, S. Aiyegbusi, O.L. Ives, J. Draper, H. Mercieca-Bebber, R. Ells, C. Hunn, A. Scott, J.A. Fernandez, C.V. Dickens, A.P. Anderson, N. Bhatnagar, V. Bottomley, A. Campbell, L. Collett, C. Collis, P. Craig, K. Davies, H. Golub, R. Gosden, L. Gnanasakthy, A. Haf Davies, E. von Hildebrand, M. Lord, J.M. Mahendraratnam, N. Miyaji, T. Morel, T. Monteiro, J. Zwisler, A.-. Peipert, J.D. Roydhouse, J. Stover, A.M. Wilson, R. Yap, C. Calvert, M.J. (2022). Ethical Considerations for the Inclusion of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Clinical Research: The PRO Ethics Guidelines. Jama, Vol.327 (19), pp. 1910-1919.  show abstract  full text

Suls, J.M. Alfano, C. Yap, C. (2022). Personalized (N-of-1) Trials for Patient-Centered Treatments of Multimorbidity. Harv data sci rev, Vol.4 (SI3).  show abstract  full text

Pratt, A.G. Siebert, S. Cole, M. Stocken, D.D. Yap, C. Kelly, S. Shaikh, M. Cranston, A. Morton, M. Walker, J. Frame, S. Ng, W.-. Buckley, C.D. McInnes, I.B. Filer, A. Isaacs, J.D. (2021). Targeting synovial fibroblast proliferation in rheumatoid arthritis (TRAFIC): an open-label, dose-finding, phase 1b trial. Lancet rheumatol, Vol.3 (5), pp. e337-e346.  show abstract  full text

Millen, G.C. Yap, C. (2021). Adaptive trial designs: what is the continual reassessment method?. Arch dis child educ pract ed, Vol.106 (3), pp. 175-177.  full text

Cole, M. Yap, C. Buckley, C. Ng, W.F. McInnes, I. Filer, A. Siebert, S. Pratt, A. Isaacs, J.D. Stocken, D.D. (2021). TRAFIC: statistical design and analysis plan for a pragmatic early phase 1/2 Bayesian adaptive dose escalation trial in rheumatoid arthritis. Trials, Vol.22 (1), p. 433.  show abstract  full text

Pal, A. Stapleton, S. Yap, C. Lai-Kwon, J. Daly, R. Magkos, D. Baikady, B.R. Minchom, A. Banerji, U. De Bono, J. Karikios, D. Boyle, F. Lopez, J. (2021). Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of enhanced informed consent compared to standard informed consent to improve patient understanding of early phase oncology clinical trials (CONSENT). Bmj open, Vol.11 (9), p. e049217.  show abstract  full text

Lai-Kwon, J. Yin, Z. Minchom, A. Yap, C. (2021). Trends in patient-reported outcome use in early phase dose-finding oncology trials - an analysis of ClinicalTrials gov. Cancer med, Vol.10 (22), pp. 7943-7957.  show abstract  full text

Wilson, N. Biggs, K. Bowden, S. Brown, J. Dimairo, M. Flight, L. Hall, J. Hockaday, A. Jaki, T. Lowe, R. Murphy, C. Pallmann, P. Pilling, M.A. Snowdon, C. Sydes, M.R. Villar, S.S. Weir, C.J. Welburn, J. Yap, C. Maier, R. Hancock, H. Wason, J.M. (2021). Costs and staffing resource requirements for adaptive clinical trials: quantitative and qualitative results from the Costing Adaptive Trials project. Bmc med, Vol.19 (1), p. 251.  show abstract  full text

Silva, R.B. Yap, C. Carvajal, R. Lee, S.M. (2021). Would the Recommended Dose Have Been Different Using Novel Dose-Finding Designs? Comparing Dose-Finding Designs in Published Trials. Jco precis oncol, Vol.5.  show abstract  full text

Pallmann, P. Wan, F. Mander, A.P. Wheeler, G.M. Yap, C. Clive, S. Hampson, L.V. Jaki, T. (2020). Designing and evaluating dose-escalation studies made easy: The MoDEsT web app. Clin trials, Vol.17 (2), pp. 147-156.  show abstract  full text

Tiu, C. Shinde, R. Yap, C. Rao Baikady, B. Banerji, U. Minchom, A.R. de Bono, J.S. Lopez, J.S. (2020). A risk-based approach to experimental early phase clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lancet oncol, Vol.21 (7), pp. 889-891.  full text

