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Research projects

Professor Jeffrey Bamber, Ultrasound and Optical Imaging Group

Our overall interest is in increasing the functional and molecular imaging capability of ultrasound, providing new tools to experimental cancer biology and helping to personalise cancer treatment by bringing the cost-effectiveness, safety, speed, patient acceptability, interactiveness and easy reusability of ultrasound based methods to clinical problems such as diagnosis, assessing tumour aggressiveness and response, and guiding treatment.

Current research interests in support of these areas aims to develop and apply novel quantitative ultrasound characteristics, biomechanical imaging methods, dynamic tissue tracking, multispectral photoacoustic imaging, quantitative microbubble contrast agent kinetics, photoacoustic probes and methods for using diagnostic devices to locally enhance delivery of drugs and other therapeutics to tumours. 

The research interests of the Ultrasound and Optical Imaging Group include:

We are only able to engage in such diversity via extensive collaboration. In applications to assist radiotherapy, the work of the Ultrasound and Optical Imaging Group is highly integrated with that of the Imaging for Radiotherapy Adaptation team. Strong collaborations also exist with other groups, within the Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden, with other Universities and Colleges, and with industry - notably with Imperial College London, University College London, Queen Mary University of London, The University of Leeds, The University of Glasgow, The University of Edinburgh, iThera GmbH, Delphinus Medical Technologies, Michelson Diagnostics and Phoenix Solutions AS.