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Journal Articles

Chisholm, J.C. Selfe, J.L. Alaggio, R. Cheesman, E. Zin, A. Tombolan, L. Parafioriti, A. Milano, G.M. Adams, M. Popov, S. ÄŒesen, M. Tafjord, S. Jenney, M. Proszek, P.Z. Schlecht, H. Carlo, D.D. Shipley, J. Kelsey, A. (2025). Clinicopathological Analysis of a European Cohort of MYOD1 Mutant Rhabdomyosarcomas in Children and Young Adults. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.72 (1), p. e31428.  show abstract  full text

Evans, C. Shepherd, L. Bryan, G. Fulbright, H. Crowther, S. Wakeling, S. Stewart, A. Stewart, C. Chisholm, J. Gibson, F. Phillips, B. Morgan, J.E. (2024). A systematic review of early phase studies for children and young people with relapsed and refractory rhabdomyosarcoma: The REFoRMS-SR project. Int j cancer, Vol.154 (7), pp. 1235-1260.  show abstract  full text

De Salvo, G.L. Del Bianco, P. Minard-Colin, V. Chisholm, J. Jenney, M. Guillen, G. Devalck, C. Van Rijn, R. Shipley, J. Orbach, D. Kelsey, A. Rogers, T. Guerin, F. Scarzello, G. Ferrari, A. Cesen Mazic, M. Merks, J.H. Bisogno, G. European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group, (2024). Reappraisal of prognostic factors used in the European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group RMS 2005 study for localized rhabdomyosarcoma to optimize risk stratification and generate a prognostic nomogram. Cancer, Vol.130 (13), pp. 2351-2360.  show abstract  full text

Cameron, A.L. Mandeville, H. Coppadoro, B. Periasamy, M. Davila Fajardo, R. Ferrari, A. Gaze, M.N. Helfre, S. Magelssen, H. Minard-Colin, V. Ramos, M. Schoot, R. Zanetti, I. Bisogno, G. Chisholm, J.C. Merks, J.H. (2024). The Impact of Radiation Therapy on Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma: Results From the EpSSG MTS 2008 Study. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, .  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Mandeville, H. Adams, M. Minard-Collin, V. Rogers, T. Kelsey, A. Shipley, J. van Rijn, R.R. de Vries, I. van Ewijk, R. de Keizer, B. Gatz, S.A. Casanova, M. Hjalgrim, L.L. Firth, C. Wheatley, K. Kearns, P. Liu, W. Kirkham, A. Rees, H. Bisogno, G. Wasti, A. Wakeling, S. Heenen, D. Tweddle, D.A. Merks, J.H. Jenney, M. (2024). Correction: Chisholm et al Frontline and Relapsed Rhabdomyosarcoma (FaR-RMS) Clinical Trial: A Report from the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) Cancers 2024, 16, 998. Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (19).  show abstract  full text

Tong, D. Chisholm, J. Madden, B. Ahmed, M. (2024). Anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour: a case report. J med case rep, Vol.18 (1), p. 167.  show abstract  full text

Schoot, R.A. Taselaar, P. Scarzello, G. Kolb, F. Coppadoro, B. Horst, S.T. Mandeville, H. Ferrari, A. Hladun, R. Helfre, S. Ferman, S. Kelsey, A. Hol, M.L. Devalck, C. Ben-Arush, M. Orbach, D. Chisholm, J. Jenney, M. Minard-Colin, V. Bisogno, G. Merks, J.H. (2024). Parameningeal Rhabdomyosarcoma: Results of the European Pediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group RMS 2005 Study. Head neck, .  show abstract  full text

Bisogno, G. Minard-Colin, V. Haduong, J. Zanetti, I. Ferrari, A. Chisholm, J. Heske, C.M. Hladun, R. Jenney, M. Merks, J.H. Venkatramani, R. (2024). Implications of Implementing Children's Oncology Group Risk Stratification to Patients With Rhabdomyosarcoma Treated on European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group Clinical Trial. Pediatr blood cancer, , p. e31436.  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Mandeville, H. Adams, M. Minard-Collin, V. Rogers, T. Kelsey, A. Shipley, J. van Rijn, R.R. de Vries, I. van Ewijk, R. de Keizer, B. Gatz, S.A. Casanova, M. Hjalgrim, L.L. Firth, C. Wheatley, K. Kearns, P. Liu, W. Kirkham, A. Rees, H. Bisogno, G. Wasti, A. Wakeling, S. Heenen, D. Tweddle, D.A. Merks, J.H. Jenney, M. (2024). Frontline and Relapsed Rhabdomyosarcoma (FaR-RMS) Clinical Trial: A Report from the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (5).  show abstract  full text

Picher, E.A. Wahajuddin, M. Barth, S. Chisholm, J. Shipley, J. Pors, K. (2024). The Capacity of Drug-Metabolising Enzymes in Modulating the Therapeutic Efficacy of Drugs to Treat Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.16 (5).  show abstract  full text

Corley, E.A. Pace, E. Barnacle, A.M. Patel, P.A. Thway, K. Chisholm, J.C. (2023). Evidence of Chemoresponsiveness in Unresectable Metastatic Angiomatoid Fibrous Histiocytoma. J pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.45 (2), pp. e279-e284.  show abstract  full text

Mercolini, F. Merks, J.H. Minard-Colin, V. Cameron, A. van Scheltinga, S.E. Sher, O. Fichera, G. Orbach, D. Glosli, H. Coppadoro, B. Gallego, S. Chisholm, J.C. Bisogno, G. (2023). Metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma with exclusive distant lymph node involvement: A European Pediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) report. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.70 (3), p. e30143.  show abstract

Di Carlo, D. Chisholm, J. Kelsey, A. Alaggio, R. Bisogno, G. Minard-Colin, V. Jenney, M. Dávila Fajardo, R. Merks, J.H. Shipley, J.M. Selfe, J.L. (2023). Biological Role and Clinical Implications of MYOD1L122R Mutation in Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.15 (6).  show abstract  full text

Bisogno, G. Minard-Colin, V. Jenney, M. Ferrari, A. Chisholm, J. Di Carlo, D. Hjalgrim, L.L. Orbach, D. Merks, J.H. Casanova, M. (2023). Maintenance Chemotherapy for Patients with Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.15 (15).  show abstract  full text

Chisholm, J. Shipley, J. Selfe, J. (2023). Biological Role and Clinical Implications of MYOD1L122R Mutation in Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers, .  full text

Chisholm, J.C. Schoot, R.A. Cameron, A.L. Casanova, M. Minard-Colin, V. Coppadoro, B. Garrido, M. Rogers, T. Orbach, D. Glosli, H. Ben-Arush, M. Ferman, S. Scarzello, G. van Rijn, R.R. Hladun, R. Corradini, N. Ferrari, A. Jenney, M. Bisogno, G. Merks, J.H. (2023). Outcomes in lung-only metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma: An analysis of data from the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group MTS 2008 study. Ejc paediatric oncology, Vol.2, pp. 100018-100018.  full text

Ferrari, A. Orbach, D. Casanova, M. van Noesel, M.M. Berlanga, P. Brennan, B. Corradini, N. Schoot, R.A. Ramirez-Villar, G.L. Hjalgrim, L.L. Alaggio, R. Guillen Burrieza, G. Safwat, A. Cameron, A.L. van Rijn, R.R. Minard-Colin, V. Zanetti, I. Bisogno, G. Chisholm, J.C. Merks, J.H. (2023). Metastatic adult-type non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas in children and adolescents: A cohort study from the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group. Cancer, Vol.129 (16), pp. 2542-2552.  show abstract

