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Journal Articles

Mannion, J. Gifford, V. Bellenie, B. Fernando, W. Ramos Garcia, L. Wilson, R. John, S.W. Udainiya, S. Patin, E.C. Tiu, C. Smith, A. Goicoechea, M. Craxton, A. Moraes de Vasconcelos, N. Guppy, N. Cheung, K.-. Cundy, N.J. Pierrat, O. Brennan, A. Roumeliotis, T.I. Benstead-Hume, G. Alexander, J. Muirhead, G. Layzell, S. Lyu, W. Roulstone, V. Allen, M. Baldock, H. Legrand, A. Gabel, F. Serrano-Aparicio, N. Starling, C. Guo, H. Upton, J. Gyrd-Hansen, M. MacFarlane, M. Seddon, B. Raynaud, F. Roxanis, I. Harrington, K. Haider, S. Choudhary, J.S. Hoelder, S. Tenev, T. Meier, P. (2024). A RIPK1-specific PROTAC degrader achieves potent antitumor activity by enhancing immunogenic cell death. Immunity, .  show abstract  full text

Liu, M. Mirza, A. McAndrew, P.C. Thapaliya, A. Pierrat, O.A. Stubbs, M. Hahner, T. Chessum, N.E. Innocenti, P. Caldwell, J. Cheeseman, M.D. Bellenie, B.R. van Montfort, R.L. Newton, G.K. Burke, R. Collins, I. Hoelder, S. (2023). Determination of Ligand-Binding Affinity (Kd) Using Transverse Relaxation Rate (R2) in the Ligand-Observed 1H NMR Experiment and Applications to Fragment-Based Drug Discovery. J med chem, Vol.66 (15), pp. 10617-10627.  show abstract  full text

Harnden, A.C. Davis, O.A. Box, G.M. Hayes, A. Johnson, L.D. Henley, A.T. de Haven Brandon, A.K. Valenti, M. Cheung, K.-. Brennan, A. Huckvale, R. Pierrat, O.A. Talbot, R. Bright, M.D. Akpinar, H.A. Miller, D.S. Tarantino, D. Gowan, S. de Klerk, S. McAndrew, P.C. Le Bihan, Y.-. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2023). Discovery of an In Vivo Chemical Probe for BCL6 Inhibition by Optimization of Tricyclic Quinolinones. J med chem, Vol.66 (8), pp. 5892-5906.  show abstract  full text

Pierrat, O.A. Liu, M. Collie, G.W. Shetty, K. Rodrigues, M.J. Le Bihan, Y.-. Gunnell, E.A. McAndrew, P.C. Stubbs, M. Rowlands, M.G. Yahya, N. Shehu, E. Talbot, R. Pickard, L. Bellenie, B.R. Cheung, K.-. Drouin, L. Innocenti, P. Woodward, H. Davis, O.A. Lloyd, M.G. Varela, A. Huckvale, R. Broccatelli, F. Carter, M. Galiwango, D. Hayes, A. Raynaud, F.I. Bryant, C. Whittaker, S. Rossanese, O.W. Hoelder, S. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. (2022). Discovering cell-active BCL6 inhibitors: effectively combining biochemical HTS with multiple biophysical techniques, X-ray crystallography and cell-based assays. Sci rep, Vol.12 (1), p. 18633.  show abstract  full text

Huckvale, R. Harnden, A.C. Cheung, K.-. Pierrat, O.A. Talbot, R. Box, G.M. Henley, A.T. de Haven Brandon, A.K. Hallsworth, A.E. Bright, M.D. Akpinar, H.A. Miller, D.S. Tarantino, D. Gowan, S. Hayes, A. Gunnell, E.A. Brennan, A. Davis, O.A. Johnson, L.D. de Klerk, S. McAndrew, C. Le Bihan, Y.-. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2022). Improved Binding Affinity and Pharmacokinetics Enable Sustained Degradation of BCL6 In Vivo. J med chem, Vol.65 (12), pp. 8191-8207.  show abstract  full text

Davis, O.A. Cheung, K.-. Brennan, A. Lloyd, M.G. Rodrigues, M.J. Pierrat, O.A. Collie, G.W. Le Bihan, Y.-. Huckvale, R. Harnden, A.C. Varela, A. Bright, M.D. Eve, P. Hayes, A. Henley, A.T. Carter, M.D. McAndrew, P.C. Talbot, R. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Meniconi, M. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2022). Optimizing Shape Complementarity Enables the Discovery of Potent Tricyclic BCL6 Inhibitors. J med chem, Vol.65 (12), pp. 8169-8190.  show abstract  full text

