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Journal Articles

De Salvo, G.L. Del Bianco, P. Minard-Colin, V. Chisholm, J. Jenney, M. Guillen, G. Devalck, C. Van Rijn, R. Shipley, J. Orbach, D. Kelsey, A. Rogers, T. Guerin, F. Scarzello, G. Ferrari, A. Cesen Mazic, M. Merks, J.H. Bisogno, G. European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group, (2024). Reappraisal of prognostic factors used in the European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group RMS 2005 study for localized rhabdomyosarcoma to optimize risk stratification and generate a prognostic nomogram. Cancer, Vol.130 (13), pp. 2351-2360.  show abstract  full text

Picher, E.A. Wahajuddin, M. Barth, S. Chisholm, J. Shipley, J. Pors, K. (2024). The Capacity of Drug-Metabolising Enzymes in Modulating the Therapeutic Efficacy of Drugs to Treat Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (5).  show abstract  full text

Chisholm, J. Mandeville, H. Adams, M. Minard-Collin, V. Rogers, T. Kelsey, A. Shipley, J. van Rijn, R.R. de Vries, I. van Ewijk, R. de Keizer, B. Gatz, S.A. Casanova, M. Hjalgrim, L.L. Firth, C. Wheatley, K. Kearns, P. Liu, W. Kirkham, A. Rees, H. Bisogno, G. Wasti, A. Wakeling, S. Heenen, D. Tweddle, D.A. Merks, J.H. Jenney, M. (2024). Frontline and Relapsed Rhabdomyosarcoma (FAR-RMS) Clinical Trial: A Report from the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (5).  show abstract  full text

Evans, R.J. Perkins, D.W. Selfe, J. Kelsey, A. Birch, G.P. Shipley, J.M. Schipper, K. Isacke, C.M. (2023). Endo180 (MRC2) Antibody-Drug Conjugate for the Treatment of Sarcoma. Mol cancer ther, Vol.22 (2), pp. 240-253.  show abstract  full text

Lak, N.S. van Zogchel, L.M. Zappeij-Kannegieter, L. Javadi, A. van Paemel, R. Vandeputte, C. De Preter, K. De Wilde, B. Chicard, M. Iddir, Y. Schleiermacher, G. Ruhen, O. Shipley, J. Fiocco, M. Merks, J.H. van Noesel, M.M. van der Schoot, C.E. Tytgat, G.A. Stutterheim, J. (2023). Cell-Free DNA as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker in Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma. Jco precis oncol, Vol.7, p. e2200113.  show abstract  full text

Pomella, S. Cassandri, M. D'Archivio, L. Porrazzo, A. Cossetti, C. Phelps, D. Perrone, C. Pezzella, M. Cardinale, A. Wachtel, M. Aloisi, S. Milewski, D. Colletti, M. Sreenivas, P. Walters, Z.S. Barillari, G. Di Giannatale, A. Milano, G.M. De Stefanis, C. Alaggio, R. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, S. Carlesso, N. Vakoc, C.R. Velardi, E. Schafer, B.W. Guccione, E. Gatz, S.A. Wasti, A. Yohe, M. Ignatius, M. Quintarelli, C. Shipley, J. Miele, L. Khan, J. Houghton, P.J. Marampon, F. Gryder, B.E. De Angelis, B. Locatelli, F. Rota, R. (2023). MYOD-SKP2 axis boosts tumorigenesis in fusion negative rhabdomyosarcoma by preventing differentiation through p57Kip2 targeting. Nat commun, Vol.14 (1), p. 8373.  show abstract  full text

O'Brien, E. Tse, C. Tracy, I. Reddin, I. Selfe, J. Gibson, J. Tapper, W. Pengelly, R.J. Gao, J. Aladowicz, E. Petts, G. Thway, K. Popov, S. Kelsey, A. Underwood, T.J. Shipley, J. Walters, Z.S. (2023). Pharmacological EZH2 inhibition combined with retinoic acid treatment promotes differentiation and apoptosis in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Clin epigenetics, Vol.15 (1), p. 167.  show abstract

Milton, C.I. Selfe, J. Aladowicz, E. Man, S.Y. Bernauer, C. Missiaglia, E. Walters, Z.S. Gatz, S.A. Kelsey, A. Generali, M. Box, G. Valenti, M. de Haven-Brandon, A. Galiwango, D. Hayes, A. Clarke, M. Izquierdo, E. Gonzalez De Castro, D. Raynaud, F.I. Kirkin, V. Shipley, J.M. (2022). FGF7-FGFR2 autocrine signaling increases growth and chemoresistance of fusion-positive rhabdomyosarcomas. Mol oncol, Vol.16 (6), pp. 1272-1289.  show abstract  full text

Hettmer, S. Linardic, C.M. Kelsey, A. Rudzinski, E.R. Vokuhl, C. Selfe, J. Ruhen, O. Shern, J.F. Khan, J. Kovach, A.R. Lupo, P.J. Gatz, S.A. Schäfer, B.W. Volchenboum, S. Minard-Colin, V. Koscielniak, E. Hawkins, D.S. Bisogno, G. Sparber-Sauer, M. Venkatramani, R. Merks, J.H. Shipley, J. (2022). Molecular testing of rhabdomyosarcoma in clinical trials to improve risk stratification and outcome: A consensus view from European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group, Children's Oncology Group and Cooperative Weichteilsarkom-Studiengruppe. Eur j cancer, Vol.172, pp. 367-386.  show abstract  full text

Ferrari, A. Gatz, S.A. Minard-Colin, V. Alaggio, R. Hovsepyan, S. Orbach, D. Gasparini, P. Defachelles, A.-. Casanova, M. Milano, G.M. Chisholm, J.C. Jenney, M. Bisogno, G. Rogers, T. Mandeville, H.C. Shipley, J. Miah, A.B. Merks, J.H. van der Graaf, W.T. (2022). Shedding a Light on the Challenges of Adolescents and Young Adults with Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.14 (24).  show abstract  full text

Ruhen, O. Lak, N.S. Stutterheim, J. Danielli, S.G. Chicard, M. Iddir, Y. Saint-Charles, A. Di Paolo, V. Tombolan, L. Gatz, S.A. Aladowicz, E. Proszek, P. Jamal, S. Stankunaite, R. Hughes, D. Carter, P. Izquierdo, E. Wasti, A. Chisholm, J.C. George, S.L. Pace, E. Chesler, L. Aerts, I. Pierron, G. Zaidi, S. Delattre, O. Surdez, D. Kelsey, A. Hubank, M. Bonvini, P. Bisogno, G. Di Giannatale, A. Schleiermacher, G. Schäfer, B.W. Tytgat, G.A. Shipley, J. (2022). Molecular Characterization of Circulating Tumor DNA in Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Feasibility Study. Jco precis oncol, Vol.6, p. e2100534.  show abstract  full text

Zhang, P. Kitchen-Smith, I. Xiong, L. Stracquadanio, G. Brown, K. Richter, P.H. Wallace, M.D. Bond, E. Sahgal, N. Moore, S. Nornes, S. De Val, S. Surakhy, M. Sims, D. Wang, X. Bell, D.A. Zeron-Medina, J. Jiang, Y. Ryan, A.J. Selfe, J.L. Shipley, J. Kar, S. Pharoah, P.D. Loveday, C. Jansen, R. Grochola, L.F. Palles, C. Protheroe, A. Millar, V. Ebner, D.V. Pagadala, M. Blagden, S.P. Maughan, T.S. Domingo, E. Tomlinson, I. Turnbull, C. Carter, H. Bond, G.L. (2021). Germline and Somatic Genetic Variants in the p53 Pathway Interact to Affect Cancer Risk, Progression, and Drug Response. Cancer res, Vol.81 (7), pp. 1667-1680.  show abstract  full text

Bernauer, C. Man, Y.K. Chisholm, J.C. Lepicard, E.Y. Robinson, S.P. Shipley, J.M. (2021). Hypoxia and its therapeutic possibilities in paediatric cancers. Br j cancer, Vol.124 (3), pp. 539-551.  show abstract  full text

Rudzinski, E.R. Kelsey, A. Vokuhl, C. Linardic, C.M. Shipley, J. Hettmer, S. Koscielniak, E. Hawkins, D.S. Bisogno, G. (2021). Pathology of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma: A consensus opinion document from the Children's Oncology Group, European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group, and the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.68 (3).

Walters, Z.S. Aladowicz, E. Villarejo-Balcells, B. Nugent, G. Selfe, J.L. Eve, P. Blagg, J. Rossanese, O. Shipley, J. (2021). Role for the Histone Demethylase KDM4B in Rhabdomyosarcoma via CDK6 and CCNA2: Compensation by KDM4A and Apoptotic Response of Targeting Both KDM4B and KDM4A. Cancers (basel), Vol.13 (7).  show abstract  full text

Glosli, H. Bisogno, G. Kelsey, A. Chisholm, J.C. Gaze, M. Kolb, F. McHugh, K. Shipley, J. Gallego, S. Merks, J.H. Smeele, L.E. Mandeville, H. Ferrari, A. Minard-Colin, V. Corradini, N. Jenney, M. Zanetti, I. De Salvo, G.L. Orbach, D. EpSSG members, (2021). Non-parameningeal head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma in children, adolescents, and young adults: Experience of the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) - RMS2005 study. Eur j cancer, Vol.151, pp. 84-93.  show abstract  full text

