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Journal Articles

Bouguenina, H. Scarpino, A. O'Hanlon, J.A. Warne, J. Wang, H.Z. Wah Hak, L.C. Sadok, A. McAndrew, P.C. Stubbs, M. Pierrat, O.A. Hahner, T. Cabry, M.P. Le Bihan, Y.-. Mitsopoulos, C. Sialana, F.J. Roumeliotis, T.I. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Choudhari, J. Chopra, R. Caldwell, J.J. Collins, I. (2023). A Degron Blocking Strategy Towards Improved CRL4CRBN Recruiting PROTAC Selectivity. Chembiochem, Vol.24 (23), p. e202300351.  show abstract

Liu, M. Mirza, A. McAndrew, P.C. Thapaliya, A. Pierrat, O.A. Stubbs, M. Hahner, T. Chessum, N.E. Innocenti, P. Caldwell, J. Cheeseman, M.D. Bellenie, B.R. van Montfort, R.L. Newton, G.K. Burke, R. Collins, I. Hoelder, S. (2023). Determination of Ligand-Binding Affinity (Kd) Using Transverse Relaxation Rate (R2) in the Ligand-Observed 1H NMR Experiment and Applications to Fragment-Based Drug Discovery. J med chem, Vol.66 (15), pp. 10617-10627.  show abstract  full text

Bouguenina, H. Nicolaou, S. Le Bihan, Y.-. Bowling, E.A. Calderon, C. Caldwell, J.J. Harrington, B. Hayes, A. McAndrew, P.C. Mitsopoulos, C. Sialana, F.J. Scarpino, A. Stubbs, M. Thapaliya, A. Tyagi, S. Wang, H.Z. Wood, F. Burke, R. Raynaud, F. Choudhary, J. van Montfort, R.L. Sadok, A. Westbrook, T.F. Collins, I. Chopra, R. (2023). iTAG an optimized IMiD-induced degron for targeted protein degradation in human and murine cells. Iscience, Vol.26 (7), p. 107059.  show abstract  full text

Saint-Dizier, F. Matthews, T.P. Gregson, A.M. Prevet, H. McHardy, T. Colombano, G. Saville, H. Rowlands, M. Ewens, C. McAndrew, P.C. Tomlin, K. Guillotin, D. Mak, G.W. Drosopoulos, K. Poursaitidis, I. Burke, R. van Montfort, R. Linardopoulos, S. Collins, I. (2023). Discovery of 2-(3-Benzamidopropanamido)thiazole-5-carboxylate Inhibitors of the Kinesin HSET (KIFC1) and the Development of Cellular Target Engagement Probes. J med chem, Vol.66 (4), pp. 2622-2645.  show abstract  full text

Harnden, A.C. Davis, O.A. Box, G.M. Hayes, A. Johnson, L.D. Henley, A.T. de Haven Brandon, A.K. Valenti, M. Cheung, K.-. Brennan, A. Huckvale, R. Pierrat, O.A. Talbot, R. Bright, M.D. Akpinar, H.A. Miller, D.S. Tarantino, D. Gowan, S. de Klerk, S. McAndrew, P.C. Le Bihan, Y.-. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2023). Discovery of an In Vivo Chemical Probe for BCL6 Inhibition by Optimization of Tricyclic Quinolinones. J med chem, Vol.66 (8), pp. 5892-5906.  show abstract  full text

Pierrat, O.A. Liu, M. Collie, G.W. Shetty, K. Rodrigues, M.J. Le Bihan, Y.-. Gunnell, E.A. McAndrew, P.C. Stubbs, M. Rowlands, M.G. Yahya, N. Shehu, E. Talbot, R. Pickard, L. Bellenie, B.R. Cheung, K.-. Drouin, L. Innocenti, P. Woodward, H. Davis, O.A. Lloyd, M.G. Varela, A. Huckvale, R. Broccatelli, F. Carter, M. Galiwango, D. Hayes, A. Raynaud, F.I. Bryant, C. Whittaker, S. Rossanese, O.W. Hoelder, S. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. (2022). Discovering cell-active BCL6 inhibitors: effectively combining biochemical HTS with multiple biophysical techniques, X-ray crystallography and cell-based assays. Sci rep, Vol.12 (1), p. 18633.  show abstract  full text