Lloyd, M.G. Huckvale, R. Cheung, K.-. Rodrigues, M.J. Collie, G.W. Pierrat, O.A. Gatti Iou, M. Carter, M. Davis, O.A. McAndrew, P.C. Gunnell, E. Le Bihan, Y.-. Talbot, R. Henley, A.T. Johnson, L.D. Hayes, A. Bright, M.D. Raynaud, F.I. Meniconi, M. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Rossanese, O.W. Bellenie, B.R. Hoelder, S. (2021). Into Deep Water: Optimizing BCL6 Inhibitors by Growing into a Solvated Pocket. J med chem, Vol.64 (23), pp. 17079-17097.  show abstract  full text

Bellenie, B.R. Cheung, K.-. Varela, A. Pierrat, O.A. Collie, G.W. Box, G.M. Bright, M.D. Gowan, S. Hayes, A. Rodrigues, M.J. Shetty, K.N. Carter, M. Davis, O.A. Henley, A.T. Innocenti, P. Johnson, L.D. Liu, M. de Klerk, S. Le Bihan, Y.-. Lloyd, M.G. McAndrew, P.C. Shehu, E. Talbot, R. Woodward, H.L. Burke, R. Kirkin, V. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Rossanese, O.W. Hoelder, S. (2020). Achieving In Vivo Target Depletion through the Discovery and Optimization of Benzimidazolone BCL6 Degraders. J med chem, Vol.63 (8), pp. 4047-4068.  show abstract  full text

Darby, J.F. Vidler, L.R. Simpson, P.J. Al-Lazikani, B. Matthews, S.J. Sharp, S.Y. Pearl, L.H. Hoelder, S. Workman, P. (2020). Solution structure of the Hop TPR2A domain and investigation of target druggability by NMR, biochemical and in silico approaches. Sci rep, Vol.10 (1), p. 16000.  show abstract  full text

Watts, E. Heidenreich, D. Tucker, E. Raab, M. Strebhardt, K. Chesler, L. Knapp, S. Bellenie, B. Hoelder, S. (2019). Designing Dual Inhibitors of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) and Bromodomain-4 (BRD4) by Tuning Kinase Selectivity. J med chem, Vol.62 (5), pp. 2618-2637.  show abstract  full text

Hudson, L. Mui, J. Vázquez, S. Carvalho, D.M. Williams, E. Jones, C. Bullock, A.N. Hoelder, S. (2018). Novel Quinazolinone Inhibitors of ALK2 Flip between Alternate Binding Modes: Structure-Activity Relationship, Structural Characterization, Kinase Profiling, and Cellular Proof of Concept. J med chem, Vol.61 (16), pp. 7261-7272.  show abstract  full text

Woodward, H.L. Innocenti, P. Cheung, K.-. Hayes, A. Roberts, J. Henley, A.T. Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Box, G. Westwood, I.M. Cronin, N. Carter, M. Valenti, M. De Haven Brandon, A. O'Fee, L. Saville, H. Schmitt, J. Burke, R. Broccatelli, F. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Linardopoulos, S. Blagg, J. Hoelder, S. (2018). Introduction of a Methyl Group Curbs Metabolism of Pyrido[3,4- d]pyrimidine Monopolar Spindle 1 (MPS1) Inhibitors and Enables the Discovery of the Phase 1 Clinical Candidate N2-(2-Ethoxy-4-(4-methyl-4 H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-methyl- N8-neopentylpyrido[3,4- d]pyrimidine-2,8-diamine (BOS172722). J med chem, Vol.61 (18), pp. 8226-8240.  show abstract

McGrath, S. Tortorici, M. Drouin, L. Solanki, S. Vidler, L. Westwood, I. Gimeson, P. Van Montfort, R. Hoelder, S. (2017). Structure-Enabled Discovery of a Stapled Peptide Inhibitor to Target the Oncogenic Transcriptional Repressor TLE1. Chemistry, Vol.23 (40), pp. 9577-9584.  show abstract  full text

Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Gurden, M.D. Xavier, C.P. Anderhub, S.J. Innocenti, P. Westwood, I.M. Naud, S. Hayes, A. Box, G. Valenti, M.R. De Haven Brandon, A.K. O'Fee, L. Schmitt, J. Woodward, H.L. Burke, R. vanMontfort, R.L. Blagg, J. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Hoelder, S. Linardopoulos, S. (2017). Characterisation of CCT271850, a selective, oral and potent MPS1 inhibitor, used to directly measure in vivo MPS1 inhibition vs therapeutic efficacy. Br j cancer, Vol.116 (9), pp. 1166-1176.  show abstract  full text

Tisi, D. Chiarparin, E. Tamanini, E. Pathuri, P. Coyle, J.E. Hold, A. Holding, F.P. Amin, N. Martin, A.C. Rich, S.J. Berdini, V. Yon, J. Acklam, P. Burke, R. Drouin, L. Harmer, J.E. Jeganathan, F. van Montfort, R.L. Newbatt, Y. Tortorici, M. Westlake, M. Wood, A. Hoelder, S. Heightman, T.D. (2016). Structure of the Epigenetic Oncogene MMSET and Inhibition by N-Alkyl Sinefungin Derivatives. Acs chem biol, Vol.11 (11), pp. 3093-3105.  show abstract