Sharpe, E. Hoey, R. Yap, C. Workman, P. (2020). From patent to patient: analysing access to innovative cancer drugs. Drug discov today, Vol.25 (9), pp. 1561-1568.  show abstract  full text

Millen, G.C. Yap, C. (2020). Adaptive trial designs: what are multiarm, multistage trials?. Arch dis child educ pract ed, Vol.105 (6), pp. 376-378.  full text

Pettitt, A.R. Jackson, R. Cicconi, S. Polydoros, F. Yap, C. Dodd, J. Bickerstaff, M. Stackpoole, M. Khan, U.T. Carruthers, S. Oates, M. Lin, K. Coupland, S.E. Menon, G. Kalakonda, N. McCarthy, H. Bloor, A. Schuh, A. Duncombe, A. Dearden, C. Fegan, C. Kennedy, B. Walewska, R. Marshall, S. Fox, C.P. Hillmen, P. (2020). Lenalidomide, dexamethasone and alemtuzumab or ofatumumab in high-risk chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: final results of the NCRI CLL210 trial. Haematologica, .  full text

Kong, A. Good, J. Kirkham, A. Savage, J. Mant, R. Llewellyn, L. Parish, J. Spruce, R. Forster, M. Schipani, S. Harrington, K. Sacco, J. Murray, P. Middleton, G. Yap, C. Mehanna, H. (2020). Phase I trial of WEE1 inhibition with chemotherapy and radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment, and a window of opportunity trial with cisplatin in patients with head and neck cancer: the WISTERIA trial protocol. Bmj open, Vol.10 (3), p. e033009.  show abstract  full text

Mergental, H. Laing, R.W. Kirkham, A.J. Perera, M.T. Boteon, Y.L. Attard, J. Barton, D. Curbishley, S. Wilkhu, M. Neil, D.A. Hübscher, S.G. Muiesan, P. Isaac, J.R. Roberts, K.J. Abradelo, M. Schlegel, A. Ferguson, J. Cilliers, H. Bion, J. Adams, D.H. Morris, C. Friend, P.J. Yap, C. Afford, S.C. Mirza, D.F. (2020). Transplantation of discarded livers following viability testing with normothermic machine perfusion. Nat commun, Vol.11 (1), p. 2939.  show abstract  full text

Dimairo, M. Pallmann, P. Wason, J. Todd, S. Jaki, T. Julious, S.A. Mander, A.P. Weir, C.J. Koenig, F. Walton, M.K. Nicholl, J.P. Coates, E. Biggs, K. Hamasaki, T. Proschan, M.A. Scott, J.A. Ando, Y. Hind, D. Altman, D.G. ACE Consensus Group, (2020). The adaptive designs CONSORT extension (ACE) statement: a checklist with explanation and elaboration guideline for reporting randomised trials that use an adaptive design. Trials, Vol.21 (1), p. 528.  show abstract  full text

Dimairo, M. Pallmann, P. Wason, J. Todd, S. Jaki, T. Julious, S.A. Mander, A.P. Weir, C.J. Koenig, F. Walton, M.K. Nicholl, J.P. Coates, E. Biggs, K. Hamasaki, T. Proschan, M.A. Scott, J.A. Ando, Y. Hind, D. Altman, D.G. ACE Consensus Group, (2020). The Adaptive designs CONSORT Extension (ACE) statement: a checklist with explanation and elaboration guideline for reporting randomised trials that use an adaptive design. Bmj, Vol.369, p. m115.  show abstract  full text

Craddock, C. Slade, D. De Santo, C. Wheat, R. Ferguson, P. Hodgkinson, A. Brock, K. Cavenagh, J. Ingram, W. Dennis, M. Malladi, R. Siddique, S. Mussai, F. Yap, C. (2019). Combination Lenalidomide and Azacitidine: A Novel Salvage Therapy in Patients Who Relapse After Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. J clin oncol, Vol.37 (7), pp. 580-588.  show abstract  full text

Wason, J.M. Brocklehurst, P. Yap, C. (2019). When to keep it simple - adaptive designs are not always useful. Bmc med, Vol.17 (1), p. 152.  show abstract  full text