Davis, O.A. Cheung, K.-. Brennan, A. Lloyd, M.G. Rodrigues, M.J. Pierrat, O.A. Collie, G.W. Le Bihan, Y.-. Huckvale, R. Harnden, A.C. Varela, A. Bright, M.D. Eve, P. Hayes, A. Henley, A.T. Carter, M.D. McAndrew, P.C. Talbot, R. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Meniconi, M. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2022). Optimizing Shape Complementarity Enables the Discovery of Potent Tricyclic BCL6 Inhibitors. J med chem, Vol.65 (12), pp. 8169-8190.  show abstract  full text

Huckvale, R. Harnden, A.C. Cheung, K.-. Pierrat, O.A. Talbot, R. Box, G.M. Henley, A.T. de Haven Brandon, A.K. Hallsworth, A.E. Bright, M.D. Akpinar, H.A. Miller, D.S. Tarantino, D. Gowan, S. Hayes, A. Gunnell, E.A. Brennan, A. Davis, O.A. Johnson, L.D. de Klerk, S. McAndrew, C. Le Bihan, Y.-. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2022). Improved Binding Affinity and Pharmacokinetics Enable Sustained Degradation of BCL6 In Vivo. J med chem, Vol.65 (12), pp. 8191-8207.  show abstract  full text

O'Connor, S. Le Bihan, Y.-. Westwood, I.M. Liu, M. Mak, O.W. Zazeri, G. Povinelli, A.P. Jones, A.M. van Montfort, R. Reynisson, J. Collins, I. (2022). Discovery and Characterization of a Cryptic Secondary Binding Site in the Molecular Chaperone HSP70. Molecules, Vol.27 (3).  show abstract  full text

Lloyd, M.G. Huckvale, R. Cheung, K.-. Rodrigues, M.J. Collie, G.W. Pierrat, O.A. Gatti Iou, M. Carter, M. Davis, O.A. McAndrew, P.C. Gunnell, E. Le Bihan, Y.-. Talbot, R. Henley, A.T. Johnson, L.D. Hayes, A. Bright, M.D. Raynaud, F.I. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2021). Into Deep Water: Optimizing BCL6 Inhibitors by Growing into a Solvated Pocket. J med chem, Vol.64 (23), pp. 17079-17097.  show abstract  full text

Wilding, B. Pasqua, A.E. E A Chessum, N. Pierrat, O.A. Hahner, T. Tomlin, K. Shehu, E. Burke, R. Richards, G.M. Whitton, B. Arwert, E.N. Thapaliya, A. Salimraj, R. van Montfort, R. Skawinska, A. Hayes, A. Raynaud, F. Chopra, R. Jones, K. Newton, G. Cheeseman, M.D. (2021). Investigating the phosphinic acid tripeptide mimetic DG013A as a tool compound inhibitor of the M1-aminopeptidase ERAP1. Bioorg med chem lett, Vol.42, p. 128050.  show abstract  full text

Tanaka, T. Thomas, J. Van Montfort, R. Miller, A. Rabbitts, T. (2021). Pan RAS-binding compounds selected from a chemical library by inhibiting interaction between RAS and a reduced affinity intracellular antibody. Sci rep, Vol.11 (1), p. 1712.  show abstract  full text

Bellenie, B.R. Cheung, K.-. Varela, A. Pierrat, O.A. Collie, G.W. Box, G.M. Bright, M.D. Gowan, S. Hayes, A. Rodrigues, M.J. Shetty, K.N. Carter, M. Davis, O.A. Henley, A.T. Innocenti, P. Johnson, L.D. Liu, M. de Klerk, S. Le Bihan, Y.-. Lloyd, M.G. McAndrew, P.C. Shehu, E. Talbot, R. Woodward, H.L. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Hoelder, S. (2020). Achieving In Vivo Target Depletion through the Discovery and Optimization of Benzimidazolone BCL6 Degraders. J med chem, Vol.63 (8), pp. 4047-4068.  show abstract  full text

