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Journal Articles

Sritharan, K. Akhiat, H. Cahill, D. Choi, S. Choudhury, A. Chung, P. Diaz, J. Dysager, L. Hall, W. Huddart, R. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Lawton, C. Mohajer, J. Murray, J. Nyborg, C.J. Pos, F.J. Rigo, M. Schytte, T. Sidhom, M. Sohaib, A. Tan, A. van der Voort van Zyp, J. Vesprini, D. Zelefsky, M.J. Tree, A.C. (2024). Development of Prostate Bed Delineation Consensus Guidelines for Magnetic Resonance Image-Guided Radiotherapy and Assessment of Its Effect on Interobserver Variability. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.118 (2), pp. 378-389.  show abstract

Westley, R.L. Biscombe, K. Dunlop, A. Mitchell, A. Oelfke, U. Nill, S. Murray, J. Pathmanathan, A. Hafeez, S. Parker, C. Ratnakumaran, R. Alexander, S. Herbert, T. Hall, E. Tree, A.C. (2024). Interim Toxicity Analysis From the Randomized HERMES Trial of 2- and 5-Fraction Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Adaptive Prostate Radiation Therapy. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.118 (3), pp. 682-687.  show abstract  full text

Yasar, B. Suh, Y.-. Chapman, E. Nicholls, L. Henderson, D. Jones, C. Morrison, K. Wells, E. Henderson, J. Meehan, C. Sohaib, A. Taylor, H. Tree, A. van As, N. (2024). Simultaneous Focal Boost With Stereotactic Radiation Therapy for Localized Intermediate- to High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Primary Outcomes of the SPARC Phase 2 Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.120 (1), pp. 49-58.  show abstract

Westerhoff, J.M. Daamen, L.A. Christodouleas, J.P. Blezer, E.L. Choudhury, A. Westley, R.L. Erickson, B.A. Fuller, C.D. Hafeez, S. van der Heide, U.A. Intven, M.P. Kirby, A.M. Lalondrelle, S. Minsky, B.D. Mook, S. Nowee, M.E. Marijnen, C.A. Orrling, K.M. Sahgal, A. Schultz, C.J. Faivre-Finn, C. Tersteeg, R.J. Tree, A.C. Tseng, C.-. Schytte, T. Silk, D.M. Eggert, D. Luzzara, M. van der Voort van Zyp, J.R. Verkooijen, H.M. Hall, W.A. (2024). Safety and Tolerability of Online Adaptive High-Field Magnetic Resonance-Guided Radiotherapy. Jama netw open, Vol.7 (5), p. e2410819.  show abstract  full text

Parker, C.C. Clarke, N.W. Cook, A.D. Kynaston, H. Catton, C.N. Cross, W.R. Petersen, P.M. Persad, R.A. Saad, F. Bower, L.C. Logue, J. Payne, H. Forcat, S. Goldstein, C. Murphy, C. Anderson, J. Barkati, M. Bottomley, D.M. Branagan, J. Choudhury, A. Chung, P.W. Cogley, L. Goh, C.L. Hoskin, P. Khoo, V. Malone, S.C. Masters, L. Morris, S.L. Nabid, A. Ong, A.D. Raman, R. Tarver, K.L. Tree, A.C. Worlding, J. Wylie, J.P. Zarkar, A.M. Parulekar, W.R. Parmar, M.K. Sydes, M.R. RADICALS investigators, (2024). Adding 6 months of androgen deprivation therapy to postoperative radiotherapy for prostate cancer: a comparison of short-course versus no androgen deprivation therapy in the RADICALS-HD randomised controlled trial. Lancet, Vol.403 (10442), pp. 2405-2415.  show abstract  full text

Han, L. Sullivan, R. Tree, A. Lewis, D. Price, P. Sangar, V. van der Meulen, J. Aggarwal, A. (2024). The impact of transportation mode, socioeconomic deprivation and rurality on travel times to radiotherapy and surgical services for patients with prostate cancer: A national population-based evaluation. Radiother oncol, Vol.192, p. 110092.  show abstract

Kirby, M. Merriel, S.W. Olajide, O. Norman, A. Vasdev, N. Hanchanale, V. Cain, M. Wilkinson, M. Stephens, H. Victor, D. Kinnaird, W. Tree, A. Challapalli, A. Rylance, A. (Prostate Cancer UK Clinical Advisory Group), (2024). Is the digital rectal exam any good as a prostate cancer screening test?. Br j gen pract, Vol.74 (740), pp. 137-139.  full text

Sritharan, K. Daamen, L. Pathmanathan, A. Schytte, T. Pos, F. Choudhury, A. van der Voort van Zyp, J.R. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Hall, W. Hall, E. Verkooijen, H.M. Herbert, T. Hafeez, S. Mitchell, A. Tree, A.C. (2024). MRI-guided radiotherapy in twenty fractions for localised prostate cancer; results from the MOMENTUM study. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.46, p. 100742.  show abstract  full text

Ratnakumaran, R. Mohajer, J. Withey, S.J. H Brand, D. Lee, E. Loblaw, A. Tolan, S. van As, N. Tree, A.C. PACE Trial Investigators, (2024). Developing and validating a simple urethra surrogate model to facilitate dosimetric analysis to predict genitourinary toxicity. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.46, p. 100769.  show abstract  full text

Sundahl, N. Brand, D. Parker, C. Dearnaley, D. Tree, A. Pathmanathan, A. Suh, Y.-. Van As, N. Eeles, R. Khoo, V. Huddart, R. Murray, J. (2024). Weekly ultra-hypofractionated radiotherapy in localised prostate cancer. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.47, p. 100800.  show abstract  full text

Patel, P.H. Dreibe, S. Reid, A. Parker, C. Murray, J. Pathmanathan, A. Tirona, A. Guevara, J. Suh, Y.-. Frew, J. Palaniappan, N. Syndikus, I. Attard, G. Tunariu, N. Tree, A.C. (2024). Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligoprogression in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Early Toxicity Analysis of the TRAP Trial. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.36 (9), pp. 585-592.  show abstract

van As, N. Yasar, B. Griffin, C. Patel, J. Tree, A.C. Ostler, P. van der Voet, H. Ford, D. Tolan, S. Wells, P. Mahmood, R. Winkler, M. Chan, A. Thompson, A. Ogden, C. Naismith, O. Pugh, J. Manning, G. Brown, S. Burnett, S. Hall, E. (2024). Radical Prostatectomy Versus Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Clinically Localised Prostate Cancer: Results of the PACE-A Randomised Trial. Eur urol, .  show abstract  full text

Han, L. Mayne, E. Dodkins, J. Sullivan, R. Cook, A. Parry, M. Nossiter, J. Cowling, T.E. Tree, A. Clarke, N. van der Meulen, J. Aggarwal, A. (2024). Is Centralisation of Cancer Services Associated With Under-Treatment of Patients With High-Risk Prostate Cancer?-A National Population-Based Study. Cancer med, Vol.13 (21), p. e70403.  show abstract  full text

van As, N. Griffin, C. Tree, A. Patel, J. Ostler, P. van der Voet, H. Loblaw, A. Chu, W. Ford, D. Tolan, S. Jain, S. Camilleri, P. Kancherla, K. Frew, J. Chan, A. Naismith, O. Armstrong, J. Staffurth, J. Martin, A. Dayes, I. Wells, P. Price, D. Williamson, E. Pugh, J. Manning, G. Brown, S. Burnett, S. Hall, E. (2024). Phase 3 Trial of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in Localized Prostate Cancer. N engl j med, Vol.391 (15), pp. 1413-1425.  show abstract  full text