Aldiss, S. Hollis, R. Phillips, B. Ball-Gamble, A. Brownsdon, A. Chisholm, J. Crowther, S. Dommett, R. Gower, J. Hall, N.J. Hartley, H. Hatton, J. Henry, L. Langton, L. Maddock, K. Malik, S. McEvoy, K. Morgan, J.E. Morris, H. Parke, S. Picton, S. Reed-Berendt, R. Saunders, D. Stewart, A. Tarplee-Morris, W. Walsh, A. Watkins, A. Weller, D. Gibson, F. (2023). Research priorities for children's cancer: a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership in the UK. Bmj open, Vol.13 (12), p. e077387.  show abstract

Berlanga, P. Orbach, D. Schoot, R.A. Casanova, M. Alaggio, R. Corradini, N. Brennan, B. Ramirez-Villar, G.L. Hjalgrim, L.L. Chisholm, J.C. Bisogno, G. Coppadoro, B. Safwat, A. Merks, J.H. Burrieza, G.G. van Noesel, M.M. Ferrari, A. (2023). Intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor: The European pediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) experience. Pediatr blood cancer, , p. e30447.  show abstract

Doz, F. van Tilburg, C.M. Geoerger, B. Højgaard, M. Øra, I. Boni, V. Capra, M. Chisholm, J. Chung, H.C. DuBois, S.G. Gallego-Melcon, S. Gerber, N.U. Goto, H. Grilley-Olson, J.E. Hansford, J.R. Hong, D.S. Italiano, A. Kang, H.J. Nysom, K. Thorwarth, A. Stefanowicz, J. Tahara, M. Ziegler, D.S. Gavrilovic, I.T. Norenberg, R. Dima, L. De La Cuesta, E. Laetsch, T.W. Drilon, A. Perreault, S. (2022). Efficacy and safety of larotrectinib in TRK fusion-positive primary central nervous system tumors. Neuro oncol, Vol.24 (6), pp. 997-1007.  show abstract  full text

Stankunaite, R. George, S.L. Gallagher, L. Jamal, S. Shaikh, R. Yuan, L. Hughes, D. Proszek, P.Z. Carter, P. Pietka, G. Heide, T. James, C. Tari, H. Lynn, C. Jain, N. Portela, L.R. Rogers, T. Vaidya, S.J. Chisholm, J.C. Carceller, F. Szychot, E. Mandeville, H. Angelini, P. Jesudason, A.B. Jackson, M. Marshall, L.V. Gatz, S.A. Anderson, J. Sottoriva, A. Chesler, L. Hubank, M. (2022). Circulating tumour DNA sequencing to determine therapeutic response and identify tumour heterogeneity in patients with paediatric solid tumours. Eur j cancer, Vol.162, pp. 209-220.  show abstract  full text

Ferrari, A. Chisholm, J.C. Jenney, M. Minard-Colin, V. Orbach, D. Casanova, M. Guillen, G. Glosli, H. van Rijn, R.R. Schoot, R.A. Cameron, A.L. Rogers, T. Alaggio, R. Ben-Arush, M. Mandeville, H.C. Devalck, C. Defachelles, A.-. Coppadoro, B. Bisogno, G. Merks, J.H. (2022). Adolescents and young adults with rhabdomyosarcoma treated in the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) protocols: a cohort study. Lancet child adolesc health, Vol.6 (8), pp. 545-554.  show abstract  full text

Ferrari, A. Gatz, S.A. Minard-Colin, V. Alaggio, R. Hovsepyan, S. Orbach, D. Gasparini, P. Defachelles, A.-. Casanova, M. Milano, G.M. Chisholm, J.C. Jenney, M. Bisogno, G. Rogers, T. Mandeville, H.C. Shipley, J. Miah, A.B. Merks, J.H. van der Graaf, W.T. (2022). Shedding a Light on the Challenges of Adolescents and Young Adults with Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers (basel), Vol.14 (24).  show abstract  full text

Schoot, R.A. Chisholm, J.C. Casanova, M. Minard-Colin, V. Geoerger, B. Cameron, A.L. Coppadoro, B. Zanetti, I. Orbach, D. Kelsey, A. Rogers, T. Guizani, C. Elze, M. Ben-Arush, M. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R.R. Ferman, S. Gallego, S. Ferrari, A. Jenney, M. Bisogno, G. Merks, J.H. (2022). Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma: Results of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group MTS 2008 Study and Pooled Analysis With the Concurrent BERNIE Study. J clin oncol, Vol.40 (32), pp. 3730-3740.  show abstract  full text

Ruhen, O. Lak, N.S. Stutterheim, J. Danielli, S.G. Chicard, M. Iddir, Y. Saint-Charles, A. Di Paolo, V. Tombolan, L. Gatz, S.A. Aladowicz, E. Proszek, P. Jamal, S. Stankunaite, R. Hughes, D. Carter, P. Izquierdo, E. Wasti, A. Chisholm, J.C. George, S.L. Pace, E. Chesler, L. Aerts, I. Pierron, G. Zaidi, S. Delattre, O. Surdez, D. Kelsey, A. Hubank, M. Bonvini, P. Bisogno, G. Di Giannatale, A. Schleiermacher, G. Schäfer, B.W. Tytgat, G.A. Shipley, J. (2022). Molecular Characterization of Circulating Tumor DNA in Pediatric Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Feasibility Study. Jco precis oncol, Vol.6, p. e2100534.  show abstract  full text

Affinita, M.C. Merks, J.H. Chisholm, J.C. Haouy, S. Rome, A. Rabusin, M. Brennan, B. Bisogno, G. (2022). Rhabdomyosarcoma with unknown primary tumor site: A report from European pediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.69 (12), p. e29967.  show abstract  full text

Bernauer, C. Man, Y.K. Chisholm, J.C. Lepicard, E.Y. Robinson, S.P. Shipley, J.M. (2021). Hypoxia and its therapeutic possibilities in paediatric cancers. Br j cancer, Vol.124 (3), pp. 539-551.  show abstract  full text

Bergeron, C. Jenney, M. De Corti, F. Gallego, S. Merks, H. Glosli, H. Ferrari, A. Ranchère-Vince, D. De Salvo, G.L. Zanetti, I. Chisholm, J. Minard-Colin, V. Rogers, T. Bisogno, G. European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG), (2021). Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma completely resected at diagnosis: The European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group RMS2005 experience. Eur j cancer, Vol.146, pp. 21-29.  show abstract

Glosli, H. Bisogno, G. Kelsey, A. Chisholm, J.C. Gaze, M. Kolb, F. McHugh, K. Shipley, J. Gallego, S. Merks, J.H. Smeele, L.E. Mandeville, H. Ferrari, A. Minard-Colin, V. Corradini, N. Jenney, M. Zanetti, I. De Salvo, G.L. Orbach, D. EpSSG members, (2021). Non-parameningeal head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma in children, adolescents, and young adults: Experience of the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) - RMS2005 study. Eur j cancer, Vol.151, pp. 84-93.  show abstract  full text

Mercolini, F. Zucchetta, P. Jehanno, N. Corradini, N. Van Rijn, R.R. Rogers, T. Cameron, A. Scarzello, G. Coppadoro, B. Minard-Colin, V. Gallego, S. Chisholm, J. Merks, J.H. Bisogno, G. (2021). Role of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in the staging of metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma: a report from the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group. Eur j cancer, Vol.155, pp. 155-162.  show abstract  full text

Shern, J.F. Selfe, J. Izquierdo, E. Patidar, R. Chou, H.-. Song, Y.K. Yohe, M.E. Sindiri, S. Wei, J. Wen, X. Rudzinski, E.R. Barkauskas, D.A. Lo, T. Hall, D. Linardic, C.M. Hughes, D. Jamal, S. Jenney, M. Chisholm, J. Brown, R. Jones, K. Hicks, B. Angelini, P. George, S. Chesler, L. Hubank, M. Kelsey, A. Gatz, S.A. Skapek, S.X. Hawkins, D.S. Shipley, J.M. Khan, J. (2021). Genomic Classification and Clinical Outcome in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report From an International Consortium. J clin oncol, Vol.39 (26), pp. 2859-2871.  show abstract  full text