Shern, J.F. Selfe, J. Izquierdo, E. Patidar, R. Chou, H.-. Song, Y.K. Yohe, M.E. Sindiri, S. Wei, J. Wen, X. Rudzinski, E.R. Barkauskas, D.A. Lo, T. Hall, D. Linardic, C.M. Hughes, D. Jamal, S. Jenney, M. Chisholm, J. Brown, R. Jones, K. Hicks, B. Angelini, P. George, S. Chesler, L. Hubank, M. Kelsey, A. Gatz, S.A. Skapek, S.X. Hawkins, D.S. Shipley, J.M. Khan, J. (2021). Genomic Classification and Clinical Outcome in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report From an International Consortium. J clin oncol, Vol.39 (26), pp. 2859-2871.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Litchfield, K. Proszek, P.Z. Cornish, A.J. Santo, F. Levy, M. Macintyre, G. Holryod, A. Broderick, P. Dudakia, D. Benton, B. Bakir, M.A. Hiley, C. Grist, E. Swanton, C. Huddart, R. Powles, T. Chowdhury, S. Shipley, J. O'Connor, S. Brenton, J.D. Reid, A. de Castro, D.G. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2020). Genomic landscape of platinum resistant and sensitive testicular cancers. Nat commun, Vol.11 (1), p. 2189.  show abstract  full text

Loktev, A. Shipley, J.M. (2020). Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT): emerging therapeutic targets and future directions for potential therapies. Expert opin ther targets, Vol.24 (4), pp. 281-285.  full text

van Erp, A.E. van Houdt, L. Hillebrandt-Roeffen, M.H. van Bree, N.F. Flucke, U.E. Mentzel, T. Shipley, J. Desar, I.M. Fleuren, E.D. Versleijen-Jonkers, Y.M. van der Graaf, W.T. (2020). Olaparib and temozolomide in desmoplastic small round cell tumors: a promising combination in vitro and in vivo. J cancer res clin oncol, Vol.146 (7), pp. 1659-1670.  show abstract  full text

Figeac, N. Mohamed, A.D. Sun, C. Schönfelder, M. Matallanas, D. Garcia-Munoz, A. Missiaglia, E. Collie-Duguid, E. De Mello, V. Pobbati, A.V. Pruller, J. Jaka, O. Harridge, S.D. Hong, W. Shipley, J. Vargesson, N. Zammit, P.S. Wackerhage, H. (2019). VGLL3 operates via TEAD1, TEAD3 and TEAD4 to influence myogenesis in skeletal muscle. J cell sci, Vol.132 (13).  show abstract  full text

Selfe, J. Shipley, J.M. (2019). IGF signalling in germ cells and testicular germ cell tumours: roles and therapeutic approaches. Andrology, Vol.7 (4), pp. 536-544.  show abstract  full text

Romo-Morales, A. Aladowicz, E. Blagg, J. Gatz, S.A. Shipley, J.M. (2019). Catalytic inhibition of KDM1A in Ewing sarcoma is insufficient as a therapeutic strategy. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.66 (9), p. e27888.  show abstract  full text

George, S.L. Izquierdo, E. Campbell, J. Koutroumanidou, E. Proszek, P. Jamal, S. Hughes, D. Yuan, L. Marshall, L.V. Carceller, F. Chisholm, J.C. Vaidya, S. Mandeville, H. Angelini, P. Wasti, A. Bexelius, T. Thway, K. Gatz, S.A. Clarke, M. Al-Lazikani, B. Barone, G. Anderson, J. Tweddle, D.A. Gonzalez, D. Walker, B.A. Barton, J. Depani, S. Eze, J. Ahmed, S.W. Moreno, L. Pearson, A. Shipley, J. Jones, C. Hargrave, D. Jacques, T.S. Hubank, M. Chesler, L. (2019). A tailored molecular profiling programme for children with cancer to identify clinically actionable genetic alterations. Eur j cancer, Vol.121, pp. 224-235.  show abstract  full text

Gatz, S.A. Aladowicz, E. Casanova, M. Chisholm, J.C. Kearns, P.R. Fulda, S. Geoerger, B. Schäfer, B.W. Shipley, J.M. (2019). A Perspective on Polo-Like Kinase-1 Inhibition for the Treatment of Rhabdomyosarcomas. Front oncol, Vol.9, p. 1271.  show abstract  full text

Hale, R. Sandakly, S. Shipley, J. Walters, Z. (2019). Epigenetic Targets in Synovial Sarcoma: A Mini-Review. Front oncol, Vol.9, p. 1078.  show abstract

Gallego, S. Zanetti, I. Orbach, D. Ranchère, D. Shipley, J. Zin, A. Bergeron, C. de Salvo, G.L. Chisholm, J. Ferrari, A. Jenney, M. Mandeville, H.C. Rogers, T. Merks, J.H. Mudry, P. Glosli, H. Milano, G.M. Ferman, S. Bisogno, G. European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG), (2018). Fusion status in patients with lymph node-positive (N1) alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is a powerful predictor of prognosis: Experience of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). Cancer, Vol.124 (15), pp. 3201-3209.  show abstract

Selfe, J. Goddard, N.C. McIntyre, A. Taylor, K.R. Renshaw, J. Popov, S.D. Thway, K. Summersgill, B. Huddart, R.A. Gilbert, D.C. Shipley, J.M. (2018). IGF1R signalling in testicular germ cell tumour cells impacts on cell survival and acquired cisplatin resistance. J pathol, Vol.244 (2), pp. 242-253.  show abstract  full text

Bisogno, G. Jenney, M. Bergeron, C. Gallego Melcón, S. Ferrari, A. Oberlin, O. Carli, M. Stevens, M. Kelsey, A. De Paoli, A. Gaze, M.N. Martelli, H. Devalck, C. Merks, J.H. Ben-Arush, M. Glosli, H. Chisholm, J. Orbach, D. Minard-Colin, V. De Salvo, G.L. European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group, (2018). Addition of dose-intensified doxorubicin to standard chemotherapy for rhabdomyosarcoma (EpSSG RMS 2005): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet oncol, Vol.19 (8), pp. 1061-1071.  show abstract  full text

Holme, H. Gulati, A. Brough, R. Fleuren, E.D. Bajrami, I. Campbell, J. Chong, I.Y. Costa-Cabral, S. Elliott, R. Fenton, T. Frankum, J. Jones, S.E. Menon, M. Miller, R. Pemberton, H.N. Postel-Vinay, S. Rafiq, R. Selfe, J.L. von Kriegsheim, A. Munoz, A.G. Rodriguez, J. Shipley, J. van der Graaf, W.T. Williamson, C.T. Ryan, C.J. Pettitt, S. Ashworth, A. Strauss, S.J. Lord, C.J. (2018). Chemosensitivity profiling of osteosarcoma tumour cell lines identifies a model of BRCAness. Sci rep, Vol.8 (1), p. 10614.  show abstract  full text

O'Brien, E.M. Selfe, J.L. Martins, A.S. Walters, Z.S. Shipley, J.M. (2018). The long non-coding RNA MYCNOS-01 regulates MYCN protein levels and affects growth of MYCN-amplified rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma cells. Bmc cancer, Vol.18 (1), p. 217.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Orlando, G. Loveday, C. Law, P.J. Migliorini, G. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Karlsson, R. Haugen, T.B. Kristiansen, W. Nsengimana, J. Fenwick, K. Assiotis, I. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration, PRACTICAL Consortium, Bishop, D.T. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2017). Identification of 19 new risk loci and potential regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to testicular germ cell tumor. Nat genet, Vol.49 (7), pp. 1133-1140.  show abstract  full text

Selfe, J. Olmos, D. Al-Saadi, R. Thway, K. Chisholm, J. Kelsey, A. Shipley, J. (2017). Impact of fusion gene status versus histology on risk-stratification for rhabdomyosarcoma: Retrospective analyses of patients on UK trials. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.64 (7).  show abstract  full text

van Erp, A.E. Versleijen-Jonkers, Y.M. Hillebrandt-Roeffen, M.H. van Houdt, L. Gorris, M.A. van Dam, L.S. Mentzel, T. Weidema, M.E. Savci-Heijink, C.D. Desar, I.M. Merks, H.H. van Noesel, M.M. Shipley, J. van der Graaf, W.T. Flucke, U.E. Meyer-Wentrup, F.A. (2017). Expression and clinical association of programmed cell death-1, programmed death-ligand-1 and CD8+ lymphocytes in primary sarcomas is subtype dependent. Oncotarget, .  show abstract  full text

Jones, S.E. Fleuren, E.D. Frankum, J. Konde, A. Williamson, C.T. Krastev, D.B. Pemberton, H.N. Campbell, J. Gulati, A. Elliott, R. Menon, M. Selfe, J.L. Brough, R. Pettitt, S.J. Niedzwiedz, W. van der Graaf, W.T. Shipley, J. Ashworth, A. Lord, C.J. (2017). ATR Is a Therapeutic Target in Synovial Sarcoma. Cancer res, Vol.77 (24), pp. 7014-7026.  show abstract  full text

Izquierdo, E. Yuan, L. George, S. Hubank, M. Jones, C. Proszek, P. Shipley, J. Gatz, S.A. Stinson, C. Moore, A.S. Clifford, S.C. Hicks, D. Lindsey, J.C. Hill, R.M. Jacques, T.S. Chalker, J. Thway, K. O'Connor, S. Marshall, L. Moreno, L. Pearson, A. Chesler, L. Walker, B.A. De Castro, D.G. (2017). Development of a targeted sequencing approach to identify prognostic, predictive and diagnostic markers in paediatric solid tumours. Oncotarget, Vol.8 (67), pp. 112036-112050.  show abstract  full text

Missiaglia, E. Shepherd, C.J. Aladowicz, E. Olmos, D. Selfe, J. Pierron, G. Delattre, O. Walters, Z. Shipley, J. (2017). MicroRNA and gene co-expression networks characterize biological and clinical behavior of rhabdomyosarcomas. Cancer lett, Vol.385, pp. 251-260.  show abstract  full text

Gilbert, D.C. Al-Saadi, R. Thway, K. Chandler, I. Berney, D. Gabe, R. Stenning, S.P. Sweet, J. Huddart, R. Shipley, J.M. (2016). Defining a New Prognostic Index for Stage I Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors Using CXCL12 Expression and Proportion of Embryonal Carcinoma. Clin cancer res, Vol.22 (5), pp. 1265-1273.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. Turnbull, C. (2016). The genomic landscape of testicular germ cell tumours: from susceptibility to treatment. Nat rev urol, Vol.13 (7), pp. 409-419.  show abstract  full text

