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Let’s finish cancer: Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery

We have completed work on our new state-of-the-art drug discovery centre to create more and better drugs for cancer patients, and it is now open. 

The centre hosts the world’s first ‘Darwinian’ drug discovery programme, designed to tackle cancer’s lethal ability to evolve resistance to treatment. Here, we aim to develop a new generation of drugs that will make the difference to the lives of millions of people with cancer.

We still need your support to help finish equipping the centre and to continue to fund the exciting work that is now taking place within the building. 

Please make a donation to the Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery, or to find out more about how you could support this new Centre, please contact Hannah Joyce in the philanthropy team.

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Take a tour of the new Centre with Professor Andrea Sottoriva and Dr Olivia Rossanese.

patient-and-clinician_NEWS: Promising trial results for new targeted drug co-discovered by the ICR

The drug capivasertib combined with hormone therapy has shown ‘remarkable’ benefits for patients with advanced breast cancer in a major phase III clinical trial.

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VIDEO: Thank you

We are grateful to all of our supporters and donors who have helped make the vision for our new Centre a reality. We could not have created this unique facility without your support. Thank you.

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Meet key researchers in the centre

Learn about the pioneering work of some our leading researchers who will be working in the new Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery.

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VIDEOS: Our story of discovery

This new building will provide new hope of finding the genuinely innovative new drugs that are so urgently needed to meet the greatest challenge in cancer treatment today – cancer drug resistance.

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Transforming cancer patients' lives

Our pioneering drug discovery research is transforming the lives of cancer patients across the world, helping many live free of cancer and giving them precious time with their loved ones.

Hear their stories

Support the Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery

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