O'Sullivan, J.M. Hamblin, A. Yap, C. Fox, S. Boucher, R. Panchal, A. Alimam, S. Dreau, H. Howard, K. Ware, P. Cross, N.C. McMullin, M.F. Harrison, C.N. Mead, A.J. (2019). The poor outcome in high molecular risk, hydroxycarbamide-resistant/intolerant ET is not ameliorated by ruxolitinib. Blood, Vol.134 (23), pp. 2107-2111.  show abstract  full text

Wheeler, G.M. Mander, A.P. Bedding, A. Brock, K. Cornelius, V. Grieve, A.P. Jaki, T. Love, S.B. Odondi, L. Weir, C.J. Yap, C. Bond, S.J. (2019). How to design a dose-finding study using the continual reassessment method. Bmc med res methodol, Vol.19 (1), p. 18.  show abstract  full text

Newsome, P.N. Fox, R. King, A.L. Barton, D. Than, N.-. Moore, J. Corbett, C. Townsend, S. Thomas, J. Guo, K. Hull, D. Beard, H.A. Thompson, J. Atkinson, A. Bienek, C. McGowan, N. Guha, N. Campbell, J. Hollyman, D. Stocken, D. Yap, C. Forbes, S.J. (2018). Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and autologous CD133-positive stem-cell therapy in liver cirrhosis (REALISTIC): an open-label, randomised, controlled phase 2 trial. Lancet gastroenterol hepatol, Vol.3 (1), pp. 25-36.  show abstract

Mergental, H. Stephenson, B.T. Laing, R.W. Kirkham, A.J. Neil, D.A. Wallace, L.L. Boteon, Y.L. Widmer, J. Bhogal, R.H. Perera, M.T. Smith, A. Reynolds, G.M. Yap, C. Hübscher, S.G. Mirza, D.F. Afford, S.C. (2018). Development of Clinical Criteria for Functional Assessment to Predict Primary Nonfunction of High-Risk Livers Using Normothermic Machine Perfusion. Liver transpl, Vol.24 (10), pp. 1453-1469.  show abstract

Pallmann, P. Bedding, A.W. Choodari-Oskooei, B. Dimairo, M. Flight, L. Hampson, L.V. Holmes, J. Mander, A.P. Odondi, L. Sydes, M.R. Villar, S.S. Wason, J.M. Weir, C.J. Wheeler, G.M. Yap, C. Jaki, T. (2018). Adaptive designs in clinical trials: why use them, and how to run and report them. Bmc med, Vol.16 (1), p. 29.  show abstract

Fisher, B.A. Jonsson, R. Daniels, T. Bombardieri, M. Brown, R.M. Morgan, P. Bombardieri, S. Ng, W.-. Tzioufas, A.G. Vitali, C. Shirlaw, P. Haacke, E. Costa, S. Bootsma, H. Devauchelle-Pensec, V. Radstake, T.R. Mariette, X. Richards, A. Stack, R. Bowman, S.J. Barone, F. Sjögren's histopathology workshop group (appendix) from ESSENTIAL (EULAR Sjögren's syndrome study group), (2017). Standardisation of labial salivary gland histopathology in clinical trials in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Ann rheum dis, Vol.76 (7), pp. 1161-1168.  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Billingham, L.J. Cheung, Y.K. Craddock, C. O'Quigley, J. (2017). Dose Transition Pathways: The Missing Link Between Complex Dose-Finding Designs and Simple Decision-Making. Clin cancer res, Vol.23 (24), pp. 7440-7447.  show abstract

Brock, K. Billingham, L. Copland, M. Siddique, S. Sirovica, M. Yap, C. (2017). Implementing the EffTox dose-finding design in the Matchpoint trial. Bmc med res methodol, Vol.17 (1), p. 112.  show abstract

Love, S.B. Brown, S. Weir, C.J. Harbron, C. Yap, C. Gaschler-Markefski, B. Matcham, J. Caffrey, L. McKevitt, C. Clive, S. Craddock, C. Spicer, J. Cornelius, V. (2017). Embracing model-based designs for dose-finding trials. Br j cancer, Vol.117 (3), pp. 332-339.  show abstract

Harrison, C.N. Mead, A.J. Panchal, A. Fox, S. Yap, C. Gbandi, E. Houlton, A. Alimam, S. Ewing, J. Wood, M. Chen, F. Coppell, J. Panoskaltsis, N. Knapper, S. Ali, S. Hamblin, A. Scherber, R. Dueck, A.C. Cross, N.C. Mesa, R. McMullin, M.F. (2017). Ruxolitinib vs best available therapy for ET intolerant or resistant to hydroxycarbamide. Blood, Vol.130 (17), pp. 1889-1897.  show abstract