Thway, K. Robertson, D. Jones, R.L. Selfe, J. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. Isacke, C.M. (2016). Endosialin expression in soft tissue sarcoma as a potential marker of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. Br j cancer, Vol.115 (4), pp. 473-479.  show abstract  full text

Mohamed, A. Sun, C. De Mello, V. Selfe, J. Missiaglia, E. Shipley, J. Murray, G.I. Zammit, P.S. Wackerhage, H. (2016). The Hippo effector TAZ (WWTR1) transforms myoblasts and TAZ abundance is associated with reduced survival in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. J pathol, Vol.240 (1), pp. 3-14.  show abstract  full text

Bavetsias, V. Lanigan, R.M. Ruda, G.F. Atrash, B. McLaughlin, M.G. Tumber, A. Mok, N.Y. Le Bihan, Y.-. Dempster, S. Boxall, K.J. Jeganathan, F. Hatch, S.B. Savitsky, P. Velupillai, S. Krojer, T. England, K.S. Sejberg, J. Thai, C. Donovan, A. Pal, A. Scozzafava, G. Bennett, J.M. Kawamura, A. Johansson, C. Szykowska, A. Gileadi, C. Burgess-Brown, N.A. von Delft, F. Oppermann, U. Walters, Z. Shipley, J. Raynaud, F.I. Westaway, S.M. Prinjha, R.K. Fedorov, O. Burke, R. Schofield, C.J. Westwood, I.M. Bountra, C. Müller, S. van Montfort, R.L. Brennan, P.E. Blagg, J. (2016). 8-Substituted Pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one Derivatives As Potent, Cell Permeable, KDM4 (JMJD2) and KDM5 (JARID1) Histone Lysine Demethylase Inhibitors. J med chem, Vol.59 (4), pp. 1388-1409.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Shipley, J. Turnbull, C. (2015). Common variants identified in genome-wide association studies of testicular germ cell tumour: an update, biological insights and clinical application. Andrology, Vol.3 (1), pp. 34-46.  show abstract

Gatz, S.A. Shipley, J.M. (2015). Less Can Be More for Gene Dose and Drug Sensitivity. Clin cancer res, Vol.21 (21), pp. 4750-4752.  show abstract

Hingorani, P. Missiaglia, E. Shipley, J. Anderson, J.R. Triche, T.J. Delorenzi, M. Gastier-Foster, J. Wing, M. Hawkins, D.S. Skapek, S.X. (2015). Clinical Application of Prognostic Gene Expression Signature in Fusion Gene-Negative Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report from the Children's Oncology Group. Clin cancer res, Vol.21 (20), pp. 4733-4739.  show abstract

Litchfield, K. Mitchell, J.S. Shipley, J. Huddart, R. Rajpert-De Meyts, E. Skakkebæk, N.E. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2015). Polygenic susceptibility to testicular cancer: implications for personalised health care. Br j cancer, Vol.113 (10), pp. 1512-1518.  show abstract

Litchfield, K. Summersgill, B. Yost, S. Sultana, R. Labreche, K. Dudakia, D. Renwick, A. Seal, S. Al-Saadi, R. Broderick, P. Turner, N.C. Houlston, R.S. Huddart, R. Shipley, J. Turnbull, C. (2015). Whole-exome sequencing reveals the mutational spectrum of testicular germ cell tumours. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 5973.  show abstract  full text

Litchfield, K. Holroyd, A. Lloyd, A. Broderick, P. Nsengimana, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Bishop, D.T. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Shipley, J. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2015). Identification of four new susceptibility loci for testicular germ cell tumour. Nat commun, Vol.6, p. 8690.  show abstract

Collinson, K. Murray, M.J. Orsi, N.M. Cummings, M. Shipley, J. Joffe, J.K. Coleman, N. Stark, D. (2014). Age-Related Biological Features of Germ Cell Tumors. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.53 (3), pp. 215-227.

Yeste-Velasco, M. Mao, X. Grose, R. Kudahetti, S.C. Lin, D. Marzec, J. Vasiljevic, N. Chaplin, T. Xue, L. Xu, M. Foster, J.M. Karnam, S.S. James, S.Y. Chioni, A.-. Gould, D. Lorincz, A.T. Oliver, R.T. Chelala, C. Thomas, G.M. Shipley, J.M. Mather, S.J. Berney, D.M. Young, B.D. Lu, Y.-. (2014). Identification of ZDHHC14 as a novel human tumour suppressor gene. Journal of pathology, Vol.232 (5), pp. 566-577.

Ciarapica, R. De Salvo, M. Carcarino, E. Bracaglia, G. Adesso, L. Leoncini, P.P. Dall'Agnese, A. Walters, Z.S. Verginelli, F. De Sio, L. Boldrini, R. Inserra, A. Bisogno, G. Rosolen, A. Alaggio, R. Ferrari, A. Collini, P. Locatelli, M. Stifani, S. Screpanti, I. Rutella, S. Yu, Q. Marquez, V.E. Shipley, J. Valente, S. Mai, A. Miele, L. Puri, P.L. Locatelli, F. Palacios, D. Rota, R. (2014). The Polycomb group (PcG) protein EZH2 supports the survival of PAX3-FOXO1 alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma by repressing FBXO32 (Atrogin1/MAFbx). Oncogene, Vol.33 (32), pp. 4173-4184.  show abstract

Tremblay, A.M. Missiaglia, E. Galli, G.G. Hettmer, S. Urcia, R. Carrara, M. Judson, R.N. Thway, K. Nadal, G. Selfe, J.L. Murray, G. Calogero, R.A. De Bari, C. Zammit, P.S. Delorenzi, M. Wagers, A.J. Shipley, J. Wackerhage, H. Camargo, F.D. (2014). The Hippo transducer YAP1 transforms activated satellite cells and is a potent effector of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma formation. Cancer cell, Vol.26 (2), pp. 273-287.  show abstract  full text

Hettmer, S. Li, Z. Billin, A.N. Barr, F.G. Cornelison, D.D. Ehrlich, A.R. Guttridge, D.C. Hayes-Jordan, A. Helman, L.J. Houghton, P.J. Khan, J. Langenau, D.M. Linardic, C.M. Pal, R. Partridge, T.A. Pavlath, G.K. Rota, R. Schaefer, B.W. Shipley, J. Stillman, B. Wexler, L.H. Wagers, A.J. Keller, C. (2014). Rhabdomyosarcoma: Current Challenges and Their Implications for Developing Therapies. Cold spring harbor perspectives in biology, Vol.6 (11).

Walters, Z.S. Villarejo-Balcells, B. Olmos, D. Buist, T.W. Missiaglia, E. Allen, R. Al-Lazikani, B. Garrett, M.D. Blagg, J. Shipley, J. (2014). JARID2 is a direct target of the PAX3-FOXO1 fusion protein and inhibits myogenic differentiation of rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Oncogene, Vol.33 (9), pp. 1148-1157.  show abstract

Ehnman, M. Missiaglia, E. Folestad, E. Selfe, J. Strell, C. Thway, K. Brodin, B. Pietras, K. Shipley, J. Östman, A. Eriksson, U. (2013). Distinct effects of ligand-induced PDGFRα and PDGFRβ signaling in the human rhabdomyosarcoma tumor cell and stroma cell compartments. Cancer res, Vol.73 (7), pp. 2139-2149.  show abstract

Wickramasinghe, C.M. Domaschenz, R. Amagase, Y. Williamson, D. Missiaglia, E. Shipley, J. Murai, K. Jones, P.H. (2013). HES6 enhances the motility of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Experimental cell research, Vol.319 (1), pp. 103-112.

Renshaw, J. Taylor, K.R. Bishop, R. Valenti, M. De Haven Brandon, A. Gowan, S. Eccles, S.A. Ruddle, R. Johnson, L.D. Raynaud, F.I. Selfe, J. Thway, K. Pietsch, T. Pearson, A.D. Shipley, J. (2013). Dual blockade of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR (AZD8055) and RAS/MEK/ERK (AZD6244) pathways synergistically inhibits rhabdomyosarcoma cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Clin cancer res, .  show abstract  full text

Ruark, E. Seal, S. McDonald, H. Zhang, F. Elliot, A. Lau, K. Perdeaux, E. Rapley, E. Eeles, R. Peto, J. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Nsengimana, J. Shipley, J. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration (UKTCC), Bishop, D.T. Stratton, M.R. Easton, D.F. Huddart, R.A. Rahman, N. Turnbull, C. (2013). Identification of nine new susceptibility loci for testicular cancer, including variants near DAZL and PRDM14. Nat genet, Vol.45 (6), pp. 686-689.  show abstract  full text

Tonelli, R. McIntyre, A. Camerin, C. Walters, Z.S. Di Leo, K. Selfe, J. Purgato, S. Missiaglia, E. Tortori, A. Renshaw, J. Astolfi, A. Taylor, K.R. Serravalle, S. Bishop, R. Nanni, C. Valentijn, L.J. Faccini, A. Leuschner, I. Formica, S. Reis-Filho, J.S. Ambrosini, V. Thway, K. Franzoni, M. Summersgill, B. Marchelli, R. Hrelia, P. Cantelli-Forti, G. Fanti, S. Corradini, R. Pession, A. Shipley, J. (2012). Antitumor activity of sustained N-myc reduction in rhabdomyosarcomas and transcriptional block by antigene therapy. Clin cancer res, Vol.18 (3), pp. 796-807.  show abstract

Thway, K. Olmos, D. Shah, C. Flora, R. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. (2012). Oncocytic adrenal cortical carcinosarcoma with pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomatous metastases. Am j surg pathol, Vol.36 (3), pp. 470-477.  show abstract

Thway, K. Selfe, J. Shipley, J. (2012). Immunohistochemical detection of glypican-5 in paraffin-embedded material: an optimized method for a novel research antibody. Appl immunohistochem mol morphol, Vol.20 (2), pp. 189-195.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Missiaglia, E. Chisholm, J. Shipley, J. (2012). Inconvenience of convenience cohorts--letter. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.21 (8), p. 1388.