Le Bihan, Y.-. Lanigan, R.M. Atrash, B. McLaughlin, M.G. Velupillai, S. Malcolm, A.G. England, K.S. Ruda, G.F. Mok, N.Y. Tumber, A. Tomlin, K. Saville, H. Shehu, E. McAndrew, C. Carmichael, L. Bennett, J.M. Jeganathan, F. Eve, P. Donovan, A. Hayes, A. Wood, F. Raynaud, F.I. Fedorov, O. Brennan, P.E. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Rossanese, O.W. Blagg, J. Bavetsias, V. (2019). C8-substituted pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones: Studies towards the identification of potent, cell penetrant Jumonji C domain containing histone lysine demethylase 4 subfamily (KDM4) inhibitors, compound profiling in cell-based target engagement assays. Eur j med chem, Vol.177, pp. 316-337.  show abstract  full text

Clarke, P.A. Roe, T. Swabey, K. Hobbs, S.M. McAndrew, C. Tomlin, K. Westwood, I. Burke, R. van Montfort, R. Workman, P. (2019). Dissecting mechanisms of resistance to targeted drug combination therapy in human colorectal cancer. Oncogene, Vol.38 (25), pp. 5076-5090.  show abstract  full text

Anderhub, S.J. Mak, G.W. Gurden, M.D. Faisal, A. Drosopoulos, K. Walsh, K. Woodward, H.L. Innocenti, P. Westwood, I.M. Naud, S. Hayes, A. Theofani, E. Filosto, S. Saville, H. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Blagg, J. Hoelder, S. Eccles, S.A. Linardopoulos, S. (2019). High Proliferation Rate and a Compromised Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Confers Sensitivity to the MPS1 Inhibitor BOS172722 in Triple-Negative Breast Cancers. Mol cancer ther, Vol.18 (10), pp. 1696-1707.  show abstract  full text

Felisberto-Rodrigues, C. Thomas, J.C. McAndrew, C. Le Bihan, Y.-. Burke, R. Workman, P. van Montfort, R.L. (2019). Structural and functional characterisation of human RNA helicase DHX8 provides insights into the mechanism of RNA-stimulated ADP release. Biochem j, Vol.476 (18), pp. 2521-2543.  show abstract  full text

Meyers, J. Chessum, N.E. Ali, S. Mok, N.Y. Wilding, B. Pasqua, A.E. Rowlands, M. Tucker, M.J. Evans, L.E. Rye, C.S. O'Fee, L. Le Bihan, Y.-. Burke, R. Carter, M. Workman, P. Blagg, J. Brown, N. van Montfort, R.L. Jones, K. Cheeseman, M.D. (2018). Privileged Structures and Polypharmacology within and between Protein Families. Acs med chem lett, Vol.9 (12), pp. 1199-1204.  show abstract  full text

Fearon, D. Westwood, I.M. van Montfort, R.L. Bayliss, R. Jones, K. Bavetsias, V. (2018). Synthesis and profiling of a 3-aminopyridin-2-one-based kinase targeted fragment library: Identification of 3-amino-5-(pyridin-4-yl)pyridin-2(1H)-one scaffold for monopolar spindle 1 (MPS1) and Aurora kinases inhibition. Bioorg med chem, Vol.26 (11), pp. 3021-3029.  show abstract  full text

Liu, M. Mallinger, A. Tortorici, M. Newbatt, Y. Richards, M. Mirza, A. van Montfort, R.L. Burke, R. Blagg, J. Kaserer, T. (2018). Evaluation of APOBEC3B Recognition Motifs by NMR Reveals Preferred Substrates. Acs chem biol, Vol.13 (9), pp. 2427-2432.  show abstract  full text

Woodward, H.L. Innocenti, P. Cheung, K.-. Hayes, A. Roberts, J. Henley, A.T. Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Box, G. Westwood, I.M. Cronin, N. Carter, M. Valenti, M. De Haven Brandon, A. O'Fee, L. Saville, H. Schmitt, J. Burke, R. Broccatelli, F. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Linardopoulos, S. Blagg, J. Hoelder, S. (2018). Introduction of a Methyl Group Curbs Metabolism of Pyrido[3,4- d]pyrimidine Monopolar Spindle 1 (MPS1) Inhibitors and Enables the Discovery of the Phase 1 Clinical Candidate N2-(2-Ethoxy-4-(4-methyl-4 H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-methyl- N8-neopentylpyrido[3,4- d]pyrimidine-2,8-diamine (BOS172722). J med chem, Vol.61 (18), pp. 8226-8240.  show abstract

van Montfort, R.L. Workman, P. (2017). Structure-based drug design: aiming for a perfect fit. Essays biochem, Vol.61 (5), pp. 431-437.  show abstract  full text