Westley, R. Casey, F. Mitchell, A. Alexander, S. Nill, S. Murray, J. Ratnakumaran, R. Pathmanathan, A. Oelfke, U. Dunlop, A. Tree, A.C. (2024). Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) to Localised Prostate Cancer in the Era of MRI-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy: Doses Delivered in the HERMES Trial Comparing Two- and Five-Fraction Treatments. Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (11).  show abstract  full text

Westley, R.L. Alexander, S.E. Goodwin, E. Dunlop, A. Nill, S. Oelfke, U. McNair, H.A. Tree, A.C. (2024). Magnetic resonance image-guided adaptive radiotherapy enables safe CTV-to-PTV margin reduction in prostate cancer: a cine MRI motion study. Front oncol, Vol.14, p. 1379596.  show abstract  full text

Aggarwal, A. Han, L. Tree, A. Lewis, D. Roques, T. Sangar, V. van der Meulen, J. (2023). Impact of centralization of prostate cancer services on the choice of radical treatment. Bju int, Vol.131 (1), pp. 53-62.  show abstract  full text

Ma, T.M. Sun, Y. Malone, S. Roach, M. Dearnaley, D. Pisansky, T.M. Feng, F.Y. Sandler, H.M. Efstathiou, J.A. Syndikus, I. Hall, E.C. Tree, A.C. Sydes, M.R. Cruickshank, C. Roy, S. Bolla, M. Maingon, P. De Reijke, T. Nabid, A. Carrier, N. Souhami, L. Zapatero, A. Guerrero, A. Alvarez, A. Gonzalez San-Segundo, C. Maldonado, X. Romero, T. Steinberg, M.L. Valle, L.F. Rettig, M.B. Nickols, N.G. Shoag, J.E. Reiter, R.E. Zaorsky, N.G. Jia, A.Y. Garcia, J.A. Spratt, D.E. Kishan, A.U. Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials in Cancer of the Prostate (MARCAP) Consortium Investigators, (2023). Sequencing of Androgen-Deprivation Therapy of Short Duration With Radiotherapy for Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer (SANDSTORM): A Pooled Analysis of 12 Randomized Trials. J clin oncol, Vol.41 (4), pp. 881-892.  show abstract  full text

Brand, D.H. Brüningk, S.C. Wilkins, A. Naismith, O. Gao, A. Syndikus, I. Dearnaley, D.P. van As, N. Hall, E. Gulliford, S. Tree, A.C. CHHiP Trial Management Group, (2023). The Fraction Size Sensitivity of Late Genitourinary Toxicity: Analysis of Alpha/Beta (α/β) Ratios in the CHHiP Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.115 (2), pp. 327-336.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Satchwell, L. Alexander, E. Blasiak-Wal, I. deSouza, N.M. Gao, A. Greenlay, E. McNair, H. Parker, C. Talbot, J. Dearnaley, D. Murray, J. (2023). Standard and Hypofractionated Dose Escalation to Intraprostatic Tumor Nodules in Localized Prostate Cancer: 5-Year Efficacy and Toxicity in the DELINEATE Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.115 (2), pp. 305-316.  show abstract

Parr, H. Porta, N. Tree, A.C. Dearnaley, D. Hall, E. (2023). A Personalized Clinical Dynamic Prediction Model to Characterize Prognosis for Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer: Analysis of the CHHiP Phase 3 Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.116 (5), pp. 1055-1068.  show abstract  full text

Brand, D.H. Brüningk, S.C. Wilkins, A. Naismith, O. Gao, A. Syndikus, I. Dearnaley, D.P. Hall, E. van As, N. Tree, A.C. Gulliford, S. (2023). Gastrointestinal Toxicity Prediction Not Influenced by Rectal Contour or Dose-Volume Histogram Definition. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.117 (5), pp. 1163-1173.  show abstract  full text

Adair Smith, G. Dunlop, A. Alexander, S.E. Barnes, H. Casey, F. Chick, J. Gunapala, R. Herbert, T. Lawes, R. Mason, S.A. Mitchell, A. Mohajer, J. Murray, J. Nill, S. Patel, P. Pathmanathan, A. Sritharan, K. Sundahl, N. Tree, A.C. Westley, R. Williams, B. McNair, H.A. (2023). Evaluation of therapeutic radiographer contouring for magnetic resonance image guided online adaptive prostate radiotherapy. Radiother oncol, Vol.180, p. 109457.  show abstract  full text

Adair Smith, G. Dunlop, A. Alexander, S.E. Barnes, H. Casey, F. Chick, J. Gunapala, R. Herbert, T. Lawes, R. Mason, S.A. Mitchell, A. Mohajer, J. Murray, J. Nill, S. Patel, P. Pathmanathan, A. Sritharan, K. Sundahl, N. Westley, R. Tree, A.C. McNair, H.A. (2023). Interobserver variation of clinical oncologists compared to therapeutic radiographers (RTT) prostate contours on T2 weighted MRI. Tech innov patient support radiat oncol, Vol.25, p. 100200.  show abstract  full text

Poon, D.M. Yuan, J. Yang, B. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Kishan, A.U. Murthy, V. Tree, A. Zapatero, A. Wong, O.L. (2023). Magnetic Resonance Imaging–guided Focal Boost to Intraprostatic Lesions Using External Beam Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European urology oncology, Vol.6 (2), pp. 116-127.  full text

Ratnakumaran, R. van As, N. Khoo, V. McDonald, F. Tait, D. Ahmed, M. Taylor, H. Griffin, C. Dunne, E.M. Tree, A.C. (2023). Patterns of Failure After Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy to Sacral Metastases. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.35 (5), pp. 339-346.  show abstract  full text

Alexander, S.E. Oelfke, U. McNair, H.A. Tree, A.C. (2023). GI factors, potential to predict prostate motion during radiotherapy; a scoping review. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.40, p. 100604.  show abstract  full text

Liu, W.K. Patel, R. Crawford, R. Ayres, B. Watkin, N. Tree, A. Pickering, L. Patel, H.R. Ashfar, M. (2023). Longitudinal cohort analysis of patients with metastatic penile cancer treated in a large quaternary academic centre. Journal of clinical urology, Vol.16 (4), pp. 293-302.  show abstract  full text

Bisgaard, A.L. Keesman, R. van Lier, A.L. Coolens, C. van Houdt, P.J. Tree, A. Wetscherek, A. Romesser, P.B. Tyagi, N. Lo Russo, M. Habrich, J. Vesprini, D. Lau, A.Z. Mook, S. Chung, P. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Gouw, Z.A. Lorenzen, E.L. van der Heide, U.A. Schytte, T. Brink, C. Mahmood, F. (2023). Recommendations for improved reproducibility of ADC derivation on behalf of the Elekta MRI-linac consortium image analysis working group. Radiother oncol, Vol.186, p. 109803.  show abstract  full text