Missiaglia, E. Williamson, D. Chisholm, J. Wirapati, P. Pierron, G. Petel, F. Concordet, J.-. Thway, K. Oberlin, O. Pritchard-Jones, K. Delattre, O. Delorenzi, M. Shipley, J. (2012). Questionable Universal Validity of PAX3/FOXO1 Fusion Gene Status As Molecular Marker for Improvement of Risk Stratification in Rhabdomyosarcoma Therapy Reply. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.30 (32), pp. 4040-4041.

Missiaglia, E. Williamson, D. Chisholm, J. Wirapati, P. Pierron, G. Petel, F. Concordet, J.-. Thway, K. Oberlin, O. Pritchard-Jones, K. Delattre, O. Delorenzi, M. Shipley, J. (2012). PAX3/FOXO1 fusion gene status is the key prognostic molecular marker in rhabdomyosarcoma and significantly improves current risk stratification. J clin oncol, Vol.30 (14), pp. 1670-1677.  show abstract

Yeste-Velasco, M. Mao, X. Grose, R. Kudahetti, S.C. Lin, D. Chaplin, T. Xue, L. Xu, M. Foster, J.M. James, S. Chioni, A.M. Jeetle, S. Vasiljevic, N.A. Marzec, J. Gould, D. Jones, L. Lorincz, A.T. Oliver, R.T. Mather, S.J. Shipley, J.M. Berney, D.M. Young, B.D. Lu, Y.-. (2012). Identification of ZDHHC14 as a novel tumor suppressor gene commonly downregulated in human cancers. Cancer research, Vol.72.

Gilbert, D. Rapley, E. Shipley, J. (2011). Testicular germ cell tumours: predisposition genes and the male germ cell niche. Nat rev cancer, Vol.11 (4), pp. 278-288.  show abstract

Thway, K. Selfe, J. Missiaglia, E. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. (2011). Glypican-3 is expressed in rhabdomyosarcomas but not adult spindle cell and pleomorphic sarcomas. J clin pathol, Vol.64 (7), pp. 587-591.  show abstract

Gilbert, D.C. Chandler, I. Summersgill, B. McIntyre, A. Missiaglia, E. Goddard, N.C. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. (2011). Genomic gain and over expression of CCL2 correlate with vascular invasion in stage I non-seminomatous testicular germ-cell tumours. Int j androl, Vol.34 (4 Pt 2), pp. e114-e121.  show abstract

Zibat, A. Missiaglia, E. Rosenberger, A. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. Hahn, H. Fulda, S. (2011). Aberrant activation of hedgehog signaling confers a poor prognosis in embryonal and fusion gene negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancer research, Vol.71.

Martins, A.S. Olmos, D. Missiaglia, E. Shipley, J. (2011). Targeting the insulin-like growth factor pathway in rhabdomyosarcomas: rationale and future perspectives. Sarcoma, Vol.2011, p. 209736.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Missiaglia, E. de Reyniès, A. Pierron, G. Thuille, B. Palenzuela, G. Thway, K. Orbach, D. Laé, M. Fréneaux, P. Pritchard-Jones, K. Oberlin, O. Shipley, J. Delattre, O. (2010). Fusion gene-negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is clinically and molecularly indistinguishable from embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. J clin oncol, Vol.28 (13), pp. 2151-2158.  show abstract

Santarius, T. Shipley, J. Brewer, D. Stratton, M.R. Cooper, C.S. (2010). EPIGENETICS AND GENETICS A census of amplified and overexpressed human cancer genes. Nature reviews cancer, Vol.10 (1), pp. 59-6.

Goddard, N.C. McIntyre, A. Gilbert, D. Kitazawa, S. Shipley, J. (2010). No Evidence for V600E BRAF Mutation in the Seminoma Cell Line TCam-2. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.49 (10), pp. 963-4.

Cadalbert, L.C. Sloss, C.M. Cunningham, M.R. Al-Mutairi, M. McIntire, A. Shipley, J. Plevin, R. (2010). Differential regulation of MAP kinase activation by a novel splice variant of human MAP kinase phosphatase-2. Cellular signalling, Vol.22 (3), pp. 357-9.

Noel, E.E. Yeste-Velasco, M. Mao, X. Perry, J. Kudahetti, S.C. Li, N.F. Sharp, S. Chaplin, T. Xue, L. McIntyre, A. Shan, L. Powles, T. Oliver, R.T. Young, B.D. Shipley, J. Berney, D.M. Joel, S.P. Lu, Y.-. (2010). The Association of CCND1 Overexpression and Cisplatin Resistance in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors and Other Cancers. American journal of pathology, Vol.176 (6), pp. 2607-9.

Missiaglia, E. Shepherd, C.J. Patel, S. Thway, K. Pierron, G. Pritchard-Jones, K. Renard, M. Sciot, R. Rao, P. Oberlin, O. Delattre, O. Shipley, J. (2010). MicroRNA-206 expression levels correlate with clinical behaviour of rhabdomyosarcomas. Br j cancer, Vol.102 (12), pp. 1769-1777.  show abstract

Rao, P.K. Missiaglia, E. Shields, L. Hyde, G. Yuan, B. Shepherd, C.J. Shipley, J. Lodish, H.F. (2010). Distinct roles for miR-1 and miR-133a in the proliferation and differentiation of rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Faseb journal, Vol.24 (9), pp. 3427-11.

Zibat, A. Missiaglia, E. Rosenberger, A. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. Hahn, H. Fulda, S. (2010). Activation of the hedgehog pathway confers a poor prognosis in embryonal and fusion gene-negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Oncogene, Vol.29 (48), pp. 6323-8.

Gilbert, D.C. McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Missiaglia, E. Goddard, N.C. Chandler, I. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. (2010). Minimum regions of genomic imbalance in stage I testicular embryonal carcinoma and association of 22q loss with relapse. Genes chromosomes cancer, .  show abstract

Shipley, J. (2010). Janet Shipley Case study. New scientist, Vol.206 (2756), pp. 51-1.

Summersgill, B.M. Shipley, J.M. (2010). Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues, including tissue microarrays. Methods mol biol, Vol.659, pp. 51-70.  show abstract

Gilbert, D.C. Chandler, I. McIntyre, A. Goddard, N.C. Gabe, R. Huddart, R.A. Shipley, J. (2009). Clinical and biological significance of CXCL12 and CXCR4 expression in adult testes and germ cell tumours of adults and adolescents. J pathol, Vol.217 (1), pp. 94-102.  show abstract

Missiaglia, E. Selfe, J. Hamdi, M. Williamson, D. Schaaf, G. Fang, C. Koster, J. Summersgill, B. Messahel, B. Versteeg, R. Pritchard-Jones, K. Kool, M. Shipley, J. (2009). Genomic imbalances in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines affect expression of genes frequently altered in primary tumors: an approach to identify candidate genes involved in tumor development. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.48 (6), pp. 455-467.  show abstract

Stoop, H. Honecker, F. Geijn, G.J. Gillis, A.J. Cools, M.C. de Boer, M. Bokemeyer, C. Wolffenbuttel, K.P. Drop, S.L. de Krijger, R.R. Dennis, N. Summersgill, B. McIntyre, A. Shipley, J. Oosterhuis, J.W. Looijenga, L.H. (2008). Stem cell factor as a novel diagnostic marker for early malignant germ cells. Journal of pathology, Vol.216 (1), pp. 43-12.

Knight, J.F. Shepherd, C.J. Rizzo, S. Brewer, D. Jhavar, S. Dodson, A.R. Cooper, C.S. Eeles, R. Falconer, A. Kovacs, G. Garrett, M.D. Norman, A.R. Shipley, J. Hudson, D.L. (2008). TEAD1 and c-Cbl are novel prostate basal cell markers that correlate with poor clinical outcome in prostate cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.99 (11), pp. 1849-1858.  show abstract

McIntyre, A. Gilbert, D. Goddard, N. Looijenga, L. Shipley, J. (2008). Genes, chromosomes and the development of testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.47 (7), pp. 547-557.  show abstract

Morgenstern, D.A. Rees, H. Sebire, N.J. Shipley, J. Anderson, J. (2008). Rhabdomyosarcoma subtyping by immunohistochemical assessment of myogenin: Tissue array study and review of the literature. Pathology & oncology research, Vol.14 (3), pp. 233-6.

Canzonetta, C. Mulligan, C. Deutsch, S. Ruf, S. O'Doherty, A. Lyle, R. Borel, C. Lin-Marq, N. Delom, F. Groet, J. Schnappauf, F. De Vita, S. Averill, S. Priestley, J.V. Martin, J.E. Shipley, J. Denyer, G. Epstein, C.J. Fillat, C. Estivill, X. Tybulewicz, V.L. Fisher, E.M. Antonarakis, S.E. Nizetic, D. (2008). DYRK1A-dosage imbalance perturbs NRSF/REST levels, deregulating pluripotency and embryonic stem cell fate in Down syndrome. American journal of human genetics, Vol.83 (3), pp. 388-13.

Mao, X. Young, B.D. Chaplin, T. Shipley, J. Lu, Y.-. (2008). Subtle genomic alterations and genomic instability revealed in diploid cancer cell lines. Cancer letters, Vol.267 (1), pp. 49-6.

