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Journal Articles

Zhang, Y. Young, R. Garvanska, D.H. Song, C. Zhai, Y. Wang, Y. Jiang, H. Fang, J. Nilsson, J. Alfieri, C. Zhang, G. (2024). Functional analysis of Cdc20 reveals a critical role of CRY box in mitotic checkpoint signaling. Commun biol, Vol.7 (1), p. 164.  show abstract  full text

Cirillo, L. Young, R. Veerapathiran, S. Roberti, A. Martin, M. Abubacar, A. Perosa, C. Coates, C. Muhammad, R. Roumeliotis, T.I. Choudhary, J.S. Alfieri, C. Pines, J. (2024). Spatial control of the APC/C ensures the rapid degradation of cyclin B1. Embo j, .  show abstract

Wan, M.S. Muhammad, R. Koliopoulos, M.G. Roumeliotis, T.I. Choudhary, J.S. Alfieri, C. (2023). Mechanism of assembly, activation and lysine selection by the SIN3B histone deacetylase complex. Nat commun, Vol.14 (1), p. 2556.  show abstract  full text

Koliopoulos, M.G. Alfieri, C. (2022). Cell cycle regulation by complex nanomachines. Febs j, Vol.289 (17), pp. 5100-5120.  show abstract  full text

Koliopoulos, M.G. Muhammad, R. Roumeliotis, T.I. Beuron, F. Choudhary, J.S. Alfieri, C. (2022). Structure of a nucleosome-bound MuvB transcription factor complex reveals DNA remodelling. Nat commun, Vol.13 (1), p. 5075.  show abstract  full text

Alfieri, C. Tischer, T. Barford, D. (2020). A unique binding mode of Nek2A to the APC/C allows its ubiquitination during prometaphase. Embo rep, Vol.21 (6), p. e49831.  show abstract  full text

Alfieri, C. Chang, L. Barford, D. (2018). Mechanism for remodelling of the cell cycle checkpoint protein MAD2 by the ATPase TRIP13. Nature, Vol.559 (7713), pp. 274-278.  show abstract  full text

Alfieri, C. Zhang, S. Barford, D. (2017). Visualizing the complex functions and mechanisms of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). Open biol, Vol.7 (11).  show abstract  full text

Zhang, S. Chang, L. Alfieri, C. Zhang, Z. Yang, J. Maslen, S. Skehel, M. Barford, D. (2016). Molecular mechanism of APC/C activation by mitotic phosphorylation. Nature, Vol.533 (7602), pp. 260-264.  show abstract  full text

Alfieri, C. Chang, L. Zhang, Z. Yang, J. Maslen, S. Skehel, M. Barford, D. (2016). Molecular basis of APC/C regulation by the spindle assembly checkpoint. Nature, Vol.536 (7617), pp. 431-436.  show abstract  full text

Alfieri, C. Gambetta, M.C. Matos, R. Glatt, S. Sehr, P. Fraterman, S. Wilm, M. Müller, J. Müller, C.W. (2013). Structural basis for targeting the chromatin repressor Sfmbt to Polycomb response elements. Genes dev, Vol.27 (21), pp. 2367-2379.  show abstract

Bock, L.J. Pagliuca, C. Kobayashi, N. Grove, R.A. Oku, Y. Shrestha, K. Alfieri, C. Golfieri, C. Oldani, A. Dal Maschio, M. Bermejo, R. Hazbun, T.R. Tanaka, T.U. De Wulf, P. (2012). Cnn1 inhibits the interactions between the KMN complexes of the yeast kinetochore. Nat cell biol, Vol.14 (6), pp. 614-624.  show abstract  full text

Nowak, A.J. Alfieri, C. Stirnimann, C.U. Rybin, V. Baudin, F. Ly-Hartig, N. Lindner, D. Müller, C.W. (2011). Chromatin-modifying complex component Nurf55/p55 associates with histones H3 and H4 and polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit Su(z)12 through partially overlapping binding sites. J biol chem, Vol.286 (26), pp. 23388-23396.  show abstract

Glatt, S. Alfieri, C. Müller, C.W. (2011). Recognizing and remodeling the nucleosome. Curr opin struct biol, Vol.21 (3), pp. 335-341.  show abstract

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