Roy, S. Romero, T. Michalski, J.M. Feng, F.Y. Efstathiou, J.A. Lawton, C.A. Bolla, M. Maingon, P. de Reijke, T. Joseph, D. Ong, W.L. Sydes, M.R. Dearnaley, D.P. Tree, A.C. Carrier, N. Nabid, A. Souhami, L. Incrocci, L. Heemsbergen, W.D. Pos, F.J. Zapatero, A. Guerrero, A. Alvarez, A. San-Segundo, C.G. Maldonado, X. Reiter, R.E. Rettig, M.B. Nickols, N.G. Steinberg, M.L. Valle, L.F. Ma, T.M. Farrell, M.J. Neilsen, B.K. Juarez, J.E. Deng, J. Vangala, S. Avril, N. Jia, A.Y. Zaorsky, N.G. Sun, Y. Spratt, D. Kishan, A.U. Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials in Cancer of the Prostate (MARCAP) Consortium Investigators, (2023). Biochemical Recurrence Surrogacy for Clinical Outcomes After Radiotherapy for Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate. J clin oncol, Vol.41 (32), pp. 5005-5014.  show abstract  full text

Bano, W. Holmes, W. Goodburn, R. Golbabaee, M. Gupta, A. Withey, S. Tree, A. Oelfke, U. Wetscherek, A. (2023). Joint radial trajectory correction for accelerated T2 * mapping on an MR-Linac. Med phys, Vol.50 (11), pp. 7027-7038.  show abstract  full text

Alexander, S.E. Oelfke, U. Westley, R. McNair, H.A. Tree, A.C. (2023). Prostate cancer image guided radiotherapy: Why the commotion over rectal volume and motion?. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.43, p. 100685.  show abstract  full text

Ratnakumaran, R. Hinder, V. Brand, D. Staffurth, J. Hall, E. van As, N. Tree, A. PACE Trial Investigators, (2023). The Association between Acute and Late Genitourinary and Gastrointestinal Toxicities: An Analysis of the PACE B Study. Cancers (basel), Vol.15 (4).  show abstract  full text

Parker, C. Tunariu, N. Tovey, H. Alonzi, R. Blackledge, M.D. Cook, G.J. Chua, S. Du, Y. Hafeez, S. Murray, I. Padhani, A.R. Staffurth, J. Tree, A. Stidwill, H. Finch, J. Curcean, A. Chatfield, P. Perry, S. Koh, D.-. Hall, E. (2023). Radium-223 in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: whole-body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scanning to assess response. Jnci cancer spectr, Vol.7 (6).  show abstract  full text

Slevin, F. Rieu, R. Beasley, M. Speight, R. Aitken, K. Good, J. McDonald, F. Rackley, T. Radhakrishna, G. Haridass, A. Murray, L.J. Tree, A.C. Henry, A.M. (2023). Evaluation of the impact of teaching on delineation variation during a virtual stereotactic ablative radiotherapy contouring workshop. Journal of radiotherapy in practice, Vol.22.  show abstract

Hall, W.A. Paulson, E. Li, X.A. Erickson, B. Schultz, C. Tree, A. Awan, M. Low, D.A. McDonald, B.A. Salzillo, T. Glide-Hurst, C.K. Kishan, A.U. Fuller, C.D. (2022). Magnetic resonance linear accelerator technology and adaptive radiation therapy: An overview for clinicians. Ca cancer j clin, Vol.72 (1), pp. 34-56.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A. Griffin, C. Syndikus, I. Birtle, A. Choudhury, A. Graham, J. Ferguson, C. Khoo, V. Malik, Z. O'Sullivan, J. Panades, M. Parker, C. Rimmer, Y. Scrase, C. Staffurth, J. Dearnaley, D. Hall, E. CHHiP investigators, (2022). Nonrandomized Comparison of Efficacy and Side Effects of Bicalutamide Compared With Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Analogs in Combination With Radiation Therapy in the CHHiP Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.113 (2), pp. 305-315.  show abstract  full text

Sritharan, K. Tree, A. (2022). MR-guided radiotherapy for prostate cancer: state of the art and future perspectives. Br j radiol, Vol.95 (1131), p. 20210800.  show abstract  full text

Roy, S. Zaorsky, N.G. Bagshaw, H.P. Berlin, A. Tree, A. Turner, S. Koontz, B. Nguyen, P. Chen, R. Dess, R.T. Jackson, W.C. Kishan, A.U. Stish, B. Nagar, H. Posadas, E. Tran, P.T. Solanki, A. Shore, N.D. Guo, G. Ponsky, L. Shoag, J.E. Morgans, A.K. Garcia, J.A. Showalter, T.N. Feng, F.Y. Spratt, D.E. (2022). An Expert Review on the Combination of Relugolix With Definitive Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.113 (2), pp. 278-289.  show abstract

Curcean, A. Curcean, S. Rescigno, P. Dafydd, D.A. Tree, A. Reid, A. Koh, D.-. Sohaib, A. Tunariu, N. Shur, J. (2022). Imaging features of the evolving patterns of metastatic prostate cancer. Clin radiol, Vol.77 (2), pp. 88-95.  show abstract  full text

Smith, G.A. Dunlop, A. Barnes, H. Herbert, T. Lawes, R. Mohajer, J. Tree, A.C. McNair, H.A. (2022). Bladder filling in patients undergoing prostate radiotherapy on a MR-linac: The dosimetric impact. Tech innov patient support radiat oncol, Vol.21, pp. 41-45.  show abstract  full text

Diez, P. Hanna, G.G. Aitken, K.L. van As, N. Carver, A. Colaco, R.J. Conibear, J. Dunne, E.M. Eaton, D.J. Franks, K.N. Good, J.S. Harrow, S. Hatfield, P. Hawkins, M.A. Jain, S. McDonald, F. Patel, R. Rackley, T. Sanghera, P. Tree, A. Murray, L. (2022). UK 2022 Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose-Volume Constraints for Oligometastatic, Primary Lung and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.34 (5), pp. 288-300.  show abstract  full text

Westley, R. Hall, E. Tree, A. (2022). HERMES: Delivery of a Speedy Prostate Cancer Treatment. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.34 (7), pp. 426-429.  full text

Keall, P.J. Brighi, C. Glide-Hurst, C. Liney, G. Liu, P.Z. Lydiard, S. Paganelli, C. Pham, T. Shan, S. Tree, A.C. van der Heide, U.A. Waddington, D.E. Whelan, B. (2022). Integrated MRI-guided radiotherapy - opportunities and challenges. Nat rev clin oncol, Vol.19 (7), pp. 458-470.  show abstract  full text

Kishan, A.U. Wang, X. Sun, Y. Romero, T. Michalski, J.M. Ma, T.M. Feng, F.Y. Sandler, H.M. Bolla, M. Maingon, P. De Reijke, T. Neven, A. Steigler, A. Denham, J.W. Joseph, D. Nabid, A. Carrier, N. Souhami, L. Sydes, M.R. Dearnaley, D.P. Syndikus, I. Tree, A.C. Incrocci, L. Heemsbergen, W.D. Pos, F.J. Zapatero, A. Efstathiou, J.A. Guerrero, A. Alvarez, A. San-Segundo, C.G. Maldonado, X. Xiang, M. Rettig, M.B. Reiter, R.E. Zaorsky, N.G. Ong, W.L. Dess, R.T. Steinberg, M.L. Nickols, N.G. Roy, S. Garcia, J.A. Spratt, D.E. MARCAP Consortium, (2022). High-dose Radiotherapy or Androgen Deprivation Therapy (HEAT) as Treatment Intensification for Localized Prostate Cancer: An Individual Patient-data Network Meta-analysis from the MARCAP Consortium. Eur urol, Vol.82 (1), pp. 106-114.  show abstract  full text