Summersgill, B. Clark, J. Shipley, J. (2008). Fluorescence and chromogenic in situ hybridization to detect genetic aberrations in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded material, including tissue microarrays. Nat protoc, Vol.3 (2), pp. 220-234.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Selfe, J. Gordon, T. Lu, Y.-. Pritchard-Jones, K. Murai, K. Jones, P. Workman, P. Shipley, J. (2007). Role for amplification and expression of glypican-5 in rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancer res, Vol.67 (1), pp. 57-65.  show abstract

Zhou, Y.P. Ye, H.T. Martin-Subero, J.I. Gesk, S. Hamoudi, R. Lu, Y.J. Wang, R. Shipley, J. Siebert, R. Isaacson, P.G. Dogan, A. Du, M.Q. (2007). The pattern of genomic gains in salivary gland MALT lymphomas. Haematol-hematol j, Vol.92 (7), pp. 921-927.  show abstract

Goddard, N.C. McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Gilbert, D. Kitazawa, S. Shipley, J. (2007). KIT and RAS signalling pathways in testicular germ cell tumours: new data and a review of the literature. Int j androl, Vol.30 (4), pp. 337-348.  show abstract

Slater, O. Shipley, J. (2007). Clinical relevance of molecular genetics to paediatric sarcomas. J clin pathol, Vol.60 (11), pp. 1187-1194.  show abstract  full text

McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Lu, Y.J. Missiaglia, E. Kitazawa, S. Oosterhuis, J.W. Looijenga, L.H. Shipley, J. (2007). Genomic copy number and expression patterns in testicular germ cell tumours. Br j cancer, Vol.97 (12), pp. 1707-1712.  show abstract

Mensah, A. Mulligan, C. Linehan, J. Ruf, S. O'Doherty, A. Grygalewicz, B. Shipley, J. Groet, J. Tybulewicz, V. Fisher, E. Brandner, S. Nizetic, D. (2007). An additional human chromosome 21 causes suppression of neural fate of pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells in a teratoma model. Bmc developmental biology, Vol.7, p. 10.

Rees, H. Williamson, D. Papanastasiou, A. Jina, N. Nabarro, S. Shipley, J. Anderson, J. (2006). The MET receptor tyrosine kinase contributes to invasive tumour growth in rhabdomyosarcomas. Growth factors, Vol.24 (3), pp. 197-12.

Ma, J. Gao, M. Lu, Y. Feng, X. Zhang, J. Lin, D. Xiao, T. Hu, Z. Yuan, J. Su, K. Shipley, J. Xue, J. Gao, Y. (2006). Gain of 1q25-32, 12q23-24 3, and 17q 12-22 facilitates tumorigenesis and progression of human squamous cell lung cancer. Journal of pathology, Vol.210 (2), pp. 205-9.

Anderson, J. Gibson, S. Williamson, D. Rampling, D. Austin, C. Shipley, J. Sebire, N. Brock, P. (2006). Rapid and accurate determination of MYCN copy number and 1p deletion in neuroblastoma by quantitative PCR. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.46 (7), pp. 820-5.

Looijenga, L.H. Hersmus, R. Gillis, A.J. Pfundt, R. Stoop, H.J. van Gurp, R.J. Veltman, J. Beverloo, H.B. van Drunen, E. van Kessel, A.G. Pera, R.R. Schneider, D.T. Summersgill, B. Shipley, J. McIntyre, A. van der Spek, P. Schoenmakers, E. Oosterhuis, J.W. (2006). Genomic and expression profiling of human spermatocytic seminomas:: Primary spermatocyte as tumorigenic precursor and DMRT1 as candidate chromosome 9 gene. Cancer research, Vol.66 (1), pp. 290-13.

Strefford, J.C. Lane, T.M. Hill, A. LeRoux, L. Foot, N.J. Shipley, J. Oliver, R.T. Lu, Y.J. Young, B.D. (2006). Molecular characterisation of the t(1;15)(p22;q22) translocation in the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Cytogenetic and genome research, Vol.112 (1-2), pp. 45-8.

Horwich, A. Shipley, J. Huddart, R. (2006). Testicular germ-cell cancer. Lancet, Vol.367 (9512), pp. 754-765.  show abstract

Zhou, Y.P. Ye, H.T. Martin-Subero, J.I. Hamoudi, R. Lu, Y.J. Wang, R. Siebert, R. Shipley, J. Isaacson, P.G. Dogan, A. Du, M.Q. (2006). Distinct comparative genomic hybridisation profiles in gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphomas with and without t(11;18)(q21;q21). British journal of haematology, Vol.133 (1), pp. 35-8.

Hanks, S. Coleman, K. Summersgill, B. Messahel, B. Williamson, D. Pritchard-Jones, K. Strefford, J. Swansbury, J. Plaja, A. Shipley, J. Rahman, N. (2006). Comparative genomic hybridization and BUB1B mutation analyses in childhood cancers associated with mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome. Cancer lett, Vol.239 (2), pp. 234-238.  show abstract

Barker, K.T. Spendlove, H.E. Banu, N.S. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. Garrett, M. Manyonda, I. Houlston, R.S. (2006). No evidence for epigenetic inactivation of fumarate hydratase in leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas. Cancer lett, Vol.235 (1), pp. 136-140.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Lu, Y.-. Fang, C. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (2006). Nascent pre-rRNA overexpression correlates with an adverse prognosis in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.45 (9), pp. 839-845.  show abstract

Shipley, J. (2006). Putting the colours into chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH). J pathol, Vol.210 (1), pp. 1-2.  show abstract

Cooper, C.S. Nicholson, A.G. Foster, C. Dodson, A. Edwards, S. Fletcher, A. Roe, T. Clark, J. Joshi, A. Norman, A. Feber, A. Lin, D. Gao, Y. Shipley, J. Cheng, S.-. (2006). Nuclear overexpression of the E2F3 transcription factor in human lung cancer. Lung cancer, Vol.54 (2), pp. 155-162.  show abstract

Kote-Jarai, Z. Salmon, A. Mengitsu, T. Copeland, M. Ardern-Jones, A. Locke, I. Shanley, S. Summersgill, B. Lu, Y.-. Shipley, J. Eeles, R. (2006). Increased level of chromosomal damage after irradiation of lymphocytes from BRCA1 mutation carriers. Br j cancer, Vol.94 (2), pp. 308-310.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Lu, Y.-. Gordon, T. Sciot, R. Kelsey, A. Fisher, C. Poremba, C. Anderson, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (2005). Relationship between MYCN copy number and expression in rhabdomyosarcomas and correlation with adverse prognosis in the alveolar subtype. J clin oncol, Vol.23 (4), pp. 880-888.  show abstract

Shipley, J. (2005). Identification and significance of amplified and overexpressed genes in selected solid tumours. Chromosome research, Vol.13, pp. 2-1.

Williams, S.V. Adams, J. Coultar, J. Summersgill, B.M. Shipley, J. Knowles, M.A. (2005). Assessment by M-FISH of karyotypic complexity and cytogenetic evolution in bladder cancer in vitro. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.43 (4), pp. 315-14.

Wilson, C. Yang, J.S. Strefford, O.C. Summersgil, B. Young, B.D. Shipley, J. Oliver, T. Lu, Y.J. (2005). Overexpression of genes on 16q associated with cisplatin resistance of testicular germ cell tumor cell lines. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.43 (2), pp. 211-6.

McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Spendlove, H.E. Huddart, R. Houlston, R. Shipley, J. (2005). Activating mutations and/or expression levels of tyrosine kinase receptors GRB7, RAS, and BRAF in testicular germ cell tumors. Neoplasia, Vol.7 (12), pp. 1047-1052.  show abstract  full text

McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Grygalewicz, B. Gillis, A.J. Stoop, J. van Gurp, R.J. Dennis, N. Fisher, C. Huddart, R. Cooper, C. Clark, J. Oosterhuis, J.W. Looijenga, L.H. Shipley, J. (2005). Amplification and overexpression of the KIT gene is associated with progression in the seminoma subtype of testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults. Cancer res, Vol.65 (18), pp. 8085-8089.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Yang, J.S. Noel, E. Skoulakis, S. Chaplin, T. Raghavan, M. Purkis, T. Mcintyre, A. Kudahetti, S.C. Naase, M. Berney, D. Shipley, J. Oliver, R.T. Young, B.D. (2005). Association between large-scale genomic homozygosity without chromosomal loss and nonseminomatous germ cell tumor development. Cancer research, Vol.65 (20), pp. 9137-5.

Edwards, S. Campbell, C. Flohr, P. Shipley, J. Giddings, I. Te-Poele, R. Dodson, A. Foster, C. Clark, J. Jhavar, S. Kovacs, G. Cooper, C.S. (2005). Expression analysis onto microarrays of randomly selected cDNA clones highlights HOXB13 as a marker of human prostate cancer. Br j cancer, Vol.92 (2), pp. 376-381.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Lu, Y.J. McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Wang, R.B. Selfe, J. Cooper, C. Clark, J. Shipley, J. (2004). Comparative genomic hybridisation and comparative expressed sequence hybridisation as complements to microarray analyses of tumours. Mutagenesis, Vol.19 (6), pp. 509-1.

Hearle, N. Lucassen, A. Wang, R. Lim, W. Ross, F. Wheeler, R. Moore, I. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. (2004). Mapping of a translocation breakpoint in a Peutz-Jeghers hamartoma to the putative PJS locus at 19q13 4 and mutation analysis of candidate genes in polyp and STKII-negative PJS cases. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.41 (2), pp. 163-7.