Cameron, A.L. Elze, M.C. Casanova, M. Geoerger, B. Gaze, M.N. Minard-Colin, V. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R.R. Kelsey, A. Martelli, H. Mandeville, H. Bisogno, G. Lowis, S. Ronghe, M. Orbach, D. Guizani, C. Fürst-Recktenwald, S. Chisholm, J.C. Merks, J.H. European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) and the European Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC) Consortium, (2021). The Impact of Radiation Therapy in Children and Adolescents With Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma. Int j radiat oncol biol phys, Vol.111 (4), pp. 968-978.  show abstract  full text

Defachelles, A.-. Bogart, E. Casanova, M. Merks, J.H. Bisogno, G. Calareso, G. Gallego Melcon, S. Gatz, S.A. Le Deley, M.-. McHugh, K. Probst, A. Rocourt, N. van Rijn, R.R. Wheatley, K. Minard-Colin, V. Chisholm, J.C. (2021). Randomized Phase II Trial of Vincristine-Irinotecan With or Without Temozolomide, in Children and Adults With Relapsed or Refractory Rhabdomyosarcoma: A European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group and Innovative Therapies for Children With Cancer Trial. J clin oncol, Vol.39 (27), pp. 2979-2990.  show abstract  full text

Sjoberg Bexelius, T. Chisholm, J.C. Okoye, B. Cecil, T. Angelini, P. Dayal, S. (2021). Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) as another treatment modality for desmoplastic round cell tumour patients: first paediatric experience from UK. Bmj case rep, Vol.14 (1).  show abstract  full text

Morgan, J.E. Phillips, B. Haeusler, G.M. Chisholm, J.C. (2021). Optimising Antimicrobial Selection and Duration in the Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia in Children. Infect drug resist, Vol.14, pp. 1283-1293.  show abstract  full text

Lyons, O. Forbat, L. Menson, E. Chisholm, J.C. Pryde, K. Conlin, S. Felton, V. Ingle, S. McKenzie, C. Ramachandran, R. Sayer, C. Snowball, C. Strachan-Gadsby, E. Tisovszky, N. Barclay, S. (2021). Transforming training into practice with the conflict management framework: a mixed methods study. Bmj paediatr open, Vol.5 (1), p. e001088.  show abstract  full text

Drabbe, C. Benson, C. Younger, E. Zaidi, S. Jones, R.L. Judson, I. Chisholm, J. Mandeville, H. Fisher, C. Thway, K. Al Muderis, O. Messiou, C. Strauss, D. Husson, O. Miah, A. Van der Graaf, W.T. (2020). Embryonal and Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in Adults: Real-Life Data From a Tertiary Sarcoma Centre. Clin oncol (r coll radiol), Vol.32 (1), pp. e27-e35.  show abstract

Ferrari, A. Merks, J.H. Chisholm, J.C. Orbach, D. Brennan, B. Gallego, S. van Noesel, M.M. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R.R. Gaze, M.N. Martelli, H. Bergeron, C. Corradini, N. Minard-Colin, V. Bisogno, G. Geoerger, B. Caron, H.N. De Salvo, G.L. Casanova, M. (2020). Outcomes of metastatic non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas (NRSTS) treated within the BERNIE study: a randomised, phase II study evaluating the addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy. Eur j cancer, Vol.130, pp. 72-80.  show abstract

Williams, A.P. Bate, J. Brooks, R. Chisholm, J. Clarke, S.C. Dixon, E. Faust, S.N. Galanopoulou, A. Heath, P.T. Maishman, T. Mapstone, S. Patel, S.R. Vora, A. Wilding, S.A. Gray, J.C. (2020). Immune reconstitution in children following chemotherapy for acute leukemia. Ejhaem, Vol.1 (1), pp. 142-151.  show abstract  full text

Amoroso, L. Castel, V. Bisogno, G. Casanova, M. Marquez-Vega, C. Chisholm, J.C. Doz, F. Moreno, L. Ruggiero, A. Gerber, N.U. Fagioli, F. Hingorani, P. Melcón, S.G. Slepetis, R. Chen, N. le Bruchec, Y. Simcock, M. Vassal, G. (2020). Phase II results from a phase I/II study to assess the safety and efficacy of weekly nab-paclitaxel in paediatric patients with recurrent or refractory solid tumours: A collaboration with the European Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Network. Eur j cancer, Vol.135, pp. 89-97.  show abstract

Terwisscha van Scheltinga, S.E. Wijnen, M.H. Martelli, H. Rogers, T. Mandeville, H. Gaze, M.N. McHugh, K. Corradini, N. Orbach, D. Jenney, M. Kelsey, A. Chisholm, J. Gallego, S. Glosli, H. Ferrari, A. Zanetti, I. De Salvo, G.L. Minard-Colin, V. Bisogno, G. van Noesel, M.M. Merks, H.H. (2020). Local staging and treatment in extremity rhabdomyosarcoma A report from the EpSSG-RMS2005 study. Cancer med, Vol.9 (20), pp. 7580-7589.  show abstract  full text

Vaarwerk, B. Mallebranche, C. Affinita, M.C. van der Lee, J.H. Ferrari, A. Chisholm, J.C. Defachelles, A.-. De Salvo, G.L. Corradini, N. Minard-Colin, V. Morosi, C. Brisse, H.J. McHugh, K. Bisogno, G. van Rijn, R.R. Orbach, D. Merks, J.H. (2020). Is surveillance imaging in pediatric patients treated for localized rhabdomyosarcoma useful? The European experience. Cancer, Vol.126 (4), pp. 823-831.  show abstract  full text

Bate, J. Borrow, R. Chisholm, J. Clarke, S.C. Dixon, E. Faust, S.N. Galanopoulou, A. Goldblatt, D. Heath, P.T. Maishman, T. Mapstone, S. Patel, S.R. Williams, A.P. Gray, J.C. (2020). Thirteen-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Protective Immunity Can Be Achieved on Completion of Treatment. Clin infect dis, Vol.71 (5), pp. 1271-1280.  show abstract

Bexelius, T.S. Wasti, A. Chisholm, J.C. (2020). Mini-Review on Targeted Treatment of Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor. Front oncol, Vol.10, p. 518.  show abstract  full text

Bate, J. Baker, S. Breuer, J. Chisholm, J.C. Gray, J. Hambleton, S. Houlton, A. Jit, M. Lowis, S. Makin, G. O'Sullivan, C. Patel, S.R. Phillips, R. Ransinghe, N. Ramsay, M.E. Skinner, R. Wheatley, K. Heath, P.T. (2019). PEPtalk2: results of a pilot randomised controlled trial to compare VZIG and aciclovir as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) against chickenpox in children with cancer. Arch dis child, Vol.104 (1), pp. 25-29.  show abstract

Vaarwerk, B. Schoot, R.A. Maurice-Stam, H. Slater, O. Hartley, B. Saeed, P. Gajdosova, E. van den Brekel, M.W. Balm, A.J. Hol, M.L. van Jaarsveld, S. Kremer, L.C. Ronckers, C.M. Mandeville, H.C. Pieters, B.R. Gaze, M.N. Davila Fajardo, R. Strackee, S.D. Dunaway, D. Smeele, L.E. Chisholm, J.C. Caron, H.N. Grootenhuis, M.A. Merks, J.H. (2019). Psychosocial well-being of long-term survivors of pediatric head-neck rhabdomyosarcoma. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.66 (2), p. e27498.  show abstract

