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Generations Study Population, Data and Biospecimens

Participants in the Generations Study provide data through questionnaires and most provided a baseline blood sample to study genetics and other biomarkers. A subset of participants have worn physical activity monitors (for 8 days at a time) and some have provided urine samples. Medical data, specimens and imaging is obtained through requests and data linkages to NHS medical records.

At recruitment, half of the cohort were between the ages of 45-64 (49%), with 42% of the cohort younger and 9% older. 43% of the cohort lived in Southern England with 89% of the cohort being from England as a whole. The rest of the cohort lived in Wales (4%), Scotland (7%), and Northern Ireland (1%). Compared to the national population, the cohort has an overrepresentation of women with higher socio-economic status, White ethnicity, and those residing in Southern England. To ensure the applicability of research findings to more diverse populations across the UK, comparisons with national data and other cohorts are conducted.

Map shows the geographical distribution of study members in UK

Figure: Map shows the geographical distribution of the study members across the United Kingdom.

graph shows the age distribution of study members
Figure: Graph shows the age distribution of the study members at recruitment.

Participants completed a baseline questionnaire and provided a blood sample at the time of enrolment. Since then, they have been asked to fill out follow up questionnaires every 2-4 years. Through the questionnaires, participants provide information on demographic, reproductive, behavioural/lifestyle, anthropometric, environmental, and medical factors. Subsets of participants also provided a urine sample or physical activity data by wearing activity monitors. In addition, the study team collects medical data, biopsy specimens and imaging from participant’s NHS medical records through special requests and data linkages. 

For more details, please visit our website: 

Generations Study Website

In this section

Scientific aims Meet the team Participant engagement Study population, data and biospecimens