McIntyre, A. Summersgill, B. Jafer, O. Rodriguez, S. Zafarana, G. Oosterhuis, J.W. Gillis, A.J. Looijenga, L. Cooper, C. Huddart, R. Clark, J. Shipley, J. (2004). Defining minimum genomic regions of imbalance involved in testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults through genome wide microarray analysis of cDNA clones. Oncogene, Vol.23 (56), pp. 9142-9147.  show abstract

Lee, Y.-. John, M. Falconer, A. Edwards, S. Clark, J. Flohr, P. Roe, T. Wang, R. Shipley, J. Grimer, R.J. Mangham, D.C. Thomas, J.M. Fisher, C. Judson, I. Cooper, C.S. (2004). A gene expression signature associated with metastatic outcome in human leiomyosarcomas. Cancer res, Vol.64 (20), pp. 7201-7204.  show abstract

Gordon, A. McManus, A. Anderson, J. Fisher, C. Abe, S. Nojima, T. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (2003). Chromosomal imbalances in pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas and identification of the alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma-associated PAX3-FOXO1A fusion gene in one case. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.140 (1), pp. 73-77.  show abstract

Tiffin, N. Williams, R.D. Robertson, D. Hill, S. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. (2003). WT1 expression does not disrupt myogenic differentiation in C2C12 murine myoblasts or in human rhabdomyosarcoma. Exp cell res, Vol.287 (1), pp. 155-165.  show abstract

Osin, P. Lu, Y.-. Stone, J. Crook, T. Houlston, R.S. Gasco, M. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2003). Distinct genetic and epigenetic changes in medullary breast cancer. Int j surg pathol, Vol.11 (3), pp. 153-158.  show abstract

Wang, R. Titley, J.C. Lu, Y.-. Summersgill, B.M. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. (2003). Loss of 13q14-q21 and gain of 5p14-pter in the progression of leiomyosarcoma. Mod pathol, Vol.16 (8), pp. 778-785.  show abstract

Lu, Y.-. Williamson, D. Wang, R. Summersgill, B. Rodriguez, S. Rogers, S. Pritchard-Jones, K. Campbell, C. Shipley, J. (2003). Expression profiling targeting chromosomes for tumor classification and prediction of clinical behavior. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.38 (3), pp. 207-214.  show abstract

Tiffin, N. Williams, R.D. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. (2003). PAX7 expression in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma suggests an origin in muscle satellite cells. Br j cancer, Vol.89 (2), pp. 327-332.  show abstract

Rodriguez, S. Jafer, O. Goker, H. Summersgill, B.M. Zafarana, G. Gillis, A.J. van Gurp, R.J. Oosterhuis, J.W. Lu, Y.-. Huddart, R. Cooper, C.S. Clark, J. Looijenga, L.H. Shipley, J.M. (2003). Expression profile of genes from 12p in testicular germ cell tumors of adolescents and adults associated with i(12p) and amplification at 12p11 2-p12 1. Oncogene, Vol.22 (12), pp. 1880-1891.  show abstract

Martin, A.J. Summersgill, B.M. Fisher, C. Shipley, J.M. Dean, A.F. (2002). Chromosomal imbalances in meningeal solitary fibrous tumors. Cancer genetics and cytogenetics, Vol.135 (2), pp. 160-5.

Ladanyi, M. Antonescu, C.R. Leung, D.H. Woodruff, J.M. Kawai, A. Healey, J.H. Brennan, M.F. Bridge, J.A. Neff, J.R. Barr, F.G. Goldsmith, J.D. Brooks, J.S. Goldblum, J.R. Ali, S.Z. Shipley, J. Cooper, C.S. Fisher, C. Skytting, B. Larsson, O. (2002). Impact of SYT-SSX fusion type on the clinical behavior of synovial sarcoma: A multi-institutional retrospective study of 243 patients. Cancer research, Vol.62 (1), pp. 135-6.

Cattaneo, E. Roberts, I. Shipley, J. Gordon, A. Nacheva, E. Coleman, N. (2002). Translocations involving chromosome 15 in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Journal of pathology, Vol.198, pp. 26A-1.

Trupiano, J.K. Rice, T.W. Herzog, K. Barr, F.G. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. Goldblum, J.R. (2002). Mediastinal synovial sarcoma: Report of two cases with molecular genetic analysis. Annals of thoracic surgery, Vol.73 (2), pp. 628-3.

Gruszka-Westwood, A.M. Atkinson, S. Summersgill, B.M. Shipley, J. Elnenaei, M.O. Jain, P. Hamoudi, R.A. Kaeda, J.S. Wotherspoon, A.C. Matutes, E. Catovsky, D. (2002). Unusual case of leukemic mantle cell lymphoma with amplified CCNDI/IGH fusion gene. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.33 (2), pp. 206-7.

Lu, Y.-. Hing, S. Williams, R. Pinkerton, R. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. UK Children's Cancer Study Goup Wilms' tumor group, (2002). Chromosome 1q expression profiling and relapse in Wilms' tumour. Lancet, Vol.360 (9330), pp. 385-386.  show abstract

Clark, J. Edwards, S. John, M. Flohr, P. Gordon, T. Maillard, K. Giddings, I. Brown, C. Bagherzadeh, A. Campbell, C. Shipley, J. Wooster, R. Cooper, C.S. (2002). Identification of amplified and expressed genes in breast cancer by comparative hybridization onto microarrays of randomly selected cDNA clones. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.34 (1), pp. 104-114.  show abstract

Summersgill, B. Thornton, P. Atkinson, S. Matutes, E. Shipley, J. Catovsky, D. Houlston, R.S. Yuille, M.R. (2002). Chromosomal imbalances in familial chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a comparative genomic hybridisation analysis. Leukemia, Vol.16 (7), pp. 1229-1232.  show abstract

Barker, K.T. Bevan, S. Wang, R. Lu, Y.J. Flanagan, A.M. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Finlayson, C.J. Shipley, J. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Low frequency of somatic mutations in the FH/multiple cutaneous leiomyomatosis gene in sporadic leiomyosarcomas and uterine leiomyomas. British journal of cancer, Vol.87 (4), pp. 446-3.

Barker, K.T. Bevan, S. Wang, R. Lu, Y.-. Flanagan, A.M. Bridge, J.A. Fisher, C. Finlayson, C.J. Shipley, J. Houlston, R.S. (2002). Low frequency of somatic mutations in the FH/multiple cutaneous leiomyomatosis gene in sporadic leiomyosarcomas and uterine leiomyomas. British journal of cancer, Vol.87 (4), pp. 446-448.

Xie, Y.T. Skytting, B. Nilsson, G. Grimer, R.J. Mangham, C.D. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. Bjerkehagen, B. Myklebost, O. Larsson, O. (2002). The SYT-SSX1 fusion type of synovial sarcoma is associated with increased expression of cyclin A and D1 : A link between t(X;18)(p11 2; q11 2) and the cell cycle machinery. Oncogene, Vol.21 (37), pp. 5791-6.

Davies, H. Bignell, G.R. Cox, C. Stephens, P. Edkins, S. Clegg, S. Teague, J. Woffendin, H. Garnett, M.J. Bottomley, W. Davis, N. Dicks, E. Ewing, R. Floyd, Y. Gray, K. Hall, S. Hawes, R. Hughes, J. Kosmidou, V. Menzies, A. Mould, C. Parker, A. Stevens, C. Watt, S. Hooper, S. Wilson, R. Jayatilake, H. Gusterson, B.A. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. Hargrave, D. Pritchard-Jones, K. Maitland, N. Chenevix-Trench, G. Riggins, G.J. Bigner, D.D. Palmieri, G. Cossu, A. Flanagan, A. Nicholson, A. Ho, J.W. Leung, S.Y. Yuen, S.T. Weber, B.L. Seigler, H.F. Darrow, T.L. Paterson, H. Marais, R. Marshall, C.J. Wooster, R. Stratton, M.R. Futreal, P.A. (2002). Mutations of the BRAF gene in human cancer. Nature, Vol.417 (6892), pp. 949-954.  show abstract

Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Bell, A. Stone, J. Houlston, R.S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2001). Medullary carcinoma of breast shows a distinct pattern of chromosomal copy number chances, but not DNA mismatch repair deficit. Modern pathology, Vol.14 (1), pp. 33A-33A.

Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Bell, A. Stone, J. Houlston, R.S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (2001). Medullary carcinoma of breast shows a distinct pattern of chromosomal copy number changes, but not DNA mismatch repair deficit. Laboratory investigation, Vol.81 (1), pp. 33A-33A.

Barker, K. Bevan, S. Wang, R. Alam, A. Tomlinson, I. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. (2001). The role of MUCL1 in sporadic leiomyomas and leimyosarcomas. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.38, pp. S66-1.

Barker, K. Martinez, A. Wang, R. Bevan, S. Murday, V. Shipley, J. Houlston, R. Harper, J. (2001). PTEN mutations are uncommon in Proteus syndrome. Journal of medical genetics, Vol.38 (7), pp. 480-2.  full text

Wang, R. Lu, Y.J. Fisher, C. Bridge, J.A. Shipley, J. (2001). Characterization of chromosome aberrations associated with soft-tissue leiomyosarcomas by twenty-four-color karyotyping and comparative genomic hybridization analysis. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.31 (1), pp. 54-11.

Gordon, T. McManus, A. Anderson, J. Min, T. Swansbury, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. (2001). Cytogenetic abnormalities in 42 rhabdomyosarcoma: A United Kingdom cancer cytogenetics group study. Medical and pediatric oncology, Vol.36 (2), pp. 259-267.