Roy Moulik, N. Vaidya, S. Mandeville, H. Chisholm, J.C. (2019). Managing peritoneal involvement in children and young people with rhabdomyosarcoma: A single-center experience from the United Kingdom. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.66 (9), p. e27805.  show abstract

Bisogno, G. De Salvo, G.L. Bergeron, C. Gallego Melcón, S. Merks, J.H. Kelsey, A. Martelli, H. Minard-Colin, V. Orbach, D. Glosli, H. Chisholm, J. Casanova, M. Zanetti, I. Devalck, C. Ben-Arush, M. Mudry, P. Ferman, S. Jenney, M. Ferrari, A. European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group, (2019). Vinorelbine and continuous low-dose cyclophosphamide as maintenance chemotherapy in patients with high-risk rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS 2005): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet oncol, Vol.20 (11), pp. 1566-1575.  show abstract  full text

George, S.L. Izquierdo, E. Campbell, J. Koutroumanidou, E. Proszek, P. Jamal, S. Hughes, D. Yuan, L. Marshall, L.V. Carceller, F. Chisholm, J.C. Vaidya, S. Mandeville, H. Angelini, P. Wasti, A. Bexelius, T. Thway, K. Gatz, S.A. Clarke, M. Al-Lazikani, B. Barone, G. Anderson, J. Tweddle, D.A. Gonzalez, D. Walker, B.A. Barton, J. Depani, S. Eze, J. Ahmed, S.W. Moreno, L. Pearson, A. Shipley, J. Jones, C. Hargrave, D. Jacques, T.S. Hubank, M. Chesler, L. (2019). A tailored molecular profiling programme for children with cancer to identify clinically actionable genetic alterations. Eur j cancer, Vol.121, pp. 224-235.  show abstract  full text

Masters, E. Weston, C. Chisholm, J. Soanes, L. (2019). Role of the Advanced Nurse Practitioner Within Teenage and Young Adult Oncology What is the Impact on Patient and Staff Experience of a New Nurse Practitioner Role to a Teenage and Young Adult Service?. J adolesc young adult oncol, Vol.8 (6), pp. 668-673.  show abstract

Vaarwerk, B. Bisogno, G. McHugh, K. Brisse, H.J. Morosi, C. Corradini, N. Jenney, M. Orbach, D. Chisholm, J.C. Ferrari, A. Zanetti, I. De Salvo, G.L. van Rijn, R.R. Merks, J.H. E pSSG Radiology Group, (2019). Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules at Diagnosis in Rhabdomyosarcoma: Are They Clinically Significant? A Report From the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group. J clin oncol, Vol.37 (9), pp. 723-730.  show abstract

Gatz, S.A. Aladowicz, E. Casanova, M. Chisholm, J.C. Kearns, P.R. Fulda, S. Geoerger, B. Schäfer, B.W. Shipley, J.M. (2019). A Perspective on Polo-Like Kinase-1 Inhibition for the Treatment of Rhabdomyosarcomas. Front oncol, Vol.9, p. 1271.  show abstract  full text

Gallego, S. Zanetti, I. Orbach, D. Ranchère, D. Shipley, J. Zin, A. Bergeron, C. de Salvo, G.L. Chisholm, J. Ferrari, A. Jenney, M. Mandeville, H.C. Rogers, T. Merks, J.H. Mudry, P. Glosli, H. Milano, G.M. Ferman, S. Bisogno, G. European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG), (2018). Fusion status in patients with lymph node-positive (N1) alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is a powerful predictor of prognosis: Experience of the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). Cancer, Vol.124 (15), pp. 3201-3209.  show abstract

Vaarwerk, B. van der Lee, J.H. Breunis, W.B. Orbach, D. Chisholm, J.C. Cozic, N. Jenney, M. van Rijn, R.R. McHugh, K. Gallego, S. Glosli, H. Devalck, C. Gaze, M.N. Kelsey, A. Bergeron, C. Stevens, M.C. Oberlin, O. Minard-Colin, V. Merks, J.H. (2018). Prognostic relevance of early radiologic response to induction chemotherapy in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma: A report from the International Society of Pediatric Oncology Malignant Mesenchymal Tumor 95 study. Cancer, Vol.124 (5), pp. 1016-1024.  show abstract

Chisholm, J.C. Suvada, J. Dunkel, I.J. Casanova, M. Zhang, W. Ritchie, N. Choi, Y. Park, J. Das Thakur, M. Simko, S. Wan Rachel Tam, N. Ferrari, A. (2018). BRIM-P: A phase I, open-label, multicenter, dose-escalation study of vemurafenib in pediatric patients with surgically incurable, BRAF mutation-positive melanoma. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.65 (5), p. e26947.  show abstract  full text

Bisogno, G. Jenney, M. Bergeron, C. Gallego Melcón, S. Ferrari, A. Oberlin, O. Carli, M. Stevens, M. Kelsey, A. De Paoli, A. Gaze, M.N. Martelli, H. Devalck, C. Merks, J.H. Ben-Arush, M. Glosli, H. Chisholm, J. Orbach, D. Minard-Colin, V. De Salvo, G.L. European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group, (2018). Addition of dose-intensified doxorubicin to standard chemotherapy for rhabdomyosarcoma (EpSSG RMS 2005): a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet oncol, Vol.19 (8), pp. 1061-1071.  show abstract  full text

Moreno, L. Casanova, M. Chisholm, J.C. Berlanga, P. Chastagner, P.B. Baruchel, S. Amoroso, L. Gallego Melcón, S. Gerber, N.U. Bisogno, G. Fagioli, F. Geoerger, B. Glade Bender, J.L. Aerts, I. Bergeron, C. Hingorani, P. Elias, I. Simcock, M. Ferrara, S. Le Bruchec, Y. Slepetis, R. Chen, N. Vassal, G. (2018). Phase I results of a phase I/II study of weekly nab-paclitaxel in paediatric patients with recurrent/refractory solid tumours: A collaboration with innovative therapies for children with cancer. Eur j cancer, Vol.100, pp. 27-34.  show abstract  full text

Ali, A. Mohamed, M. Chisholm, J. Thway, K. (2017). Solid-Pattern Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor. Int j surg pathol, Vol.25 (2), pp. 158-161.  show abstract  full text

Ferrari, A. Trama, A. De Paoli, A. Bergeron, C. Merks, J.H. Jenney, M. Orbach, D. Chisholm, J.C. Gallego, S. Glosli, H. De Salvo, G.L. Botta, L. Gatta, G. Bisogno, G. Grp, R.W. (2017). Access to clinical trials for adolescents with soft tissue sarcomas: Enrollment in European pediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) protocols. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.64 (6).  full text

Ferrari, A. Trama, A. De Paoli, A. Bergeron, C. Merks, J.H. Jenney, M. Orbach, D. Chisholm, J.C. Gallego, S. Glosli, H. De Salvo, G.L. Botta, L. Gatta, G. Bisogno, G. RARECAREnet Working Group, (2017). Access to clinical trials for adolescents with soft tissue sarcomas: Enrollment in European pediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) protocols. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.64 (6).  show abstract  full text

Selfe, J. Olmos, D. Al-Saadi, R. Thway, K. Chisholm, J. Kelsey, A. Shipley, J. (2017). Impact of fusion gene status versus histology on risk-stratification for rhabdomyosarcoma: Retrospective analyses of patients on UK trials. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.64 (7).  show abstract  full text