Cheeseman, M.D. Chessum, N.E. Rye, C.S. Pasqua, A.E. Tucker, M.J. Wilding, B. Evans, L.E. Lepri, S. Richards, M. Sharp, S.Y. Ali, S. Rowlands, M. O'Fee, L. Miah, A. Hayes, A. Henley, A.T. Powers, M. Te Poele, R. De Billy, E. Pellegrino, L. Raynaud, F. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Eccles, S.A. Workman, P. Jones, K. (2017). Discovery of a Chemical Probe Bisamide (CCT251236): An Orally Bioavailable Efficacious Pirin Ligand from a Heat Shock Transcription Factor 1 (HSF1) Phenotypic Screen. J med chem, Vol.60 (1), pp. 180-201.  show abstract  full text

McGrath, S. Tortorici, M. Drouin, L. Solanki, S. Vidler, L. Westwood, I. Gimeson, P. Van Montfort, R. Hoelder, S. (2017). Structure-Enabled Discovery of a Stapled Peptide Inhibitor to Target the Oncogenic Transcriptional Repressor TLE1. Chemistry, Vol.23 (40), pp. 9577-9584.  show abstract  full text

Pettinger, J. Le Bihan, Y.-. Widya, M. van Montfort, R.L. Jones, K. Cheeseman, M.D. (2017). An Irreversible Inhibitor of HSP72 that Unexpectedly Targets Lysine-56. Angew chem int ed engl, Vol.56 (13), pp. 3536-3540.  show abstract  full text

Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Gurden, M.D. Xavier, C.P. Anderhub, S.J. Innocenti, P. Westwood, I.M. Naud, S. Hayes, A. Box, G. Valenti, M.R. De Haven Brandon, A.K. O'Fee, L. Schmitt, J. Woodward, H.L. Burke, R. vanMontfort, R.L. Blagg, J. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Hoelder, S. Linardopoulos, S. (2017). Characterisation of CCT271850, a selective, oral and potent MPS1 inhibitor, used to directly measure in vivo MPS1 inhibition vs therapeutic efficacy. Br j cancer, Vol.116 (9), pp. 1166-1176.  show abstract  full text

Jones, A.M. Westwood, I.M. Osborne, J.D. Matthews, T.P. Cheeseman, M.D. Rowlands, M.G. Jeganathan, F. Burke, R. Lee, D. Kadi, N. Liu, M. Richards, M. McAndrew, C. Yahya, N. Dobson, S.E. Jones, K. Workman, P. Collins, I. van Montfort, R.L. (2016). A fragment-based approach applied to a highly flexible target: Insights and challenges towards the inhibition of HSP70 isoforms. Sci rep, Vol.6, p. 34701.  show abstract  full text

Osborne, J.D. Matthews, T.P. McHardy, T. Proisy, N. Cheung, K.-. Lainchbury, M. Brown, N. Walton, M.I. Eve, P.D. Boxall, K.J. Hayes, A. Henley, A.T. Valenti, M.R. De Haven Brandon, A.K. Box, G. Jamin, Y. Robinson, S.P. Westwood, I.M. van Montfort, R.L. Leonard, P.M. Lamers, M.B. Reader, J.C. Aherne, G.W. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Garrett, M.D. Collins, I. (2016). Multiparameter Lead Optimization to Give an Oral Checkpoint Kinase 1 (CHK1) Inhibitor Clinical Candidate: (R)-5-((4-((Morpholin-2-ylmethyl)amino)-5-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2-yl)amino)pyrazine-2-carbonitrile (CCT245737). J med chem, Vol.59 (11), pp. 5221-5237.  show abstract  full text

Rankin, S.S. Caldwell, J.J. Cronin, N.B. van Montfort, R.L. Collins, I. (2016). Synthesis of a Ribose-Incorporating Medium Ring Scaffold via a Challenging Ring-Closing Metathesis Reaction. European j org chem, Vol.2016 (26), pp. 4496-4507.  show abstract  full text