Hing, S. Lu, Y.J. Summersgill, B. King-Underwood, L. Nicholson, J. Grundy, P. Grundy, R. Gessler, M. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. (2001). Gain of 1q is associated with adverse outcome in favorable histology Wilms' tumors. Am j pathol, Vol.158 (2), pp. 393-398.  show abstract

Gordon, T. McManus, A. Anderson, J. Min, T. Swansbury, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. United kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group, United Kingdom Cancer Cytogenetics Group, (2001). Cytogenetic abnormalities in 42 rhabdomyosarcoma: a United Kingdom Cancer Cytogenetics Group Study. Med pediatr oncol, Vol.36 (2), pp. 259-267.  show abstract

Anderson, J. Gordon, T. McManus, A. Mapp, T. Gould, S. Kelsey, A. McDowell, H. Pinkerton, R. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. UK Children's Cancer Study Group (UKCCSG) and the UK Cancer Cytogenetics Group, (2001). Detection of the PAX3-FKHR fusion gene in paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma: a reproducible predictor of outcome?. Br j cancer, Vol.85 (6), pp. 831-835.  show abstract

Summersgill, B.M. Jafer, O. Wang, R. Goker, H. Niculescu-Duvaz, I. Huddart, R. Shipley, J. (2001). Definition of chromosome aberrations in testicular germ cell tumor cell lines by 24-color karyotyping and complementary molecular cytogenetic analyses. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.128 (2), pp. 120-129.  show abstract

Lu, Y. Condie, A. Bennett, J.D. Fry, M.J. Yuille, M.R. Shipley, J. (2001). Disruption of the ATM gene in breast cancer. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.126 (2), pp. 97-101.  show abstract

Summersgill, B. Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Huddart, R. Shipley, J. (2001). Chromosomal imbalances associated with carcinoma in situ and associated testicular germ cell tumours of adolescents and adults. Br j cancer, Vol.85 (2), pp. 213-220.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Williamson, D. Clark, J. Wang, R. Tiffin, N. Skelton, L. Gordon, T. Williams, R. Allan, B. Jackman, A. Cooper, C. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (2001). Comparative expressed sequence hybridization to chromosomes for tumor classification and identification of genomic regions of differential gene expression. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.98 (16), pp. 9197-9202.  show abstract  full text

Roberts, I. Gordon, A. Wang, R. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. Coleman, N. (2001). Molecular cytogenetic analysis consistently identifies translocations involving chromosomes 1, 2 and 15 in five embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines and a PAX-FOXO1A fusion gene negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell line. Cytogenet cell genet, Vol.95 (3-4), pp. 134-142.  show abstract

Jones, C. Foschini, M.P. Chaggar, R. Lu, Y.J. Wells, D. Shipley, J.M. Eusebi, V. Lakhani, S.R. (2000). Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast. Laboratory investigation, Vol.80 (6), pp. 831-6.

Roberts, I. Gordon, T. Shipley, J. Coleman, N. (2000). Consistent chromosomal translocations in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. Journal of pathology, Vol.190, pp. 44A-1.

Smedley, D. Sidhar, S. Birdsall, S. Bennett, D. Herlyn, M. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. (2000). Characterization of chromosome 1 abnormalities in malignant melanomas. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.28 (1), pp. 121-125.  show abstract

Gordon, A.T. Brinkschmidt, C. Anderson, J. Coleman, N. Dockhorn-Dworniczak, B. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (2000). A novel and consistent amplicon at 13q31 associated with alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.28 (2), pp. 220-226.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Morris, J.S. Edwards, P.A. Shipley, J. (2000). Evaluation of 24-color multifluor-fluorescence in-situ hybridization (M-FISH) karyotyping by comparison with reverse chromosome painting of the human breast cancer cell line T-47D. Chromosome res, Vol.8 (2), pp. 127-132.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Osin, P. Lakhani, S. Gusterson, B. Shipley, J. (1999). CGH analysis of lobular carcinoma in situ and atypical lobular hyperplasia. British journal of cancer, Vol.80, pp. 82-1.

Smedley, D. Hamoudi, R. Lu, Y.J. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. (1999). Cloning and mapping of members of the MYM family. Genomics, Vol.60 (2), pp. 244-4.

Lu, Y.J. Dong, X.Y. Shipley, J. Zhang, R.G. Cheng, S.J. (1999). Chromosome 3 imbalances are the most frequent aberration found in non-small cell lung carcinoma. Lung cancer, Vol.23 (1), pp. 61-6.

van de Rijn, M. Barr, F.G. Xiong, Q.B. Hedges, M. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. (1999). Poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma - An analysis of clinical, pathologic, and molecular genetic features. American journal of surgical pathology, Vol.23 (1), pp. 106-7.

Lu, Y.J. Birdsall, S. Summersgill, B. Smedley, D. Osin, P. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. (1999). Dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridization to paraffin-embedded samples to deduce the presence of the der(X)t(X;18)(p11 2;q11 2) and involvement of either the SSX1 or SSX2 gene: a diagnostic and prognostic aid for synovial sarcoma. J pathol, Vol.187 (4), pp. 490-496.  show abstract

Anderson, J. Gordon, A. McManus, A. Shipley, J. Pritchard-Jones, K. (1999). Disruption of imprinted genes at chromosome region 11p15 5 in paediatric rhabdomyosarcoma. Neoplasia, Vol.1 (4), pp. 340-348.  show abstract  full text

Smedley, D. Demiroglu, A. Abdul-Rauf, M. Heath, C. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. Cross, N.C. (1999). ZNF198-FGFR1 transforms Ba/F3 cells to growth factor independence and results in high level tyrosine phosphorylation of STATS 1 and 5. Neoplasia, Vol.1 (4), pp. 349-355.  show abstract  full text

Anderson, J. Gordon, A. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (1999). Genes, chromosomes, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.26 (4), pp. 275-285.  show abstract

Anderson, J. Gordon, A. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (1999). Genes, chromosomes, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Genes, chromosomes and cancer, Vol.26 (4), pp. 275-285.

Birdsall, S. Osin, P. Lu, Y.J. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. (1999). Synovial sarcoma specific translocation on associated with both epithelial and spindle cell components. International journal of cancer, Vol.82 (4), pp. 605-4.

Birdsall, S.H. McManus, A. Shipley, J.M. Crolla, J.A. (1998). Origin of the mar3 in the myeloid cell line HL-60 determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cancer genetics and cytogenetics, Vol.103 (1), pp. 86-2.

Soundy, V. Bailey, D. Chaggar, R. Lu, Y.J. Osin, P. Odel, C. Ramachandra, S. Shipley, J.M. Lakhani, S.R. (1998). Myoepithelial carcinoma of the breast A detailed analysis using immunohistochemistry, loss of heterozygosity and comparative genomic hybridisation. Journal of pathology, Vol.184, pp. 22A-1.

Smedley, D. Somers, G. Venter, D. Chow, C.W. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. (1998). Characterization of a t(8;13)(p11;q11-12) in an atypical myeloproliferative disorder. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.21 (1), pp. 70-73.  show abstract

Osin, P. Shipley, J. Lui, Y.J. Crook, T. Gusterson, B.A. (1998). Experimental pathology and breast cancer genetics: Looking at malignant and premalignant tissues using new technologies. European journal of cancer, Vol.34, pp. S96-1.

Osin, P. Shipley, J. Liu, Y.J. Crook, T. Gusterson, B.A. (1998). Experimental pathology and breast cancer genetics: Looking at malignant and premalignant tissues using new technologies. European journal of cancer, Vol.34, pp. S3-1.

Osin, P.P. Lu, Y.J. Lakhani, S. Pilotti, S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. (1998). Gains and losses of genomic material in Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia (ALH) and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS) of the breast suggest these lesions represent a similar stage of tumour progression. Journal of pathology, Vol.184, pp. 15A-1.

Shipley, J. Fisher, C. (1998). Chromosome translocations in sarcomas and the analysis of paraffin-embedded material. Journal of pathology, Vol.184 (1), pp. 1-3.

van de Rijn, M. Barr, F.G. Xiong, Q.B. Hedges, M. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. (1998). Poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma: an analysis of clinical, pathologic, and molecular genetic features. Laboratory investigation, Vol.78 (1), pp. 15A-1.

van de Rijn, M. Barr, F.G. Xiong, Q.B. Hedges, M. Shipley, J. Fisher, C. (1998). Poorly differentiated synovial sarcoma: an analysis of clinical, pathologic, and molecular genetic features. Modern pathology, Vol.11 (1), pp. 15A-1.

Smedley, D. Somers, G. Venter, D. Chow, C.W. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. (1998). Characterization of a t(8;13)(p11;q11-12) in an atypical myeloproliferative disorder. Genes, chromosomes and cancer, Vol.21 (1), pp. 70-73.

Smedley, D. Hamoudi, R. Clark, J. Warren, W. Abdul-Rauf, M. Somers, G. Venter, D. Fagan, K. Cooper, C. Shipley, J. (1998). The t(8;13)(p11;q11-12) rearrangement associated with an atypical myeloproliferative disorder fuses the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 gene to a novel gene RAMP. Hum mol genet, Vol.7 (4), pp. 637-642.  show abstract

Summersgill, B. Goker, H. Osin, P. Huddart, R. Horwich, A. Fisher, C. Shipley, J. (1998). Establishing germ cell origin of undifferentiated tumors by identifying gain of 12p material using comparative genomic hybridization analysis of paraffin-embedded samples. Diagn mol pathol, Vol.7 (5), pp. 260-266.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Osin, P. Lakhani, S.R. Di Palma, S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J.M. (1998). Comparative genomic hybridization analysis of lobular carcinoma in situ and atypical lobular hyperplasia and potential roles for gains and losses of genetic material in breast neoplasia. Cancer res, Vol.58 (20), pp. 4721-4727.  show abstract

Rozycka, M. Lu, Y.J. Brown, R.A. Lau, M.R. Shipley, J.M. Fry, M.J. (1998). cDNA cloning of a third human C2-domain-containing class II phosphoinositide 3-kinase, PI3K-C2gamma, and chromosomal assignment of this gene (PIK3C2G) to 12p12. Genomics, Vol.54 (3), pp. 569-574.  show abstract

Summersgill, B. Goker, H. Weber-Hall, S. Huddart, R. Horwich, A. Shipley, J. (1998). Molecular cytogenetic analysis of adult testicular germ cell tumours and identification of regions of consensus copy number change. Br j cancer, Vol.77 (2), pp. 305-313.  show abstract  full text

Osin, P. Shipley, J. Lu, Y.J. Crook, T. Gusterson, B.A. (1998). Experimental pathology and breast cancer genetics: new technologies. Recent results cancer res, Vol.152, pp. 35-48.  show abstract

Sheaff, M. McManus, A. Scheimberg, I. Paris, A. Shipley, J. Baithun, S. (1997). Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. American journal of surgical pathology, Vol.21 (4), pp. 461-8.