Chisholm, J.C. Merks, J.H. Casanova, M. Bisogno, G. Orbach, D. Gentet, J.-. Thomassin-Defachelles, A.-. Chastagner, P. Lowis, S. Ronghe, M. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R.R. Hilton, M. Bachir, J. Fürst-Recktenwald, S. Geoerger, B. Oberlin, O. European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG) and the European Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC) Consortium, (2017). Open-label, multicentre, randomised, phase II study of the EpSSG and the ITCC evaluating the addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy in childhood and adolescent patients with metastatic soft tissue sarcoma (the BERNIE study). Eur j cancer, Vol.83, pp. 177-184.  show abstract  full text

Kieran, M.W. Chisholm, J. Casanova, M. Brandes, A.A. Aerts, I. Bouffet, E. Bailey, S. Leary, S. MacDonald, T.J. Mechinaud, F. Cohen, K.J. Riccardi, R. Mason, W. Hargrave, D. Kalambakas, S. Deshpande, P. Tai, F. Hurh, E. Geoerger, B. (2017). Phase I study of oral sonidegib (LDE225) in pediatric brain and solid tumors and a phase II study in children and adults with relapsed medulloblastoma. Neuro oncol, Vol.19 (11), pp. 1542-1552.  show abstract  full text

Clement, S.C. Schoot, R.A. Slater, O. Chisholm, J.C. Abela, C. Balm, A.J. van den Brekel, M.W. Breunis, W.B. Chang, Y.C. Davila Fajardo, R. Dunaway, D. Gajdosova, E. Gaze, M.N. Gupta, S. Hartley, B. Kremer, L.C. van Lennep, M. Levitt, G.A. Mandeville, H.C. Pieters, B.R. Saeed, P. Smeele, L.E. Strackee, S.D. Ronckers, C.M. Caron, H.N. van Santen, H.M. Merks, J.H. (2016). Endocrine disorders among long-term survivors of childhood head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma. Eur j cancer, Vol.54, pp. 1-10.  show abstract

Veal, G.J. Errington, J. Sastry, J. Chisholm, J. Brock, P. Morgenstern, D. Pritchard-Jones, K. Chowdhury, T. (2016). Adaptive dosing of anticancer drugs in neonates: facilitating evidence-based dosing regimens. Cancer chemother pharmacol, Vol.77 (4), pp. 685-692.  show abstract

Herd, F. Bate, J. Chisholm, J. Johnson, E. Phillips, B. (2016). Variation in practice remains in the UK management of paediatric febrile neutropenia. Arch dis child, Vol.101 (4), pp. 410-411.

Carceller, F. Bautista, F.J. Fowkes, L.A. Marshall, L.V. Sirvent, S.I. Chisholm, J.C. Pearson, A.D. Koh, D.-. Moreno, L. (2016). Response Assessment in Paediatric Phase I Trials According to RECIST Guidelines: Survival Outcomes, Patterns of Progression and Relevance of Changes in Tumour Measurements. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.63 (8), pp. 1400-1406.  show abstract

Phillips, R.S. Bhuller, K. Sung, L. Ammann, R.A. Tissing, W.J. Lehrnbecher, T. Stewart, L.A. PICNICC Collaboration, (2016). Risk stratification in febrile neutropenic episodes in adolescent/young adult patients with cancer. Eur j cancer, Vol.64, pp. 101-106.  show abstract

Phillips, R.S. Sung, L. Ammann, R.A. Riley, R.D. Castagnola, E. Haeusler, G.M. Klaassen, R. Tissing, W.J. Lehrnbecher, T. Chisholm, J. Hakim, H. Ranasinghe, N. Paesmans, M. Hann, I.M. Stewart, L.A. PICNICC Collaboration, (2016). Predicting microbiologically defined infection in febrile neutropenic episodes in children: global individual participant data multivariable meta-analysis. Br j cancer, Vol.114 (6), pp. 623-630.  show abstract

Thway, K. Chisholm, J. Hayes, A. Swansbury, J. Fisher, C. (2015). Pediatric low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma mimicking ossifying fibromyxoid tumor: adding to the diagnostic spectrum of soft tissue tumors with a bony shell. Hum pathol, Vol.46 (3), pp. 461-466.  show abstract

Schoot, R.A. Slater, O. Ronckers, C.M. Zwinderman, A.H. Balm, A.J. Hartley, B. van den Brekel, M.W. Gupta, S. Saeed, P. Gajdosova, E. Pieters, B.R. Gaze, M.N. Mandeville, H.C. Fajardo, R.D. Chang, Y.C. Gains, J.E. Strackee, S.D. Dunaway, D. Abela, C. Mason, C. Smeele, L.E. Chisholm, J.C. Levitt, G.A. Kremer, L.C. Grootenhuis, M.A. Maurice-Stam, H. Stiller, C.A. Hammond, P. Caron, H.N. Merks, J.H. (2015). Adverse events of local treatment in long-term head and neck rhabdomyosarcoma survivors after external beam radiotherapy or AMORE treatment. European journal of cancer, Vol.51 (11), pp. 1424-1434.

Norman, G. Fayter, D. Lewis-Light, K. Chisholm, J. McHugh, K. Levine, D. Jenney, M. Mandeville, H. Gatz, S. Phillips, B. (2015). An emerging evidence base for PET-CT in the management of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma: systematic review. Bmj open, Vol.5 (1), p. e006030.  show abstract

Gatz, S.A. Thway, K. Mandeville, H. Kerawala, C. MacVicar, D. Chisholm, J. (2015). Chemotherapy responsiveness in a patient with multiply relapsed ameloblastic fibro-odontosarcoma of the maxilla. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.62 (11), pp. 2029-2032.  show abstract  full text

Morgenstern, D.A. Hargrave, D. Marshall, L.V. Gatz, S.A. Barone, G. Crowe, T. Pritchard-Jones, K. Zacharoulis, S. Lancaster, D.L. Vaidya, S.J. Chisholm, J.C. Pearson, A.D. Moreno, L. (2014). Toxicity and outcome of children and adolescents participating in phase I/II trials of novel anticancer drugs: the Royal Marsden experience. J pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.36 (3), pp. 218-223.  show abstract

Calton, E.A. Le Doare, K. Appleby, G. Chisholm, J.C. Sharland, M. Ladhani, S.N. Participants, C.A. (2014). Invasive Bacterial and Fungal Infections in Paediatric Patients with Cancer: Incidence, Risk Factors, Aetiology and Outcomes in aUK Regional Cohort 2009-2011. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.61 (7), pp. 1239-1245.

Schoot, R.A. Slater, O. Ronckers, C.M. Zwinderman, A.H. Balm, A.J. Hartley, B. van de Brekel, M. Gupta, S. Saeed, P. Gajdosova, E. Pieters, B.R. Gaze, M.N. Mandeville, H.C. Fajardo, R.D. Chang, Y.-. Strackee, S.D. Dunaway, D. Abela, C. Mason, C. Smeele, L.E. Chisholm, J.C. Levitt, G. Kremer, L.C. Grootenhuis, M.A. Maurice-Stam, H. Stiller, C.A. Hammond, P. Caron, H.N. Merks, J.H. (2014). ADVERSE EVENTS OF LOCAL TREATMENT IN HEAD AND NECK RHABDOMYOSARCOMA SURVIVORS AFTER EXTERNAL BEAM RADIOTHERAPY OR AMORE TREATMENT. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.61, pp. S311-S311.

Norman, G. Fayter, D. Light-Lewis, K. Chisholm, J. Mandeville, H. Gatz, S. Levine, D. Jenney, M. McHugh, K. Phillips, B. (2014). THE ROLE OF PET-CT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHILDHOOD RHABDOMYOSARCOMA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.61, pp. S133-S133.