Tisi, D. Chiarparin, E. Tamanini, E. Pathuri, P. Coyle, J.E. Hold, A. Holding, F.P. Amin, N. Martin, A.C. Rich, S.J. Berdini, V. Yon, J. Acklam, P. Burke, R. Drouin, L. Harmer, J.E. Jeganathan, F. van Montfort, R.L. Newbatt, Y. Tortorici, M. Westlake, M. Wood, A. Hoelder, S. Heightman, T.D. (2016). Structure of the Epigenetic Oncogene MMSET and Inhibition by N-Alkyl Sinefungin Derivatives. Acs chem biol, Vol.11 (11), pp. 3093-3105.  show abstract

Bavetsias, V. Lanigan, R.M. Ruda, G.F. Atrash, B. McLaughlin, M.G. Tumber, A. Mok, N.Y. Le Bihan, Y.-. Dempster, S. Boxall, K.J. Jeganathan, F. Hatch, S.B. Savitsky, P. Velupillai, S. Krojer, T. England, K.S. Sejberg, J. Thai, C. Donovan, A. Pal, A. Scozzafava, G. Bennett, J.M. Kawamura, A. Johansson, C. Szykowska, A. Gileadi, C. Burgess-Brown, N.A. von Delft, F. Oppermann, U. Walters, Z. Shipley, J. Raynaud, F.I. Westaway, S.M. Prinjha, R.K. Fedorov, O. Burke, R. Schofield, C.J. Westwood, I.M. Bountra, C. Müller, S. van Montfort, R.L. Brennan, P.E. Blagg, J. (2016). 8-Substituted Pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one Derivatives As Potent, Cell Permeable, KDM4 (JMJD2) and KDM5 (JARID1) Histone Lysine Demethylase Inhibitors. J med chem, Vol.59 (4), pp. 1388-1409.  show abstract  full text

Cheeseman, M.D. Westwood, I.M. Barbeau, O. Rowlands, M. Dobson, S. Jones, A.M. Jeganathan, F. Burke, R. Kadi, N. Workman, P. Collins, I. van Montfort, R.L. Jones, K. (2016). Exploiting Protein Conformational Change to Optimize Adenosine-Derived Inhibitors of HSP70. J med chem, Vol.59 (10), pp. 4625-4636.  show abstract  full text

Innocenti, P. Woodward, H.L. Solanki, S. Naud, S. Westwood, I.M. Cronin, N. Hayes, A. Roberts, J. Henley, A.T. Baker, R. Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Box, G. Valenti, M. De Haven Brandon, A. O'Fee, L. Saville, H. Schmitt, J. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Linardopoulos, S. Blagg, J. Hoelder, S. (2016). Rapid Discovery of Pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidine Inhibitors of Monopolar Spindle Kinase 1 (MPS1) Using a Structure-Based Hybridization Approach. J med chem, Vol.59 (8), pp. 3671-3688.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Tatton-Brown, K. Clarke, M. Westwood, I. Renwick, A. Ramsay, E. Nemeth, A. Campbell, J. Joss, S. Gardner, M. Zachariou, A. Elliott, A. Ruark, E. van Montfort, R. Childhood Overgrowth Collaboration, Rahman, N. (2015). Mutations in the PP2A regulatory subunit B family genes PPP2R5B, PPP2R5C and PPP2R5D cause human overgrowth. Hum mol genet, Vol.24 (17), pp. 4775-4779.  show abstract  full text

Gurden, M.D. Westwood, I.M. Faisal, A. Naud, S. Cheung, K.-. McAndrew, C. Wood, A. Schmitt, J. Boxall, K. Mak, G. Workman, P. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Blagg, J. Van Montfort, R.L. Linardopoulos, S. (2015). Naturally Occurring Mutations in the MPS1 Gene Predispose Cells to Kinase Inhibitor Drug Resistance. Cancer res, Vol.75 (16), pp. 3340-3354.  show abstract