Kerkmeijer, L.G. Kishan, A.U. Tree, A.C. (2022). Magnetic Resonance Imaging-guided Adaptive Radiotherapy for Urological Cancers: What Urologists Should Know. Eur urol, Vol.82 (2), pp. 149-151.  show abstract

Alexander, S.E. McNair, H.A. Oelfke, U. Huddart, R. Murray, J. Pathmanathan, A. Patel, P. Sritharan, K. van As, N. Tree, A.C. (2022). Prostate Volume Changes during Extreme and Moderately Hypofractionated Magnetic Resonance Image-guided Radiotherapy. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.34 (9), pp. e383-e391.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Ostler, P. van der Voet, H. Chu, W. Loblaw, A. Ford, D. Tolan, S. Jain, S. Martin, A. Staffurth, J. Armstrong, J. Camilleri, P. Kancherla, K. Frew, J. Chan, A. Dayes, I.S. Duffton, A. Brand, D.H. Henderson, D. Morrison, K. Brown, S. Pugh, J. Burnett, S. Mahmud, M. Hinder, V. Naismith, O. Hall, E. van As, N. PACE Trial Investigators, (2022). Intensity-modulated radiotherapy versus stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer (PACE-B): 2-year toxicity results from an open-label, randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet oncol, Vol.23 (10), pp. 1308-1320.  show abstract  full text

Sritharan, K. Dunlop, A. Mohajer, J. Adair-Smith, G. Barnes, H. Brand, D. Greenlay, E. Hijab, A. Oelfke, U. Pathmanathan, A. Mitchell, A. Murray, J. Nill, S. Parker, C. Sundahl, N. Tree, A.C. (2022). Dosimetric comparison of automatically propagated prostate contours with manually drawn contours in MRI-guided radiotherapy: A step towards a contouring free workflow?. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.37, pp. 25-32.  show abstract  full text

Lawes, R. Barnes, H. Herbert, T. Mitchell, A. Nill, S. Oelfke, U. Pathmanathan, A. Smith, G.A. Sritharan, K. Tree, A. McNair, H.A. Dunlop, A. (2022). MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy for prostate cancer: When do we need to account for intra-fraction motion?. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.37, pp. 85-88.  show abstract  full text

Murray, J. Cruickshank, C. Bird, T. Bell, P. Braun, J. Chuter, D. Ferreira, M.R. Griffin, C. Hassan, S. Hujairi, N. Melcher, A. Miles, E. Naismith, O. Panades, M. Philipps, L. Reid, A. Rekowski, J. Sankey, P. Staffurth, J. Syndikus, I. Tree, A. Wilkins, A. Hall, E. PEARLS Trial Management Group, (2022). PEARLS - A multicentre phase II/III trial of extended field radiotherapy for androgen sensitive prostate cancer patients with PSMA-avid pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes at presentation. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.37, pp. 130-136.  show abstract  full text

Ma, T.M. Chu, F.-. Sandler, H. Feng, F.Y. Efstathiou, J.A. Jones, C.U. Roach, M. Rosenthal, S.A. Pisansky, T. Michalski, J.M. Bolla, M. de Reijke, T.M. Maingon, P. Neven, A. Denham, J. Steigler, A. Joseph, D. Nabid, A. Souhami, L. Carrier, N. Incrocci, L. Heemsbergen, W. Pos, F.J. Sydes, M.R. Dearnaley, D.P. Tree, A.C. Syndikus, I. Hall, E. Cruickshank, C. Malone, S. Roy, S. Sun, Y. Zaorsky, N.G. Nickols, N.G. Reiter, R.E. Rettig, M.B. Steinberg, M.L. Reddy, V.K. Xiang, M. Romero, T. Spratt, D.E. Kishan, A.U. Meta-analysis of Randomized trials in Cancer of the Prostate MARCAP Consortium investigators, (2022). Local Failure Events in Prostate Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy: A Pooled Analysis of 18 Randomized Trials from the Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials in Cancer of the Prostate Consortium (LEVIATHAN). Eur urol, Vol.82 (5), pp. 487-498.  show abstract  full text

Gómez-Aparicio, M.A. López-Campos, F. Pelari-Mici, L. Buchser, D. Pastor, J. Maldonado, X. Zafra, J. Tree, A.C. Bultijnck, R. Sargos, P. Ost, P. Couñago, F. (2022). Bone health and therapeutic agents in advanced prostate cancer. Front biosci (landmark ed), Vol.27 (1), p. 34.  show abstract

Patel, P.H. Tunariu, N. Levine, D.S. de Bono, J.S. Eeles, R.A. Khoo, V. Murray, J. Parker, C.C. Pathmanathan, A. Reid, A. van As, N. Tree, A.C. (2022). Oligoprogression in Metastatic, Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer-Prevalence and Current Clinical Practice. Front oncol, Vol.12, p. 862995.  show abstract  full text

Hall, W.A. Kishan, A.U. Hall, E. Nagar, H. Vesprini, D. Paulson, E. Van der Heide, U.A. Lawton, C.A. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Tree, A.C. (2022). Adaptive magnetic resonance image guided radiation for intact localized prostate cancer how to optimally test a rapidly emerging technology. Front oncol, Vol.12, p. 962897.  show abstract  full text

Kim, H. Lee, P. Tree, A.C. Chuong, M.D. Raldow, A.C. Kishan, A.U. Fuller, C.D. Rosenberg, S.A. Hall, W.A. Chie, E.K. Portelance, L. (2022). Adaptive Radiation Therapy Physician Guidelines: Recommendations From an Expert Users' Panel. Pract radiat oncol, Vol.12 (5), pp. e355-e362.  show abstract

Hall, W.A. Paulson, E. Davis, B.J. Spratt, D.E. Morgan, T.M. Dearnaley, D. Tree, A.C. Efstathiou, J.A. Harisinghani, M. Jani, A.B. Buyyounouski, M.K. Pisansky, T.M. Tran, P.T. Karnes, R.J. Chen, R.C. Cury, F.L. Michalski, J.M. Rosenthal, S.A. Koontz, B.F. Wong, A.C. Nguyen, P.L. Hope, T.A. Feng, F. Sandler, H.M. Lawton, C.A. (2021). NRG Oncology Updated International Consensus Atlas on Pelvic Lymph Node Volumes for Intact and Postoperative Prostate Cancer. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.109 (1), pp. 174-185.  show abstract  full text

Mohajer, J. Dunlop, A. Mitchell, A. Goodwin, E. Nill, S. Oelfke, U. Tree, A. (2021). Feasibility of MR-guided ultrahypofractionated radiotherapy in 5, 2 or 1 fractions for prostate cancer. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.26, pp. 1-7.  show abstract  full text