Bisogno, G. De Salvo, G.L. Bergeron, C. Carli, M. Ferrari, A. Jenney, M. Mercks, H. Kelsey, A. Gallego, S. Chisholm, J. Orbach, D. Martelli, H. Oberlin, O. Stevens, M. (2014). THE ROLE OF DOXORUBICIN IN THE TREATMENT OF RHABDOMYOSARCOMA: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM THE EPSSG RMS2005 RANDOMIZED TRIAL. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.61, pp. S133-S134.

Dommett, R. Chisholm, J. Turner, M. Bajaj-Elliott, M. Klein, N.J. (2013). Mannose-binding lectin genotype influences frequency and duration of infectious complications in children with malignancy. J pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.35 (1), pp. 69-75.  show abstract

Bate, J. Gibson, F. Selwood, K. Skinner, R. Phillips, B. Chisholm, J.C. (2013). A reaudit of current febrile neutropenia practice in UK paediatric oncology centres prior to implementation of NICE guidance. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.98 (4), pp. 315-316.

Bate, J. Gibson, F. Johnson, E. Selwood, K. Skinner, R. Chisholm, J. (2013). Neutropenic sepsis: prevention and management of neutropenic sepsis in cancer patients (NICE Clinical Guideline CG151). Archives of disease in childhood-education and practice edition, Vol.98 (2), pp. 73-75.

Gibson, F. Chisholm, J. Blandford, E. Donachie, P. Hartley, J. Lane, S. Selwood, K. Skinner, R. Phillips, R. CCLG Supportive Care Group, (2013). Developing a national 'low risk' febrile neutropenia framework for use in children and young people's cancer care. Support care cancer, Vol.21 (5), pp. 1241-1251.  show abstract


Orbach, D. Mosseri, V. Stevens, M. Rey, A. Gallelo, S. Kelsey, A. Christine, D. Brenann, B. Van Noesel, M. Gaze, M. Minard-Collin, V. Merks, H. Bergeron, C. Rechnitzer, C. Jenney, M. Chisholm, J. Scopinaro, M. Martelli, H. Oberlin, O. (2013). NON PARAMENINGEAL HEAD-AND-NECK RHABDOMYOSARCOMA IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENT: A VERY LONG TERM EXPERIENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY MALIGNANT MESENCHYMAL TUMOR (SIOP-MMT) COMMITTEE. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.60, pp. 36-36.

Schoot, R.A. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R.R. Kremer, L.C. Chisholm, J.C. Caron, H.N. Merks, J.H. (2013). Response assessment in pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma: can response evaluation criteria in solid tumors replace three-dimensional volume assessments?. Radiology, Vol.269 (3), pp. 870-878.  show abstract

Williamson, D. Missiaglia, E. Chisholm, J. Shipley, J. (2012). Inconvenience of convenience cohorts--letter. Cancer epidemiol biomarkers prev, Vol.21 (8), p. 1388.

Chisholm, J. Phillips, P. Sutton, A. Riley, R. Picton, S. Stewart, L. (2012). Predicting Infectious Complications in Neutropenic Children and young people with Cancer Optimizing risk predictive strategies in febrile neutropenic episodes in children and young people undergoing treatment for malignant disease. Systematic reviews in pharmacy, .

Bate, J. Chisholm, J. Skinner, R. Breuer, J. Ramsay, M. Wheatley, K. Hambleton, S. Heath, P.T. (2012). Varicella post-exposure prophylaxis in children with cancer: urgent need for a randomised controlled trial. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.97 (9), pp. 853-854.

Phillips, R.S. Sutton, A.J. Riley, R.D. Chisholm, J.C. Picton, S.V. Stewart, L.A. PICNICC Collaboration, (2012). Predicting infectious complications in neutropenic children and young people with cancer (IPD protocol). Syst rev, Vol.1, p. 8.  show abstract

Missiaglia, E. Williamson, D. Chisholm, J. Wirapati, P. Pierron, G. Petel, F. Concordet, J.-. Thway, K. Oberlin, O. Pritchard-Jones, K. Delattre, O. Delorenzi, M. Shipley, J. (2012). PAX3/FOXO1 fusion gene status is the key prognostic molecular marker in rhabdomyosarcoma and significantly improves current risk stratification. J clin oncol, Vol.30 (14), pp. 1670-1677.  show abstract

Missiaglia, E. Williamson, D. Chisholm, J. Wirapati, P. Pierron, G. Petel, F. Concordet, J.-. Thway, K. Oberlin, O. Pritchard-Jones, K. Delattre, O. Delorenzi, M. Shipley, J. (2012). Questionable Universal Validity of PAX3/FOXO1 Fusion Gene Status As Molecular Marker for Improvement of Risk Stratification in Rhabdomyosarcoma Therapy Reply. Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.30 (32), pp. 4040-4041.

George, S.L. Broster, S. Chisholm, J.C. Brock, P. (2012). Docetaxel in the treatment of children with refractory or relapsed hepatoblastoma. J pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.34 (7), pp. e295-e297.  show abstract

Lehrnbecher, T. Aplenc, R. Rivas Pereira, F. Lassaletta, A. Caselli, D. Kowalczyk, J. Chisholm, J. Sung, L. Grp, S.I. (2012). Variations in non-pharmacological anti-infective measures in childhood leukemia - results of an international survey. Haematologica-the hematology journal, Vol.97 (10), pp. 1548-1552.

Morgenstern, D. Hargrave, D. Marshall, L.V. Gatz, S.A. Barone, G. Crowe, T. Pritchard-Jones, K. Zacharoulis, S. Lancaster, D.L. Vaidya, S.J. Chisholm, J.C. Pearson, A. Moreno, L. (2012). EARLY PHASE CLINICAL TRIALS IN PAEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY THE ROYAL MARSDEN EXPERIENCE. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.59 (6), pp. 1091-1091.

Geoerger, B. Aerts, I. Casanova, M. Chisholm, J. Hargrave, D. Leary, S.E. Ashley, D. Bouffet, E. MacDonald, T. Di Giannatale, A. Hurh, E. Dey, J. Kalambakas, S. Teasdale, T. Kieran, M. (2012). UPDATED RESULTS FROM A PHASE I STUDY OF LDE225, A SMOOTHENED ANTAGONIST, IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH RECURRENT MEDULLOBLASTOMA OR OTHER SOLID TUMORS. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.59 (6), pp. 980-980.


Chisholm, J.C. Marandet, J. Rey, A. Scopinaro, M. de Toledo, J.S. Merks, J.H. O'Meara, A. Stevens, M.C. Oberlin, O. (2011). Prognostic factors after relapse in nonmetastatic rhabdomyosarcoma: a nomogram to better define patients who can be salvaged with further therapy. J clin oncol, Vol.29 (10), pp. 1319-1325.  show abstract

Geoerger, B. Chisholm, J. Le Deley, M.-. Gentet, J.-. Zwaan, C.M. Dias, N. Jaspan, T. Mc Hugh, K. Couanet, D. Hain, S. Devos, A. Riccardi, R. Cesare, C. Boos, J. Frappaz, D. Leblond, P. Aerts, I. Vassal, G. European Consortium Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC), (2011). Phase II study of gemcitabine combined with oxaliplatin in relapsed or refractory paediatric solid malignancies: An innovative therapy for children with Cancer European Consortium Study. Eur j cancer, Vol.47 (2), pp. 230-238.  show abstract

Slade, I. Bacchelli, C. Davies, H. Murray, A. Abbaszadeh, F. Hanks, S. Barfoot, R. Burke, A. Chisholm, J. Hewitt, M. Jenkinson, H. King, D. Morland, B. Pizer, B. Prescott, K. Saggar, A. Side, L. Traunecker, H. Vaidya, S. Ward, P. Futreal, P.A. Vujanic, G. Nicholson, A.G. Sebire, N. Turnbull, C. Priest, J.R. Pritchard-Jones, K. Houlston, R. Stiller, C. Stratton, M.R. Douglas, J. Rahman, N. (2011). DICER1 syndrome: clarifying the diagnosis, clinical features and management implications of a pleiotropic tumour predisposition syndrome. J med genet, Vol.48 (4), pp. 273-278.  show abstract

Bate, J. Chisholm, J. Heath, P.T. Breuer, J. Skinner, R. Manley, S. Patel, S. Wheatley, K. Ramsay, M. Kearns, P.R. Hambleton, S. (2011). PEPtalk: postexposure prophylaxis against varicella in children with cancer. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.96 (9), pp. 841-845.