Laing, R.W. Mergental, H. Yap, C. Kirkham, A. Whilku, M. Barton, D. Curbishley, S. Boteon, Y.L. Neil, D.A. Hübscher, S.G. Perera, M.T. Muiesan, P. Isaac, J. Roberts, K.J. Cilliers, H. Afford, S.C. Mirza, D.F. (2017). Viability testing and transplantation of marginal livers (VITTAL) using normothermic machine perfusion: study protocol for an open-label, non-randomised, prospective, single-arm trial. Bmj open, Vol.7 (11), p. e017733.  show abstract  full text

Craddock, C. Jilani, N. Siddique, S. Yap, C. Khan, J. Nagra, S. Ward, J. Ferguson, P. Hazlewood, P. Buka, R. Vyas, P. Goodyear, O. Tholouli, E. Crawley, C. Russell, N. Byrne, J. Malladi, R. Snowden, J. Dennis, M. (2016). Tolerability and Clinical Activity of Post-Transplantation Azacitidine in Patients Allografted for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treated on the RICAZA Trial. Biol blood marrow transplant, Vol.22 (2), pp. 385-390.  show abstract

Bennett, H. Papadopoulou, E. Yap, C. (2016). Planar Minimization Diagrams via Subdivision with Applications to Anisotropic Voronoi Diagrams. Computer graphics forum, Vol.35 (5), pp. 229-247.

Basu, S. Yap, C. Mason, S. (2016). Examining the sources of occupational stress in an emergency department. Occup med (lond), Vol.66 (9), pp. 737-742.  show abstract

King, A. Barton, D. Beard, H.A. Than, N. Moore, J. Corbett, C. Thomas, J. Guo, K. Guha, I. Hollyman, D. Stocken, D. Yap, C. Fox, R. Forbes, S.J. Newsome, P.N. (2015). REpeated AutoLogous Infusions of STem cells In Cirrhosis (REALISTIC): a multicentre, phase II, open-label, randomised controlled trial of repeated autologous infusions of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) mobilised CD133+ bone marrow stem cells in patients with cirrhosis A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Bmj open, Vol.5 (3), p. e007700.  show abstract

Mussai, F.J. Yap, C. Mitchell, C. Kearns, P. (2014). Challenges of clinical trial design for targeted agents against pediatric leukemias. Front oncol, Vol.4, p. 374.  show abstract

Yap, C. Craddock, C. Collins, G. Khan, J. Siddique, S. Billingham, L. (2013). Implementation of adaptive dose-finding designs in two early phase haematological trials: clinical, operational, and methodological challenges. Trials, Vol.14 (Suppl 1), pp. O75-O75.

Khan, J. Yap, C. Clark, R. Fenwick, N. Marin, D. (2013). Practical implementation of an adaptive phase I/II design in chronic myeloid leukaemia: evaluating both efficacy and toxicity using the EffTox design. Trials, Vol.14 (Suppl 1), pp. P20-P20.

Yap, C. Pettitt, A. Billingham, L. (2013). Screened selection design for randomised phase II oncology trials: an example in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Bmc med res methodol, Vol.13, p. 87.  show abstract

Beverland, I.J. Cohen, G.R. Heal, M.R. Carder, M. Yap, C. Robertson, C. Hart, C.L. Agius, R.M. (2012). A comparison of short-term and long-term air pollution exposure associations with mortality in two cohorts in Scotland. Environ health perspect, Vol.120 (9), pp. 1280-1285.  show abstract

Beverland, I.J. Robertson, C. Yap, C. Heal, M.R. Cohen, G.R. Henderson, D.E. Hart, C.L. Agius, R.M. (2012). Comparison of models for estimation of long-term exposure to air pollution in cohort studies. Atmospheric environment, Vol.62, pp. 530-539.

Yap, C. Beverland, I.J. Heal, M.R. Cohen, G.R. Robertson, C. Henderson, D.E. Ferguson, N.S. Hart, C.L. Morris, G. Agius, R.M. (2012). Association between long-term exposure to air pollution and specific causes of mortality in Scotland. Occup environ med, Vol.69 (12), pp. 916-924.  show abstract

Yap, C. Billingham, L. Pettitt, A. (2011). Screened selection design for randomised phase II oncology trials: an example in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Trials, Vol.12 (Suppl 1), pp. A91-A91.

