Award for Outstanding Research Achievement, Nature Biotechnology, 2009.
Keystone Scholarship, Keystone Symposia, 2006.
Lilly Singapore Centre for Drug Discovery Keystone Scholarship, Lilly Singapore Centre for Drug Discovery, 2009.
Dorsett L. Spurgeon Distinguished Research Award, Harvard Medical School, 2007.
Allison Gurnitz Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Sponsorship, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 2007.
Citrix Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Sponsorship, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 2009.
EACR Cancer Researcher Highly Commended Award, European Association for Cancer Research, 2011.
Emerging Investigator, Molecular Biosystems Journal, 2012.
AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award, British Association for Cancer Research, 2013.
Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Prize in Systems Biology, Council for Systems Biology in Boston, 2015.
Future Leaders in Cancer Research Prize, Cancer Research UK, 2015.