Lehrnbecher, T. Aplenc, R. Pereira, F.R. Lassaletta, A. Caselli, D. Kowalczyk, J. Chisholm, J. Sung, L. (2011). INSTITUTIONAL VARIATIONS IN NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL ANTI-INFECTIVE MEASURES - RESULTS OF AN INTERNATIONAL SURVEY. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.57 (5), pp. 847-847.

Bate, J. Patel, S.R. Chisholm, J. Heath, P.T. CCLG, (2010). Immunisation Practices of Paediatric Oncology and Shared Care Oncology Consultants: A United Kingdom Survey. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.54 (7), pp. 941-946.

Jorgensen, M. Bate, J. Gatscher, S. Chisholm, J.C. (2010). Invasive pneumococcal disease following treatment for choroid plexus carcinoma. Support care cancer, Vol.18 (5), pp. 647-650.  show abstract

Rees, H. Andrews, M. Broster, S. Nicholson, J. Skinner, R. Chisholm, J. Canc, S.C. (2010). Influenza vaccination during cancer therapy. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.95 (7).

Chisholm, J. Marandet, J. Rey, A. Oberlin, O. (2010). PROGNOSTIC FACTORS AFTER RELAPSE IN NON-METASTATIC RHABDOMYOSARCOMA: WHO CAN BE SALVAGED?. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.55 (5), pp. 836-836.

Schoot, R. McHugh, K. van Rijn, R. Chisholm, J. Merks, J. (2010). ARE THE RECIST CRITERIA USEFUL IN ASSESSING RESPONSE IN PAEDIATRIC RHABDOMYOSARCOMA?. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.55 (5), pp. 901-902.

Chisholm, J.C. Casanova, M. Geoerger, B. Merks, J.H. Massimini, G. Moore, N. Rooney, I.A. Viviers, L. Oberlin, O. (2010). A phase II study evaluating addition of bevacizumab to chemotherapy in childhood and adolescent patients presenting with metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) and non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma (NRSTS). Journal of clinical oncology, Vol.28 (15).

Gibson, F. Hartley, J. Lane, S. Phillips, R. Selwood, K. Skinner, R. Chisholm, J. (2009). Reaching A National Consensus On An Approach To Low Risk Febrile Neutropenia: The Challenges of A Delphi Survey. European journal of oncology nursing, Vol.13 (1), pp. 63-63.

Thomas, L. Baggen, L. Chisholm, J. Sharland, M. (2009). Diagnosis and treatment of aspergillosis in children. Expert review of anti-infective therapy, Vol.7 (4), pp. 461-472.

Bate, J. Ladhani, S. Sharland, M. Chisholm, J. Lamagni, T. Ramsay, M. Johnson, A. Pebody, R. (2009). Infection-Related Mortality in Children With Malignancy in England and Wales, 2003-2005. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.53 (3), pp. 371-374.

Dommett, R. Geary, J. Freeman, S. Hartley, J. Sharland, M. Davidson, A. Tulloh, R. Taj, M. Stoneham, S. Chisholm, J.C. (2009). Successful introduction and audit of a step-down oral antibiotic strategy for low risk paediatric febrile neutropaenia in a UK, multicentre, shared care setting. European journal of cancer, Vol.45 (16), pp. 2843-2849.

Patel, S.R. Chisholm, J.C. Heath, P.T. (2008). Vaccinations in children treated with standard-dose cancer therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Pediatric clinics of north america, Vol.55 (1), pp. 169-+.

Laddie, J. Chisholm, J. (2007). A survey of parent and staff views on management by risk stratification in children with febrile neutropenia (FN). Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.49 (4), pp. 508-509.

Phillips, R. Skinner, R. Chisholm, J.C. (2007). Treating low-risk febrile neutropenia: Jenny's story. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.92 (1), pp. 7-8.  full text

Chisholm, J.C. (2007). Reimmunization after therapy for childhood cancer. Clinical infectious diseases, Vol.44 (5), pp. 643-645.

Andrews, M. Chisholm, J. Nicholson, J. Broster, S. Rees, H. (2007). Cross-sectional survey of influenza vaccination uptake in children with cancer. Pediatric blood & cancer, Vol.49 (4), pp. 509-509.

Phillips, B. Selwood, K. Lane, S.M. Skinner, R. Gibson, F. Chisholm, J.C. (2007). Variation in policies for the management of febrile neutropenia in United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group centres. Archives of disease in childhood, Vol.92 (6), pp. 495-498.  full text

Chisholm, J.C. Machin, D. McDowell, H. McHugh, K. Ellershaw, C. Jenney, M. Foot, A.B. Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG; formerly United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group), (2007). Efficacy of carboplatin given in a phase II window study to children and adolescents with newly diagnosed metastatic soft tissue sarcoma. Eur j cancer, Vol.43 (17), pp. 2537-2544.  show abstract

Duncan, C. Chisholm, J.C. Freeman, S. Riley, U. Sharland, M. Pritchard-Jones, K. (2007). A prospective study of admissions for febrile neutropenia in secondary paediatric units in South East England. Pediatr blood cancer, Vol.49 (5), pp. 678-681.  show abstract

Chisholm, J.C. Dommett, R. (2006). The evolution towards ambulatory and day-case management of febrile neutropenia. Br j haematol, Vol.135 (1), pp. 3-16.  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Rubie, H. Desfachalles, S. Morland, B. Munzer, C. Valteau-Couanet, D. Mosseri, V. Bergeron, C. Weston, C. Coze, C. Auvrignon, A. Djafari, L. Hobson, R. Baunin, C. Dickinson, F. Brisse, H. McHugh, K. Biassoni, L. Giammarile, F. Vassal, G. Societe Francaise des cancers de l'enfant, United Kingdom Childrens Cancer Study Group - New Agents Group Study, (2006). A Phase II study of Temozolomide in relapsed or refractory high-risk Neuroblastoma. Journal of clinical oncology, (24(33)), pp. 5259-5264.

Fowler, D.J. Malone, M. Chisholm, J. Roebuck, D. Sebire, N.J. (2006). Primary thoracic myxoid variant of extrarenal rhabdoid tumor in childhood. Fetal pediatr pathol, Vol.25 (3), pp. 159-168.  show abstract

Fowler, D.J. Chisholm, J. Roebuck, D. Newman, L. Malone, M. Sebire, N.J. (2006). Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy: clinical, radiological, and pathological features. Fetal pediatr pathol, Vol.25 (2), pp. 59-72.  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Howe, K. Taj, M. Zambon, M. (2005). Influenza immunisation in children with solid tumours. European journal of cancer, Vol.41 (15), pp. 2280-2287.