Brett, D. Whitehouse, S. Antonson, P. Shipley, J. Cooper, C. Goodwin, G. (1997). The SYT protein involved in the t(X;18) synovial sarcoma translocation is a transcriptional activator localised in nuclear bodies. Hum mol genet, Vol.6 (9), pp. 1559-1564.  show abstract

Clark, J. Lu, Y.J. Sidhar, S.K. Parker, C. Gill, S. Smedley, D. Hamoudi, R. Linehan, W.M. Shipley, J. Cooper, C.S. (1997). Fusion of splicing factor genes PSF and NonO (p54nrb) to the TFE3 gene in papillary renal cell carcinoma. Oncogene, Vol.15 (18), pp. 2233-2239.  show abstract

Lu, Y.J. Birdsall, S. Osin, P. Gusterson, B. Shipley, J. (1997). Phyllodes tumors of the breast analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization and association of increased 1q copy number with stromal overgrowth and recurrence. Genes chromosomes & cancer, Vol.20 (3), pp. 275-7.

Lu, Y. Birdsall, S. Osin, P. Gusterson, B. Shipley, J. (1997). Phyllodes tumors of the breast analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization and association of increased 1q copy number with stromal overgrowth and recurrence. Genes, chromosomes and cancer, Vol.20 (3), pp. 275-281.

Brown, R.A. Ho, L.K. Weber-Hall, S.J. Shipley, J.M. Fry, M.J. (1997). Identification and cDNA cloning of a novel mammalian C2 domain-containing phosphoinositide 3-kinase, HsC2-PI3K. Biochem biophys res commun, Vol.233 (2), pp. 537-544.  show abstract

Mitchell, P.J. Barker, K.T. Shipley, J. Crompton, M.R. (1997). Characterisation and chromosome mapping of the human non receptor tyrosine kinase gene, brk. Oncogene, Vol.15 (12), pp. 1497-1502.  show abstract

Birdsall, S.H. Stamps, A.C. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J.M. Gill, S.E. Cooper, C.S. (1996). No rearrangement of the CHOP and TLS/FUS genes in two cases of phyllodes tumor of the breast. Cancer genetics and cytogenetics, Vol.87 (1), pp. 90-2.

Byrne, P.C. Shipley, J.M. Chave, K.J. Sanders, P.G. Snell, K. (1996). Characterisation of a human serine hydroxymethyltransferase pseudogene and its localisation to 1p32 3-33. Human genetics, Vol.97 (3), pp. 340-5.

McManus, A.P. Gusterson, B.A. Pinkerton, C.R. Shipley, J.M. (1996). Specificity of the EWS/WT1 gene fusion for desmoplastic small round cell tumour - Reply. Journal of pathology, Vol.180 (4), pp. 462-1.

Summersgill, B.M. Huddart, R.A. Fisher, C. Horwich, A. Shipley, J. (1996). Identification of isochromosome 12P and other chromosomal copy number changes in male germ cell tumours by comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH); A new diagnostic tool?. British journal of cancer, Vol.74, pp. 11-1.

Ramani, P. Shipley, J. (1996). Recent advances in the diagnosis, prognosis and classification of childhood solid tumours. British medical bulletin, Vol.52 (4), pp. 724-18.

McManus, A.P. Gusterson, B.A. Pinkerton, C.R. Shipley, J.M. (1996). The molecular pathology of small round-cell tumours--relevance to diagnosis, prognosis, and classification. J pathol, Vol.178 (2), pp. 116-121.  show abstract

Shipley, J. Crew, J. Birdsall, S. Gill, S. Clark, J. Fisher, C. Kelsey, A. Nojima, T. Sonobe, H. Cooper, C. Gusterson, B. (1996). Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic aid for synovial sarcoma. Am j pathol, Vol.148 (2), pp. 559-567.  show abstract

Shipley, J. Weber-Hall, S. Birdsall, S. (1996). Loss of the chromosomal region 5q11-q31 in the myeloid cell line HL-60: characterization by comparative genomic hybridization and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.15 (3), pp. 182-186.  show abstract

McManus, A.P. Min, T. Swansbury, G.J. Gusterson, B.A. Pinkerton, C.R. Shipley, J.M. (1996). der(16)t(1;16)(q21;q13) as a secondary change in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma A case report and review of the literature. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.87 (2), pp. 179-181.  show abstract

McManus, A.P. O'Reilly, M.A. Jones, K.P. Gusterson, B.A. Mitchell, C.D. Pinkerton, C.R. Shipley, J.M. (1996). Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization detection of t(2;13)(q35;q14) in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma--a diagnostic tool in minimally invasive biopsies. J pathol, Vol.178 (4), pp. 410-414.  show abstract


Weber-Hall, S. McManus, A. Anderson, J. Nojima, T. Abe, S. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (1996). Novel formation and amplification of the PAX7-FKHR fusion gene in a case of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.17 (1), pp. 7-13.  show abstract

Sidhar, S.K. Clark, J. Gill, S. Hamoudi, R. Crew, A.J. Gwilliam, R. Ross, M. Linehan, W.M. Birdsall, S. Shipley, J. Cooper, C.S. (1996). The t(X;l)(p11 2;q21 2) translocation in papillary renal cell carcinoma fuses a novel gene PRCC to the TFE3 transcription factor gene. Human molecular genetics, Vol.5 (9), pp. 1333-6.

Smith, P.D. Barker, K.T. Wang, J. Lu, Y.J. Shipley, J. Crompton, M.R. (1996). ICAAR, a novel member of a new family of transmembrane, tyrosine phosphatase-like proteins. Biochemical and biophysical research communications, Vol.229 (2), pp. 402-10.

Weber-Hall, S. Anderson, J. McManus, A. Abe, S. Nojima, T. Pinkerton, R. Pritchard-Jones, K. Shipley, J. (1996). Gains, losses, and amplification of genomic material in rhabdomyosarcoma analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization. Cancer res, Vol.56 (14), pp. 3220-3224.  show abstract

Zani, V.J. Asou, N. Jadayel, D. Heward, J.M. Shipley, J. Nacheva, E. Takasuki, K. Catovsky, D. Dyer, M.J. (1996). Molecular cloning of complex chromosomal translocation t(8;14;12)(q24 1;q32 3;q24 1) in a Burkitt lymphoma cell line defines a new gene (BCL7A) with homology to caldesmon. Blood, Vol.87 (8), pp. 3124-3134.  show abstract

Clark, J. Benjamin, H. Gill, S. Sidhar, S. Goodwin, G. Crew, J. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J. Cooper, C.S. (1996). Fusion of the EWS gene to CHN, a member of the steroid thyroid receptor gene superfamily, in a human myxoid chondrosarcoma. Oncogene, Vol.12 (2), pp. 229-7.




Birdsall, S.H. Shipley, J.M. Summersgill, B.M. Black, A.J. Jackson, P. Kissin, M.W. Gusterson, B.A. (1995). Cytogenetic findings in a case of nodular fasciitis of the breast. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.81 (2), pp. 166-168.  show abstract

McManus, A.P. Gusterson, B.A. Pinkerton, C.R. Shipley, J.M. (1995). Diagnosis of Ewing's sarcoma and related tumours by detection of chromosome 22q12 translocations using fluorescence in situ hybridization on tumour touch imprints. J pathol, Vol.176 (2), pp. 137-142.  show abstract

Shipley, J. Williams, S. O'Byrne, A. Kearney, L. Jones, T. Young, B. Dyer, M. Catovsky, D. Sheer, D. Gusterson, B. (1995). Characterization of a t(10;11)(p13-14;q14-21) in the monoblastic cell line U937. Genes chromosomes cancer, Vol.13 (2), pp. 138-142.  show abstract

Birdsall, S.H. Summersgill, B.M. Egan, M. Fentiman, I.S. Gusterson, B.A. Shipley, J.M. (1995). Additional copies of 1q in sequential samples from a phyllodes tumor of the breast. Cancer genet cytogenet, Vol.83 (2), pp. 111-114.  show abstract


Smith, A.L. Mitchell, P.J. Shipley, J. Gusterson, B.A. Rogers, M.V. Crompton, M.R. (1995). Pez: a novel human cDNA encoding protein tyrosine phosphatase- and ezrin-like domains. Biochem biophys res commun, Vol.209 (3), pp. 959-965.  show abstract

Shipley, J.M. Birdsall, S. Clark, J. Crew, J. Gill, S. Linehan, M. Gnarra, J. Fisher, S. Craig, I.W. Cooper, C.S. (1995). Mapping the X chromosome breakpoint in two papillary renal cell carcinoma cell lines with a t(X;1)(p11 2;q21 2) and the first report of a female case. Cytogenet cell genet, Vol.71 (3), pp. 280-284.  show abstract


Shipley, J.M. Clark, J. Crew, A.J. Birdsall, S. Rocques, P.J. Gill, S. Chelly, J. Monaco, A.P. Abe, S. Gusterson, B.A. (1994). The t(X;18)(p11 2;q11 2) translocation found in human synovial sarcomas involves two distinct loci on the X chromosome. Oncogene, Vol.9 (5), pp. 1447-1453.  show abstract

Clark, J. Rocques, P.J. Crew, A.J. Gill, S. Shipley, J. Chan, A.M. Gusterson, B.A. Cooper, C.S. (1994). Identification of novel genes, SYT and SSX, involved in the t(X;18)(p11 2;q11 2) translocation found in human synovial sarcoma. Nat genet, Vol.7 (4), pp. 502-508.  show abstract

CREW, A.J. CLARK, J.P. SHIPLEY, J.M. GILL, S.E. ROCQUES, P.J. MONACO, A.P. GUSTERSON, B.A. COOPER, C.S. (1993). SUBLOCALIZATION OF THE T(X-18)(P11 2-Q11 2) TRANSLOCATION BREAKPOINT IN SYNOVIAL SARCOMA. American journal of human genetics, Vol.53 (3), pp. 1279-1.

Shipley, J. Crew, J. Gusterson, B. (1993). The molecular biology of soft tissue sarcomas. Eur j cancer, Vol.29A (14), pp. 2054-2058.

Karolak, M. Tracy, I. Shipley, J. Walters, Z.S. Targeting EZH2 for the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas. Journal of cancer metastasis and treatment, .

Book Chapters

Kearney, L. Shipley, J. (2012). Fluorescence in situ hybridization for cancer-related studies. . (pp. 149-174).