Cheeseman, M.D. Faisal, A. Rayter, S. Barbeau, O.R. Kalusa, A. Westlake, M. Burke, R. Swan, M. van Montfort, R. Linardopoulos, S. Jones, K. (2014). Targeting the PPM1D phenotype; 2,4-bisarylthiazoles cause highly selective apoptosis in PPM1D amplified cell-lines. Bioorg med chem lett, Vol.24 (15), pp. 3469-3474.  show abstract

Tatton-Brown, K. Seal, S. Ruark, E. Harmer, J. Ramsay, E. Del Vecchio Duarte, S. Zachariou, A. Hanks, S. O'Brien, E. Aksglaede, L. Baralle, D. Dabir, T. Gener, B. Goudie, D. Homfray, T. Kumar, A. Pilz, D.T. Selicorni, A. Temple, I.K. Van Maldergem, L. Yachelevich, N. Childhood Overgrowth Consortium, van Montfort, R. Rahman, N. (2014). Mutations in the DNA methyltransferase gene DNMT3A cause an overgrowth syndrome with intellectual disability. Nat genet, Vol.46 (4), pp. 385-388.  show abstract  full text

Workman, P. van Montfort, R. (2014). EML4-ALK fusions: propelling cancer but creating exploitable chaperone dependence. Cancer discov, Vol.4 (6), pp. 642-645.  show abstract

Newbatt, Y. Hardcastle, A. McAndrew, P.C. Strover, J.A. Mirza, A. Morgan, G.J. Burke, R. Davies, F.E. Collins, I. van Montfort, R.L. (2013). Identification of autophosphorylation inhibitors of the inositol-requiring enzyme 1 alpha (IRE1α) by high-throughput screening using a DELFIA assay. J biomol screen, Vol.18 (3), pp. 298-308.  show abstract

Allen, C.E. Chow, C.L. Caldwell, J.J. Westwood, I.M. van Montfort, R.L. Collins, I. (2013). Synthesis and evaluation of heteroaryl substituted diazaspirocycles as scaffolds to probe the ATP-binding site of protein kinases. Bioorg med chem, Vol.21 (18), pp. 5707-5724.  show abstract

Langdon, S.R. Westwood, I.M. van Montfort, R.L. Brown, N. Blagg, J. (2013). Scaffold-focused virtual screening: prospective application to the discovery of TTK inhibitors. J chem inf model, Vol.53 (5), pp. 1100-1112.  show abstract

Couty, S. Westwood, I.M. Kalusa, A. Cano, C. Travers, J. Boxall, K. Chow, C.L. Burns, S. Schmitt, J. Pickard, L. Barillari, C. McAndrew, P.C. Clarke, P.A. Linardopoulos, S. Griffin, R.J. Aherne, G.W. Raynaud, F.I. Workman, P. Jones, K. Van Montfort, R.L. (2013). The discovery of potent ribosomal S6 kinase inhibitors by high-throughput screening and structure-guided drug design. Oncotarget, Vol.4, pp. 1-15.  show abstract  full text

Silva-Santisteban, M.C. Westwood, I.M. Boxall, K. Brown, N. Peacock, S. McAndrew, C. Barrie, E. Richards, M. Mirza, A. Oliver, A.W. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Jones, K. Aherne, G.W. Blagg, J. Collins, I. Garrett, M.D. van Montfort, R.L. (2013). Fragment-based screening maps inhibitor interactions in the ATP-binding site of checkpoint kinase 2. Plos one, Vol.8 (6), p. e65689.  show abstract

Naud, S. Westwood, I.M. Faisal, A. Sheldrake, P. Bavetsias, V. Atrash, B. Cheung, K.M. Liu, M. Hayes, A. Schmitt, J. Wood, A. Choi, V. Boxall, K. Mak, G. Gurden, M. Valenti, M. de Haven Brandon, A. Henley, A. Baker, R. McAndrew, C. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Eccles, S.A. Raynaud, F.I. Linardopoulos, S. Van Montfort, R.L. Blagg, J. (2013). Structure-based design of orally bioavailable 1H-pyrrolo[3,2-c]pyridine inhibitors of the mitotic kinase monopolar spindle 1 (MPS1). J med chem, Vol.56, pp. 10045-10065.