Veal, G.J. Cole, M. Errington, J. Parry, A. Hale, J. Pearson, A.D. Howe, K. Chisholm, J.C. Beane, C. Brennan, B. Waters, F. Glaser, A. Hemsworth, S. McDowell, H. Wright, Y. Pritchard-Jones, K. Pinkerton, R. Jenner, G. Nicholson, J. Elsworth, A.M. Boddy, A.V. Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group Pharmacology Working Group, (2005). Pharmacokinetics of dactinomycin in a pediatric patient population: a United Kingdom Children's Cancer Study Group Study. Clin cancer res, Vol.11 (16), pp. 5893-5899.  show abstract

Tischkowitz, M.D. Chisholm, J. Gaze, M. Michalski, A. Rosser, E.M. (2004). Medulloblastoma as a first presentation of fanconi anemia. J pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.26 (1), pp. 52-55.  show abstract

Little, M.A. Morland, B. Chisholm, J. Hole, A. Shankar, A. Devine, T. Easlea, D. Meyer, L.C. Pinkerton, C.R. (2002). A randomised study of prophylactic G-CSF following MRC UKALL XI intensification regimen in childhood ALL and T-NHL. Med pediatr oncol, Vol.38 (2), pp. 98-103.  show abstract

Chisholm, J.C. Devine, T. Charlett, A. Pinkerton, C.R. Zambon, M. (2001). Response to influenza immunisation during treatment for cancer. Arch dis child, Vol.84 (6), pp. 496-500.  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Devine, T. Dick, G. Mycroft, J. Pinkerton, C.R. (2000). Safety and tolerability of Amphotericin B Lipid Complex (Abelcet). International journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, Vol.6 (6), pp. 393-402.

Chisholm, J. Devine, T. Mycroft, J. Pinkerton, C.R. (1999). Liposomal amphotericin B (AmBisome) in children with febrile neutropenia and renal dysfunction. International journal of pediatric hematology/oncology, Vol.6 (3), pp. 173-182.

Veys, P.A. Meral, A. Hassan, A. Goulden, N. Chisholm, J. New, H. Armstrong, J. Bennett-Rees, N. Webb, D. Gerritsen, B. (1998). Improved outcome for blood and marrow transplantation in immunodeficiency. Bone marrow transplantation, Vol.21, pp. S128-S128.

Chisholm, J.C. Devine, T. Mycroft, J. Pinkerton, C.R. (1998). Tolerability of amphotericin B lipid complex (ABELCET) in children with malignant disease. Bone marrow transplantation, Vol.21, pp. S145-S145.

Chisholm, J.C. Darmady, J.M. Kohler, J.A. (1995). Dysgerminoma in mother and daughter: use of lactate dehydrogenase as a tumor marker in the child. Pediatr hematol oncol, Vol.12 (3), pp. 305-308.  show abstract

Chisholm, J.C. (1988). Analysis of the fifth cell cycle of mouse development. J reprod fertil, Vol.84 (1), pp. 29-36.  show abstract

Garbutt, C.L. Chisholm, J.C. Johnson, M.H. (1987). The establishment of the embryonic-abembryonic axis in the mouse embryo. Development, Vol.100 (1), pp. 125-134.  show abstract

Chisholm, J.C. Houliston, E. (1987). Cytokeratin filament assembly in the preimplantation mouse embryo. Development, Vol.101 (3), pp. 565-582.  show abstract

Johnson, M.H. Chisholm, J.C. Fleming, T.P. Houliston, E. (1986). A role for cytoplasmic determinants in the development of the mouse early embryo?. J embryol exp morphol, Vol.97 Suppl, pp. 97-121.

Chisholm, J.C. Johnson, M.H. Warren, P.D. Fleming, T.P. Pickering, S.J. (1985). Developmental variability within and between mouse expanding blastocysts and their ICMs. J embryol exp morphol, Vol.86, pp. 311-336.  show abstract

Fleming, T.P. Warren, P.D. Chisholm, J.C. Johnson, M.H. (1984). Trophectodermal processes regulate the expression of totipotency within the inner cell mass of the mouse expanding blastocyst. J embryol exp morphol, Vol.84, pp. 63-90.  show abstract

Chisholm, J. Randomized phase 2 trial of the Vincristine-Irinotecan combination with or without Temozolomide, in children and adults with relapsed or refractory rhabdomyosarcoma: an EpSSG/ITCC trial. Journal of clinical oncology, .  full text

Corley, E.A. Schmitt, A.M. Furness, A.J. Chisholm, J.C. The role of systemic therapy in paediatric cutaneous melanoma: a review. Pediatric medicine, Vol.6, pp. 37-37.  full text

Chisholm, J. A case report of long-term remission achieved with bronchoscopic debulking, radical external beam radiotherapy and pulse steroids, and NSAIDs. Journal of medical case reports, .

Chisholm, J. ALK-positive pulmonary inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour: A case report of long term remission achieved with bronchoscopic debulking, radical external beam radiotherapy and pulse steroids, and NSAIDs. Journal of medical case reports, .  full text


Berlanga, P.Orbach, D.Schoot, R.Casanova, M.Alaggio, R.Corradini, N.Brennan, B.Ramirez-Villar, G.Hjalgrim, L.L.Chisholm, J.Bisogno, G.Coppadoro, B.Safwat, A.Merks, H.Burrieza, G.G.Van Noesel, M.Ferrari, A. (2023). INTRA-ABDOMINAL DESMOPLASTIC SMALL ROUND CELL TUMOR: THE EUROPEAN PEDIATRIC SOFT TISSUE SARCOMA STUDY GROUP (EPSSG) EXPERIENCE, PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER, Vol.70, p. 2.

Amakye, D.Robinson, D.Rose, K.Cho, Y.-.Ligon, K.L.Sharp, T.Ando, Y.Geoerger, B.Doz, F.Ashley, D.Hargrave, D.Casanova, M.Tawbi, H.Heath, J.Bouffet, E.Brandes, A.A.Chisholm, J.Rodon, J.Thomas, A.Mita, A.MacDonald, T.Kieran, M. (2013). DEVELOPMENT OF A FIVE-GENE HEDGEHOG SIGNATURE AS A PATIENT PRESELECTION TOOL FOR HEDGEHOG PATHWAY-TARGETED THERAPY IN MEDULLOBLASTOMA, NEURO-ONCOLOGY, Vol.15, pp.33-34.

Chisholm, J. (2013). Biology-driven strategy for new drug development in rhabdomyosarcoma, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, Vol.49, p.S47.


Geoerger, B.Aerts, I.Casanova, M.Chisholm, J.C.Hargrave, D.R.Leary, S.Ashley, D.M.Bouffet, E.MacDonald, T.Hurh, E.Dey, J.Kalambakas, S.Amakye, D.D.Kieran, M.W. (2012). A phase I/II study of LDE225, a smoothened (Smo) antagonist, in pediatric patients with recurrent medulloblastoma (MB) or other solid tumors., JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, Vol.30 (15).

Chisholm, J.C. (2011). Soft-tissue Sarcomas, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, Vol.47, pp.S25-S26.

Fowler, D.J.Chisholm, J.Roebuck, D.Malone, M.Anderson, G.Sebire, N.J. (2006). Primary thoracic Myxoid variant of extrarenal rhabdoid tumor in childhood, JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY, Vol.208, p.22A.

Dommett, R.M.Bajaj-Elliott, M.Chisholm, J.Klein, N. (2006). Influence of mannose binding lectin (MBL) gene polymorphisms on infectious complications during treatment for childhood malignancy., BLOOD, Vol.108 (11), p.370A.

Rubie, H.Chisholm, J.Defachelles, A.S.Morland, B.Munzer, C.Valteau-Couanet, D.Mosseri, V.Bergeron, C.Weston, C.Coze, C.Auvrignon, A.Djafari, L.Hobson, R.Baunin, C.Dickinson, F.Brisse, H.McHugh, K.Biassoni, L.Giammarile, F.Vassal, G. (2006). Phase II study of temozolomide in relapsed or refractory high-risk neuroblastoma: A Joint Societe' Francaise des Cancers de l'Enfant and United Kingdom Children Cancer Study Group-New Agents Group Study, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, Vol.24 (33), pp.5259-5264.

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