Brand, D.H. Brüningk, S.C. Wilkins, A. Fernandez, K. Naismith, O. Gao, A. Syndikus, I. Dearnaley, D.P. Tree, A.C. van As, N. Hall, E. Gulliford, S. CHHiP Trial Management Group, (2021). Estimates of Alpha/Beta (α/β) Ratios for Individual Late Rectal Toxicity Endpoints: An Analysis of the CHHiP Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.110 (2), pp. 596-608.  show abstract  full text

Grimwood, A. Thomas, K. Kember, S. Aldis, G. Lawes, R. Brigden, B. Francis, J. Henegan, E. Kerner, M. Delacroix, L. Gordon, A. Tree, A. Harris, E.J. McNair, H.A. (2021). Factors affecting accuracy and precision in ultrasound guided radiotherapy. Phys imaging radiat oncol, Vol.18, pp. 68-77.  show abstract  full text

Sritharan, K. Rieu, R. Tree, A. (2021). A narrative review of oligometastatic prostate cancer-an evolving paradigm. Ann palliat med, Vol.10 (5), pp. 5969-5987.  show abstract  full text

Alexander, S.E. Booth, L. Delacroix, L. Gordon, A. Kirkpatrick, N. Tree, A.C. (2021). Evaluation of a urology specialist therapeutic radiographer implemented radiotherapy pathway for prostate cancer patients. Radiography (lond), Vol.27 (2), pp. 430-436.  show abstract  full text

Corradini, S. Alongi, F. Andratschke, N. Azria, D. Bohoudi, O. Boldrini, L. Bruynzeel, A. Hörner-Rieber, J. Jürgenliemk-Schulz, I. Lagerwaard, F. McNair, H. Raaymakers, B. Schytte, T. Tree, A. Valentini, V. Wilke, L. Zips, D. Belka, C. (2021). ESTRO-ACROP recommendations on the clinical implementation of hybrid MR-linac systems in radiation oncology. Radiother oncol, Vol.159, pp. 146-154.  show abstract  full text

Jereczek-Fossa, B.A. Marvaso, G. Zaffaroni, M. Gugliandolo, S.G. Zerini, D. Corso, F. Gandini, S. Alongi, F. Bossi, A. Cornford, P. De Bari, B. Fonteyne, V. Hoskin, P. Pieters, B.R. Tree, A.C. Arcangeli, S. Fuller, D.B. Franzese, C. Hannoun-Levi, J.-. Janoray, G. Kerkmeijer, L. Kwok, Y. Livi, L. Loi, M. Miralbell, R. Pasquier, D. Pinkawa, M. Scher, N. Scorsetti, M. Shelan, M. Toledano, A. van As, N. Vavassori, A. Zilli, T. Pepa, M. Ost, P. on the behalf of the European Society for Radiotherapy, Oncology Advisory Committee on Radiation Oncology Practice (ESTRO ACROP), (2021). Salvage stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for intraprostatic relapse after prostate cancer radiotherapy: An ESTRO ACROP Delphi consensus. Cancer treat rev, Vol.98, p. 102206.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. van As, N.J. (2021). Single dose prostate radiotherapy - a step too far?. Nat rev urol, Vol.18 (8), pp. 445-446.  full text

Ager, M. Njoku, K. Serra, M. Robinson, A. Pickering, L. Afshar, M. Vyas, L. Eardley, I. Kayes, O. Elmamoun, M. Khoo, V. Ayres, B. Henry, A. Watkin, N. Tree, A.C. (2021). Long-term multicentre experience of adjuvant radiotherapy for pN3 squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. Bju int, Vol.128 (4), pp. 451-459.  show abstract  full text

Hijab, A. Curcean, S. Tunariu, N. Tovey, H. Alonzi, R. Staffurth, J. Blackledge, M. Padhani, A. Tree, A. Stidwill, H. Finch, J. Chatfield, P. Perry, S. Mu Koh, D. Hall, E. Parker, C. (2021). Fracture Risk in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer Treated With Radium-223. Clin genitourin cancer, Vol.19 (5), pp. e299-e305.  show abstract  full text

de Mol van Otterloo, S.R. Christodouleas, J.P. Blezer, E.L. Akhiat, H. Brown, K. Choudhury, A. Eggert, D. Erickson, B.A. Daamen, L.A. Faivre-Finn, C. Fuller, C.D. Goldwein, J. Hafeez, S. Hall, E. Harrington, K.J. van der Heide, U.A. Huddart, R.A. Intven, M.P. Kirby, A.M. Lalondrelle, S. McCann, C. Minsky, B.D. Mook, S. Nowee, M.E. Oelfke, U. Orrling, K. Philippens, M.E. Sahgal, A. Schultz, C.J. Tersteeg, R.J. Tijssen, R.H. Tree, A.C. van Triest, B. Tseng, C.-. Hall, W.A. Verkooijen, H.M. MR-Linac Consortium, (2021). Patterns of Care, Tolerability, and Safety of the First Cohort of Patients Treated on a Novel High-Field MR-Linac Within the MOMENTUM Study: Initial Results From a Prospective Multi-Institutional Registry. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.111 (4), pp. 867-875.  show abstract  full text

Kooreman, E.S. van Houdt, P.J. Keesman, R. van Pelt, V.W. Nowee, M.E. Pos, F. Sikorska, K. Wetscherek, A. Müller, A.-. Thorwarth, D. Tree, A.C. van der Heide, U.A. (2021). Daily Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) In Prostate Cancer Patients During MR-Guided Radiotherapy-A Multicenter Study. Front oncol, Vol.11, p. 705964.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Dearnaley, D.P. (2020). Seven or less Fractions is Not the Standard of Care for Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.32 (3), pp. 175-180.  show abstract  full text

Barnes, H. Mohajer, J. Dunlop, A. Adair Smith, G. Herbert, T. Lawes, R. Tree, A. McNair, H. (2020). Laser-free pelvic alignment in an online adaptive radiotherapy environment. Tech innov patient support radiat oncol, Vol.13, pp. 21-23.  show abstract  full text

Menten, M.J. Mohajer, J.K. Nilawar, R. Bertholet, J. Dunlop, A. Pathmanathan, A.U. Moreau, M. Marshall, S. Wetscherek, A. Nill, S. Tree, A.C. Oelfke, U. (2020). Automatic reconstruction of the delivered dose of the day using MR-linac treatment log files and online MR imaging. Radiother oncol, Vol.145, pp. 88-94.  show abstract  full text

Dunlop, A. Mitchell, A. Tree, A. Barnes, H. Bower, L. Chick, J. Goodwin, E. Herbert, T. Lawes, R. McNair, H. McQuaid, D. Mohajer, J. Nilawar, R. Pathmanathan, A. Smith, G. Hanson, I. Nill, S. Oelfke, U. (2020). Daily adaptive radiotherapy for patients with prostate cancer using a high field MR-linac: Initial clinical experiences and assessment of delivered doses compared to a C-arm linac. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.23, pp. 35-42.  show abstract  full text

Grimwood, A. Rivaz, H. Zhou, H. McNair, H.A. Jakubowski, K. Bamber, J.C. Tree, A.C. Harris, E.J. (2020). Improving 3D ultrasound prostate localisation in radiotherapy through increased automation of interfraction matching. Radiother oncol, Vol.149, pp. 134-141.  show abstract  full text