Matijssen, C. Silva-Santisteban, M.C. Westwood, I.M. Siddique, S. Choi, V. Sheldrake, P. van Montfort, R.L. Blagg, J. (2012). Benzimidazole inhibitors of the protein kinase CHK2: clarification of the binding mode by flexible side chain docking and protein-ligand crystallography. Bioorg med chem, Vol.20 (22), pp. 6630-6639.  show abstract

Faisal, A. Naud, S. Schmitt, J. Westwood, I. Hayes, A. Gurden, M. Bavetsias, V. Berry, T. Mak, G. Innocenti, P. Cheung, J. Sheldrake, P. Atrash, B. Sun, C. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. Baker, R. McAndrew, C. Rowlands, M. Workman, P. Eccles, S.A. Hoelder, S. Raynaud, F.I. vanMontfort, R. Biagg, J. Linardopoulos, S. (2012). Characterisation of CCT251455, a novel, selective and highly potent Mps1 kinase inhibitor. Cancer research, Vol.72.

Barillari, C. Duncan, A.L. Westwood, I.M. Blagg, J. van Montfort, R.L. (2011). Analysis of water patterns in protein kinase binding sites. Proteins, Vol.79 (7), pp. 2109-2121.  show abstract

Reader, J.C. Matthews, T.P. Klair, S. Cheung, K.-. Scanlon, J. Proisy, N. Addison, G. Ellard, J. Piton, N. Taylor, S. Cherry, M. Fisher, M. Boxall, K. Burns, S. Walton, M.I. Westwood, I.M. Hayes, A. Eve, P. Valenti, M. de Haven Brandon, A. Box, G. van Montfort, R.L. Williams, D.H. Aherne, G.W. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Garrett, M.D. Collins, I. (2011). Structure-guided evolution of potent and selective CHK1 inhibitors through scaffold morphing. J med chem, Vol.54 (24), pp. 8328-8342.  show abstract

Solanki, S. Innocenti, P. Mas-Droux, C. Boxall, K. Barillari, C. van Montfort, R.L. Aherne, G.W. Bayliss, R. Hoelder, S. (2011). Benzimidazole inhibitors induce a DFG-out conformation of never in mitosis gene A-related kinase 2 (Nek2) without binding to the back pocket and reveal a nonlinear structure-activity relationship. J med chem, Vol.54 (6), pp. 1626-1639.  show abstract

Workman, P. van Montfort, R.L. (2010). PI(3) KINASES Revealing the delta lady. Nat chem biol, Vol.6 (2), pp. 82-83.

Whelligan, D.K. Solanki, S. Taylor, D. Thomson, D.W. Cheung, K.-. Boxall, K. Mas-Droux, C. Barillari, C. Burns, S. Grummitt, C.G. Collins, I. van Montfort, R.L. Aherne, G.W. Bayliss, R. Hoelder, S. (2010). Aminopyrazine inhibitors binding to an unusual inactive conformation of the mitotic kinase Nek2: SAR and structural characterization. J med chem, Vol.53 (21), pp. 7682-7698.  show abstract

Powers, M.V. Jones, K. Barillari, C. Westwood, I. van Montfort, R.L. Workman, P. (2010). Targeting HSP70: The second potentially druggable heat shock protein and molecular chaperone?. Cell cycle, Vol.9 (8).  show abstract

Workman, P. Clarke, P.A. Raynaud, F.I. van Montfort, R.L. (2010). Drugging the PI3 kinome: from chemical tools to drugs in the clinic. Cancer res, Vol.70 (6), pp. 2146-2157.  show abstract

Matthews, T.P. McHardy, T. Klair, S. Boxall, K. Fisher, M. Cherry, M. Allen, C.E. Addison, G.J. Ellard, J. Aherne, G.W. Westwood, I.M. van Montfort, R. Garrett, M.D. Reader, J.C. Collins, I. (2010). Design and evaluation of 3,6-di(hetero)aryl imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazines as inhibitors of checkpoint and other kinases. Bioorg med chem lett, Vol.20 (14), pp. 4045-4049.  show abstract

Workman, P. van Montfort, R.L. (2010). Unveiling the secrets of the ancestral PI3 kinase Vps34. Cancer cell, Vol.17 (5), pp. 421-423.  show abstract

van Montfort, R.L. Collins, I. (2009). Fragment-Based Methods in Drug Discovery: It's the Small Things that Matter. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, Vol.9 (18), pp. 1676-2.