Walji, N. Chue, A.L. Yap, C. Rogers, L.J. El-Modir, A. Chan, K.K. Singh, K. Fernando, I.N. (2010). Is there a role for adjuvant hysterectomy after suboptimal concurrent chemoradiation in cervical carcinoma?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.22 (2), pp. 140-146.  show abstract

Walji, N. Zachariah, A. Yap, C. Hussain, S.A. Poole, C.J. El-Modir, A. Ganesan, R. Fernando, I.N. (2009). Carboplatin, ifosfamide, and mesna (CIM) for the treatment of gynecological carcinosarcoma. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.27 (15_suppl), pp. e16539-e16539.  show abstract

Tho, L.M. Glegg, M. Paterson, J. Yap, C. MacLeod, A. McCabe, M. McDonald, A.C. (2006). Acute small bowel toxicity and preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer: investigating dose-volume relationships and role for inverse planning. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.66 (2), pp. 505-513.  show abstract

Tho, L.M. McIntyre, A. Rosst, A. Gallagher, C. Yap, C. Ritchie, D.M. Canney, P.A. (2006). Acute supraclavicular skin toxicity in patients undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer: an evaluation of the 'T'-grip method of patient positioning. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.18 (2), pp. 133-138.  show abstract

Leung, E. Shenton, B.K. Green, K. Jackson, G. Gould, F.K. Yap, C. Talbot, D. (2004). Dynamic EBV gene loads in renal, hepatic, and cardiothoracic transplant recipients as determined by real-time PCR light cycler. Transpl infect dis, Vol.6 (4), pp. 156-164.  show abstract

Rhoney, D.H. Parker, D. Formea, C.M. Yap, C. Coplin, W.M. (2002). Tolerability of bolus versus continuous gastric feeding in brain-injured patients. Neurol res, Vol.24 (6), pp. 613-620.  show abstract

Leung, E. Shenton, B.K. Jackson, G. Gould, F.K. Yap, C. Talbot, D. (2002). Use of real-time PCR to measure Epstein-Barr virus genomes in whole blood. J immunol methods, Vol.270 (2), pp. 259-267.  show abstract

Law, M. Couturier, D.-. Choodari-Oskooei, B. Crout, P. Gamble, C. Jacko, P. Pallmann, P. Pilling, M. Robertson, D.S. Robling, M. Sydes, M.R. Villar, S.S. Wason, J. Wheeler, G. Williamson, S.F. Yap, C. Jaki, T. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s “Consultation on proposals for legislative changes for clinical trials”: a response from the Trials Methodology Research Partnership Adaptive Designs Working Group, with a focus on data sharing. Trials, Vol.24 (1).  show abstract  full text

Kong, A. Kirkham, A.J. Savage, J.S. Mant, R. Lax, S. Good, J. Forster, M.D. Sacco, J.J. Schipani, S. Harrington, K.J. Yap, C. Mehanna, H. Results and lessons learnt from the WISTERIA phase I trial combining AZD1775 with cisplatin pre- or post-operatively in head and neck cancer. Bjc reports, Vol.2 (1).  show abstract  full text

Yap, C. Let’s make poor reporting of early phase dose finding clinical trials a thing of the past. Bmj, , pp. p2865-p2865.

Book Chapters

Brock, K. Billingham, L. Yap, C. Middleton, G. (2019). A Phase II Clinical Trial Design for Associated Co-primary Efficacy and Toxicity Outcomes with Baseline Covariates. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. (pp. 125-133). Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 9783030306106.

Mander, A.P. Wheeler, G.M. Yap, C. Practical Implementation of Dose–Response Adaptive Trials. . (pp. 1-6). Wiley.

Yap, C. Cheung, Y.K. Sequential Elimination in Multi‐arm Multi‐stage Selection Trials. . (pp. 1-7). Wiley.


O Sullivan, J.Wood, A.Wen, S.Hamblin, A.Fox, S.Yap, C.McMullin, M.F.Cross, N.C.Harrison, C.N.Mead, A.J. (2023). The SF3B1 K666 Hotspot Mutation Confers Unfavourable Disease Risk across Major Myeloid Neoplasm Subgroups, Blood, Vol.142 (Supplement 1), p.4552.