Syndikus, I. Cruickshank, C. Staffurth, J. Tree, A. Henry, A. Naismith, O. Mayles, H. Snelson, N. Hassan, S. Brown, S. Porta, N. Griffin, C. Hall, E. (2020). PIVOTALboost: A phase III randomised controlled trial of prostate and pelvis versus prostate alone radiotherapy with or without prostate boost (CRUK/16/018). Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.25, pp. 22-28.  show abstract  full text

Nicholls, L. Suh, Y.-. Chapman, E. Henderson, D. Jones, C. Morrison, K. Sohaib, A. Taylor, H. Tree, A. van As, N. (2020). Stereotactic radiotherapy with focal boost for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer: Initial results of the SPARC trial. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.25, pp. 88-93.  show abstract  full text

Zaorsky, N.G. Yu, J.B. McBride, S.M. Dess, R.T. Jackson, W.C. Mahal, B.A. Chen, R. Choudhury, A. Henry, A. Syndikus, I. Mitin, T. Tree, A. Kishan, A.U. Spratt, D.E. (2020). Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy Recommendations in Response to COVID-19. Adv radiat oncol, Vol.5 (Suppl 1), pp. 26-32.  show abstract  full text

Patel, R. English, L. Liu, W.K. Tree, A.C. Ayres, B. Watkin, N. Pickering, L.M. Afshar, M. (2020). Red cell differential width (RDW) as a predictor of survival outcomes with palliative and adjuvant chemotherapy for metastatic penile cancer. Int urol nephrol, Vol.52 (12), pp. 2301-2306.  show abstract

Murray, J.R. Tree, A.C. Alexander, E.J. Sohaib, A. Hazell, S. Thomas, K. Gunapala, R. Parker, C.C. Huddart, R.A. Gao, A. Truelove, L. McNair, H.A. Blasiak-Wal, I. deSouza, N.M. Dearnaley, D. (2020). Standard and Hypofractionated Dose Escalation to Intraprostatic Tumor Nodules in Localized Prostate Cancer: Efficacy and Toxicity in the DELINEATE Trial. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.106 (4), pp. 715-724.  show abstract  full text

Spencer, K.L. Tree, A.C. (2020). Commentary on Cost-Effectiveness of Metastasis-Directed Therapy in Oligorecurrent Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.108 (4), pp. 927-929.

Sundahl, N. Tree, A. Parker, C. (2020). The Emerging Role of Local Therapy in Metastatic Prostate Cancer. Curr oncol rep, Vol.22 (1), p. 2.  show abstract  full text

Zaorsky, N.G. Yu, J.B. McBride, S.M. Dess, R.T. Jackson, W.C. Mahal, B.A. Chen, R. Choudhury, A. Henry, A. Syndikus, I. Mitin, T. Tree, A. Kishan, A.U. Spratt, D.E. (2020). Prostate Cancer Radiation Therapy Recommendations in Response to COVID-19. Adv radiat oncol, Vol.5 (4), pp. 659-665.  show abstract  full text

de Mol van Otterloo, S.R. Christodouleas, J.P. Blezer, E.L. Akhiat, H. Brown, K. Choudhury, A. Eggert, D. Erickson, B.A. Faivre-Finn, C. Fuller, C.D. Goldwein, J. Hafeez, S. Hall, E. Harrington, K.J. van der Heide, U.A. Huddart, R.A. Intven, M.P. Kirby, A.M. Lalondrelle, S. McCann, C. Minsky, B.D. Mook, S. Nowee, M.E. Oelfke, U. Orrling, K. Sahgal, A. Sarmiento, J.G. Schultz, C.J. Tersteeg, R.J. Tijssen, R.H. Tree, A.C. van Triest, B. Hall, W.A. Verkooijen, H.M. (2020). The MOMENTUM Study: An International Registry for the Evidence-Based Introduction of MR-Guided Adaptive Therapy. Front oncol, Vol.10, p. 1328.  show abstract  full text

Tocco, B.R. Kishan, A.U. Ma, T.M. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Tree, A.C. (2020). MR-Guided Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer. Front oncol, Vol.10, p. 616291.  show abstract

Pathmanathan, A.U. McNair, H.A. Schmidt, M.A. Brand, D.H. Delacroix, L. Eccles, C.L. Gordon, A. Herbert, T. van As, N.J. Huddart, R.A. Tree, A.C. (2019). Comparison of prostate delineation on multimodality imaging for MR-guided radiotherapy. Br j radiol, Vol.92 (1095), p. 20180948.  show abstract  full text

Pathmanathan, A.U. Schmidt, M.A. Brand, D.H. Kousi, E. van As, N.J. Tree, A.C. (2019). Improving fiducial and prostate capsule visualization for radiotherapy planning using MRI. J appl clin med phys, Vol.20 (3), pp. 27-36.  show abstract  full text

Bashir, U. Tree, A. Mayer, E. Levine, D. Parker, C. Dearnaley, D. Oyen, W.J. (2019). Impact of Ga-68-PSMA PET/CT on management in prostate cancer patients with very early biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Eur j nucl med mol imaging, Vol.46 (4), pp. 901-907.  show abstract  full text

de Muinck Keizer, D.M. Pathmanathan, A.U. Andreychenko, A. Kerkmeijer, L.G. van der Voort van Zyp, J.R. Tree, A.C. van den Berg, C.A. de Boer, J.C. (2019). Fiducial marker based intra-fraction motion assessment on cine-MR for MR-linac treatment of prostate cancer. Phys med biol, Vol.64 (7), p. 07NT02.  show abstract  full text

Murray, J. Tree, A.C. (2019). Prostate cancer - Advantages and disadvantages of MR-guided RT. Clin transl radiat oncol, Vol.18, pp. 68-73.  show abstract  full text

Brand, D.H. Tree, A.C. Ostler, P. van der Voet, H. Loblaw, A. Chu, W. Ford, D. Tolan, S. Jain, S. Martin, A. Staffurth, J. Camilleri, P. Kancherla, K. Frew, J. Chan, A. Dayes, I.S. Henderson, D. Brown, S. Cruickshank, C. Burnett, S. Duffton, A. Griffin, C. Hinder, V. Morrison, K. Naismith, O. Hall, E. van As, N. PACE Trial Investigators, (2019). Intensity-modulated fractionated radiotherapy versus stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer (PACE-B): acute toxicity findings from an international, randomised, open-label, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet oncol, Vol.20 (11), pp. 1531-1543.  show abstract

Patel, P.H. Palma, D. McDonald, F. Tree, A.C. (2019). The Dandelion Dilemma Revisited for Oligoprogression: Treat the Whole Lawn or Weed Selectively?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.31 (12), pp. 824-833.  show abstract  full text

De Bleser, E. Jereczek-Fossa, B.A. Pasquier, D. Zilli, T. Van As, N. Siva, S. Fodor, A. Dirix, P. Gomez-Iturriaga, A. Trippa, F. Detti, B. Ingrosso, G. Triggiani, L. Bruni, A. Alongi, F. Reynders, D. De Meerleer, G. Surgo, A. Loukili, K. Miralbell, R. Silva, P. Chander, S. Di Muzio, N.G. Maranzano, E. Francolini, G. Lancia, A. Tree, A. Deantoni, C.L. Ponti, E. Marvaso, G. Goetghebeur, E. Ost, P. (2019). Metastasis-directed Therapy in Treating Nodal Oligorecurrent Prostate Cancer: A Multi-institutional Analysis Comparing the Outcome and Toxicity of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy and Elective Nodal Radiotherapy. Eur urol, Vol.76 (6), pp. 732-739.  show abstract  full text