van Montfort, R.L. Workman, P. (2009). Structure-based design of molecular cancer therapeutics. Trends biotechnol, Vol.27 (5), pp. 315-328.  show abstract

Matthews, T.P. Klair, S. Burns, S. Boxall, K. Cherry, M. Fisher, M. Westwood, I.M. Walton, M.I. McHardy, T. Cheung, K.-. Van Montfort, R. Williams, D. Aherne, G.W. Garrett, M.D. Reader, J. Collins, I. (2009). Identification of inhibitors of checkpoint kinase 1 through template screening. J med chem, Vol.52 (15), pp. 4810-4819.  show abstract

Westwood, I. Cheary, D.-. Baxter, J.E. Richards, M.W. van Montfort, R.L. Fry, A.M. Bayliss, R. (2009). Insights into the conformational variability and regulation of human Nek2 kinase. J mol biol, Vol.386 (2), pp. 476-485.  show abstract

Howard, N. Abell, C. Blakemore, W. Chessari, G. Congreve, M. Howard, S. Jhoti, H. Murray, C.W. Seavers, L.C. van Montfort, R.L. (2006). Application of fragment screening and fragment linking to the discovery of novel thrombin inhibitors. J med chem, Vol.49 (4), pp. 1346-1355.  show abstract

Van Montfort, R.L. Bateman, O.A. Lubsen, N.H. Slingsby, C. (2003). Crystal structure of truncated human beta B1-crystallin. Protein sci, Vol.12 (11), pp. 2606-2612.  show abstract  full text

van Montfort, R.L. Congreve, M. Tisi, D. Carr, R. Jhoti, H. (2003). Oxidation state of the active-site cysteine in protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B. Nature, Vol.423 (6941), pp. 773-777.  show abstract

Bateman, O.A. Purkiss, A.G. van Montfort, R. Slingsby, C. Graham, C. Wistow, G. (2003). Crystal structure of eta-crystallin: adaptation of a class 1 aldehyde dehydrogenase for a new role in the eye lens. Biochemistry, Vol.42 (15), pp. 4349-4356.  show abstract

van Montfort, R.L. Basha, E. Friedrich, K.L. Slingsby, C. Vierling, E. (2001). Crystal structure and assembly of a eukaryotic small heat shock protein. Nat struct biol, Vol.8 (12), pp. 1025-1030.

Van Montfort, R. Slingsby, C. Vierling, E. (2001). Structure and function of the small heat shock protein/alpha-crystallin family of molecular chaperones. Adv protein chem, Vol.59, pp. 105-156.

Van Montfort, R.L. Dijkstra, B.W. (1998). The functional importance of structural differences between the mannitol-specific IIA(mannitol) and the regulatory IIA(nitrogen). Protein sci, Vol.7 (10), pp. 2210-2216.  show abstract  full text

van Montfort, R.L. Pijning, T. Kalk, K.H. Hangyi, I. Kouwijzer, M.L. Robillard, G.T. Dijkstra, B.W. (1998). The structure of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase IIA(mannitol) reveals a novel fold with two conformations of the active site. Structure, Vol.6 (3), pp. 377-388.  show abstract

vanMontfort, R.L. Pijning, T. Kalk, K.H. Reizer, J. Saier, M.H. Thunnissen, M.M. Robillard, G.T. Dijkstra, B.W. (1997). The structure of an energy-coupling protein from bacteria, IIBcellobiose, reveals similarity to eukaryotic protein tyrosine phosphatases. Structure, Vol.5 (2), pp. 217-225.  show abstract

Dijkstra, B.W. vanMontfort, R.L. (1996). Structure and function of PEP-dependent sugar transport systems. Prog biophys mol bio, Vol.65, pp. SA103-SA103.


Lawson, C.L. van Montfort, R. Strokopytov, B. Rozeboom, H.J. Kalk, K.H. de Vries, G.E. Penninga, D. Dijkhuizen, L. Dijkstra, B.W. (1994). Nucleotide sequence and X-ray structure of cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase from Bacillus circulans strain 251 in a maltose-dependent crystal form. J mol biol, Vol.236 (2), pp. 590-600.  show abstract