Brand, D.H. Parker, J.I. Dearnaley, D.P. Eeles, R. Huddart, R. Khoo, V. Murray, J. Suh, Y.-. Tree, A.C. van As, N. Parker, C. (2019). Patterns of recurrence after prostate bed radiotherapy. Radiother oncol, Vol.141, pp. 174-180.  show abstract  full text

Patel, P.H. Chaw, C.L. Tree, A.C. Sharabiani, M. van As, N.J. (2019). Stereotactic body radiotherapy for bone oligometastatic disease in prostate cancer. World j urol, Vol.37 (12), pp. 2615-2621.  show abstract

Kothari, G. Ost, P. Cheung, P. Blanchard, P. Tree, A.C. van As, N.J. Lo, S.S. Moghanaki, D. Loblaw, A. Siva, S. (2019). Trends in Management of Oligometastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. Curr oncol rep, Vol.21 (5), p. 43.  show abstract

Tree, A. Dearnaley, D. (2018). Randomised Controlled Trials Remain the Key to Progress in Localised Prostate Cancer. Eur urol, Vol.73 (1), pp. 21-22.  full text

Hanna, G.G. Murray, L. Patel, R. Jain, S. Aitken, K.L. Franks, K.N. van As, N. Tree, A. Hatfield, P. Harrow, S. McDonald, F. Ahmed, M. Saran, F.H. Webster, G.J. Khoo, V. Landau, D. Eaton, D.J. Hawkins, M.A. (2018). UK Consensus on Normal Tissue Dose Constraints for Stereotactic Radiotherapy. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.30 (1), pp. 5-14.  show abstract  full text

Pathmanathan, A.U. van As, N.J. Kerkmeijer, L.G. Christodouleas, J. Lawton, C.A. Vesprini, D. van der Heide, U.A. Frank, S.J. Nill, S. Oelfke, U. van Herk, M. Li, X.A. Mittauer, K. Ritter, M. Choudhury, A. Tree, A.C. (2018). Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Adaptive Radiation Therapy: A "Game Changer" for Prostate Treatment?. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.100 (2), pp. 361-373.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Jones, K. Hafeez, S. Sharabiani, M.T. Harrington, K.J. Lalondrelle, S. Ahmed, M. Huddart, R.A. (2018). Dose-limiting Urinary Toxicity With Pembrolizumab Combined With Weekly Hypofractionated Radiation Therapy in Bladder Cancer. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.101 (5), pp. 1168-1171.  show abstract  full text

Kothari, G. Loblaw, A. Tree, A.C. van As, N.J. Moghanaki, D. Lo, S.S. Ost, P. Siva, S. (2018). Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Primary Prostate Cancer. Technol cancer res treat, Vol.17, p. 1533033818789633.  show abstract

Henderson, D.R. Tree, A.C. Harrington, K.J. van As, N.J. (2018). Dosimetric Implications of Computerised Tomography-Only versus Magnetic Resonance-Fusion Contouring in Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer. Medicines (basel), Vol.5 (2).  show abstract  full text

Henderson, D.R. Murray, J.R. Gulliford, S.L. Tree, A.C. Harrington, K.J. Van As, N.J. (2018). An Investigation of Dosimetric Correlates of Acute Toxicity in Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy: Dose to Urinary Trigone is Associated with Acute Urinary Toxicity. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.30 (9), pp. 539-547.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Huddart, R. Choudhury, A. (2018). Magnetic Resonance-guided Radiotherapy - Can We Justify More Expensive Technology?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.30 (11), pp. 677-679.  full text

Alexander, S.E. Kinsella, J. McNair, H.A. Tree, A.C. (2018). National survey of fiducial marker insertion for prostate image guided radiotherapy. Radiography (lond), Vol.24 (4), pp. 275-282.  show abstract  full text

Grimwood, A. McNair, H.A. O'Shea, T.P. Gilroy, S. Thomas, K. Bamber, J.C. Tree, A.C. Harris, E.J. (2018). In Vivo Validation of Elekta's Clarity Autoscan for Ultrasound-based Intrafraction Motion Estimation of the Prostate During Radiation Therapy. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.102 (4), pp. 912-921.  show abstract  full text

Benjamin, L.C. Tree, A.C. Dearnaley, D.P. (2017). The Role of Hypofractionated Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer. Curr oncol rep, Vol.19 (4), pp. 30-30.  show abstract  full text

Tree, A.C. Siva, S. Ost, P. (2017). Re: Declan G Murphy, Christopher J Sweeney, Bertrand Tombal "Gotta Catch 'em All" or Do We? Pokemet Approach to Metastatic Prostate Cancer Eur Urol 2017;72:1-3. Eur urol, Vol.72 (3), pp. e66-e67.

Bianchini, D. Lorente, D. Rescigno, P. Zafeiriou, Z. Psychopaida, E. O'Sullivan, H. Alaras, M. Kolinsky, M. Sumanasuriya, S. Sousa Fontes, M. Mateo, J. Perez Lopez, R. Tunariu, N. Fotiadis, N. Kumar, P. Tree, A. Van As, N. Khoo, V. Parker, C. Eeles, R. Thompson, A. Dearnaley, D. de Bono, J.S. (2017). Effect on Overall Survival of Locoregional Treatment in a Cohort of De Novo Metastatic Prostate Cancer Patients: A Single Institution Retrospective Analysis From the Royal Marsden Hospital. Clin genitourin cancer, Vol.15 (5), pp. e801-e807.  show abstract  full text

Patrikidou, A. Uccello, M. Tree, A. Parker, C. Attard, G. Eeles, R. Khoo, V. van As, N. Huddart, R. Dearnaley, D. Reid, A. (2017). Upfront Docetaxel in the Post-STAMPEDE World: Lessons from an Early Evaluation of Non-trial Usage in Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.29 (10), pp. e174-e175.  full text

Ost, P. Jereczek-Fossa, B.A. As, N.V. Zilli, T. Muacevic, A. Olivier, K. Henderson, D. Casamassima, F. Orecchia, R. Surgo, A. Brown, L. Tree, A. Miralbell, R. De Meerleer, G. (2016). Progression-free Survival Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer Treatment-naive Recurrence: A Multi-institutional Analysis. Eur urol, Vol.69 (1), pp. 9-12.  show abstract

Henderson, D.R. Murray, J.R. Tree, A.C. Riley, U. Rosenfelder, N.A. Murray, D. Khoo, V.S. van As, N.J. (2016). Targeted Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Transrectal Fiducial Marker Insertion for Prostate Radiotherapy. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.28 (3), pp. 226-227.

McPartlin, A.J. Li, X.A. Kershaw, L.E. Heide, U. Kerkmeijer, L. Lawton, C. Mahmood, U. Pos, F. van As, N. van Herk, M. Vesprini, D. van der Voort van Zyp, J. Tree, A. Choudhury, A. MR-Linac consortium, (2016). MRI-guided prostate adaptive radiotherapy - A systematic review. Radiother oncol, Vol.119 (3), pp. 371-380.  show abstract  full text

Bedford, J.L. Smyth, G. Hanson, I.M. Tree, A.C. Dearnaley, D.P. Hansen, V.N. (2016). Quality of treatment plans and accuracy of in vivo portal dosimetry in hybrid intensity-modulated radiation therapy and volumetric modulated arc therapy for prostate cancer. Radiother oncol, Vol.120 (2), pp. 320-326.  show abstract  full text

Ost, P. Jereczek-Fossa, B.A. Van As, N. Zilli, T. Tree, A. Henderson, D. Orecchia, R. Casamassima, F. Surgo, A. Miralbell, R. De Meerleer, G. (2016). Pattern of Progression after Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer Nodal Recurrences. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.28 (9), pp. e115-e120.  show abstract  full text

Pathmanathan, A.U. Alexander, E.J. Huddart, R.A. Tree, A.C. (2016). The delineation of intraprostatic boost regions for radiotherapy using multimodality imaging. Future oncol, Vol.12 (21), pp. 2495-2511.  show abstract  full text

Henderson, D. Murray, J. Tree, A. Riley, U. Murray, D. van As, N. (2015). Fiducial Marker Insertion for Image-guided Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer: What is the Infection Rate and can Targeted Antibiotic Prophylaxis Reduce this?. Clinical oncology, Vol.27 (3), pp. E5-E5.

Henderson, D.R. Tree, A.C. van As, N.J. (2015). Stereotactic body radiotherapy for prostate cancer. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.27 (5), pp. 270-279.  show abstract

Aitken, K. Tree, A. Thomas, K. Nutting, C. Hawkins, M. Tait, D. Mandeville, H. Ahmed, M. Lalondrelle, S. Miah, A. Taylor, A. Ross, G. Khoo, V. van As, N. (2015). Initial UK Experience of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Extracranial Oligometastases: Can We Change the Therapeutic Paradigm?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.27 (7), pp. 411-419.  show abstract

Tree, A. Ostler, P. van As, N. (2014). New horizons and hurdles for UK radiotherapy: can prostate stereotactic body radiotherapy show the way?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.26 (1), pp. 1-3.

Tree, A. Ostler, P. Hoskin, P. Dankulchai, P. Khoo, V. van As, N. (2014). First UK Cohort of Prostate Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT): Acute Toxicity and Early Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) Outcomes. Clinical oncology, Vol.26 (2), pp. E7-E7.

Tree, A.C. Khoo, V.S. van As, N.J. Partridge, M. (2014). Is biochemical relapse-free survival after profoundly hypofractionated radiotherapy consistent with current radiobiological models?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.26 (4), pp. 216-229.  show abstract

Tree, A. Siu, B. Townsend-Thorn, D. Murray, D. Riley, U.L. Khoo, V. van As, N. (2014). The Incidence of Ciprofloxacin Resistance in Patients Undergoing Gold Seed Insertion for Image-guided Prostate Radiotherapy. Clinical oncology, Vol.26, pp. S8-S8.

Tree, A.C. Ostler, P. Hoskin, P. Dankulchai, P. Nariyangadu, P. Hughes, R.J. Wells, E. Taylor, H. Khoo, V.S. van As, N.J. (2014). Prostate stereotactic body radiotherapy—first UK experience. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.26 (12), pp. 757-761.  show abstract

Tree, A.C. Khoo, V.S. Eeles, R.A. Ahmed, M. Dearnaley, D.P. Hawkins, M.A. Huddart, R.A. Nutting, C.M. Ostler, P.J. van As, N.J. (2013). Stereotactic body radiotherapy for oligometastases. Lancet oncol, Vol.14 (1), pp. e28-e37.  show abstract

Tree, A. Jones, C. Sohaib, A. Khoo, V. van As, N. (2013). Prostate stereotactic body radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost: which is the best planning method?. Radiat oncol, Vol.8, p. 228.  show abstract

Tree, A. Wells, E. Khoo, V. van As, N. (2013). Hypofractionated Radiotherapy with Cyberknife for Localised Prostate Cancer: Early Experience. Clinical oncology, Vol.25 (4), pp. E72-E73.

Tree, A.C. Alexander, E.J. Van As, N.J. Dearnaley, D.P. Khoo, V. (2013). Biological dose escalation and hypofractionation: what is there to be gained and how will it best be done?. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.25 (8), pp. 483-498.  show abstract

Creak, A.L. Tree, A. Saran, F. (2011). Radiotherapy planning in high-grade gliomas: a survey of current UK practice. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.23 (3), pp. 189-198.  show abstract

Partridge, M. Tree, A. Brock, J. McNair, H. Fernandez, E. Panakis, N. Brada, M. (2009). Improvement in tumour control probability with active breathing control and dose escalation: a modelling study. Radiother oncol, Vol.91 (3), pp. 325-329.  show abstract

Hall, E. Griffin, C. Tree, A. Patel, J. Williamson, E. Pugh, J. Manning, G. Brown, S. Burnett, S. Hall, E. A Phase III randomized controlled trial of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy in localized prostate cancer. New england journal of medicine, .


Henderson, D.R.Tree, A.van As, N. (2015). Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Planning for Localized Prostate Cancer in the PACE Phase 3 Trial: Can This Be Done Without Fused Planning MRI?, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS, Vol.93 (3), p.E202.

Henderson, D.R.Tree, A.Taylor, H.Khoo, V.Van As, N.J. (2015). Oligometastatic prostate cancer: An evaluation of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) as an alternative to palliative androgen deprivation therapy., JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, Vol.33 (7).

Henderson, D.Tree, A.Taylor, H.Khoo, V.Van As, N. (2015). SBRT for localised prostate cancer: an evaluation of toxicity with frequent prospective assessment, RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY, Vol.115, pp.S672-1.

Aitken, K.Tree, A.Taylor, H.Lalondrelle, S.Nutting, C.Hawkins, M.Khoo, V.Van As, N. (2014). Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for extracranial oligometastases, RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY, Vol.111, pp.S121-1.

Tree, A.C.Ostler, P.J.Hoskin, P.Dankulchai, P.Khoo, V.S.Van As, N.J. (2014). First UK experience of prostate SBRT: Acute toxicity and PSA outcomes, RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY, Vol.111, pp.S36-1.

Tree, A.C.Khoo, V.S.Van As, N.J. (2013). Salvage stereotactic body radiotherapy in radio-recurrent prostate cancer - what dose is feasible?, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, Vol.49, p.S690.

Partridge, M.Tree, A.Brock, J.McNair, H.Fernandez, L.Panakis, N.Brada, M. (2009). Improving Tumour Control Probability with Active Breathing Control and Dose Escalation, CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, Vol.21 (3), p.250.


Gnanapragasam, V.J.Hori, S.Johnston, T.Smith, D.Muir, K.Alonzi, R.Winkler, M.Warren, A.Staffurth, J.Khoo, V.Tree, A.Macneill, A.McMenemin, R.Mason, M.Cathcart, Souza, N.Sooriakumaran, P.Weston, R.Wylie, J.Hall, E.Lane, A.Cross, W.Syndikus, I.Koupparis, A.Canc, U.K.Clinical, N.C. (2016). Clinical management and research priorities for high-risk prostate cancer in the UK: Meeting report of a multidisciplinary panel in conjunction with the NCRI Prostate Cancer Clinical Studies Localised Subgroup.

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