Innocenti, P. Woodward, H.L. Solanki, S. Naud, S. Westwood, I.M. Cronin, N. Hayes, A. Roberts, J. Henley, A.T. Baker, R. Faisal, A. Mak, G.W. Box, G. Valenti, M. De Haven Brandon, A. O'Fee, L. Saville, H. Schmitt, J. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. van Montfort, R.L. Raynaud, F.I. Eccles, S.A. Linardopoulos, S. Blagg, J. Hoelder, S. (2016). Rapid Discovery of Pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidine Inhibitors of Monopolar Spindle Kinase 1 (MPS1) Using a Structure-Based Hybridization Approach. J med chem, Vol.59 (8), pp. 3671-3688.  show abstract  full text

Drouin, L. McGrath, S. Vidler, L.R. Chaikuad, A. Monteiro, O. Tallant, C. Philpott, M. Rogers, C. Fedorov, O. Liu, M. Akhtar, W. Hayes, A. Raynaud, F. Müller, S. Knapp, S. Hoelder, S. (2015). Structure enabled design of BAZ2-ICR, a chemical probe targeting the bromodomains of BAZ2A and BAZ2B. J med chem, Vol.58 (5), pp. 2553-2559.  show abstract  full text

Gurden, M.D. Westwood, I.M. Faisal, A. Naud, S. Cheung, K.-. McAndrew, C. Wood, A. Schmitt, J. Boxall, K. Mak, G. Workman, P. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Blagg, J. Van Montfort, R.L. Linardopoulos, S. (2015). Naturally Occurring Mutations in the MPS1 Gene Predispose Cells to Kinase Inhibitor Drug Resistance. Cancer res, Vol.75 (16), pp. 3340-3354.  show abstract

Innocenti, P. Woodward, H. O'Fee, L. Hoelder, S. (2015). Expanding the scope of fused pyrimidines as kinase inhibitor scaffolds: synthesis and modification of pyrido[3,4-d]pyrimidines. Org biomol chem, Vol.13 (3), pp. 893-904.  show abstract

Morley, A.D. Pugliese, A. Birchall, K. Bower, J. Brennan, P. Brown, N. Chapman, T. Drysdale, M. Gilbert, I.H. Hoelder, S. Jordan, A. Ley, S.V. Merritt, A. Miller, D. Swarbrick, M.E. Wyatt, P.G. (2013). Fragment-based hit identification: thinking in 3D. Drug discovery today, Vol.18 (23-24), pp. 1221-1227.

Vidler, L.R. Filippakopoulos, P. Fedorov, O. Picaud, S. Martin, S. Tomsett, M. Woodward, H. Brown, N. Knapp, S. Hoelder, S. (2013). Discovery of novel small-molecule inhibitors of BRD4 using structure-based virtual screening. J med chem, Vol.56 (20), pp. 8073-8088.  show abstract

Silva-Santisteban, M.C. Westwood, I.M. Boxall, K. Brown, N. Peacock, S. McAndrew, C. Barrie, E. Richards, M. Mirza, A. Oliver, A.W. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Jones, K. Aherne, G.W. Blagg, J. Collins, I. Garrett, M.D. van Montfort, R.L. (2013). Fragment-based screening maps inhibitor interactions in the ATP-binding site of checkpoint kinase 2. Plos one, Vol.8 (6), p. e65689.  show abstract

Naud, S. Westwood, I.M. Faisal, A. Sheldrake, P. Bavetsias, V. Atrash, B. Cheung, K.M. Liu, M. Hayes, A. Schmitt, J. Wood, A. Choi, V. Boxall, K. Mak, G. Gurden, M. Valenti, M. de Haven Brandon, A. Henley, A. Baker, R. McAndrew, C. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. Hoelder, S. Eccles, S.A. Raynaud, F.I. Linardopoulos, S. Van Montfort, R.L. Blagg, J. (2013). Structure-based design of orally bioavailable 1H-pyrrolo[3,2-c]pyridine inhibitors of the mitotic kinase monopolar spindle 1 (MPS1). J med chem, Vol.56, pp. 10045-10065.

Hoelder, S. Clarke, P.A. Workman, P. (2012). Discovery of small molecule cancer drugs: successes, challenges and opportunities. Mol oncol, Vol.6 (2), pp. 155-176.  show abstract

Innocenti, P. Cheung, K.-. Solanki, S. Mas-Droux, C. Rowan, F. Yeoh, S. Boxall, K. Westlake, M. Pickard, L. Hardy, T. Baxter, J.E. Aherne, G.W. Bayliss, R. Fry, A.M. Hoelder, S. (2012). Design of potent and selective hybrid inhibitors of the mitotic kinase Nek2: structure-activity relationship, structural biology, and cellular activity. J med chem, Vol.55 (7), pp. 3228-3241.  show abstract

Vidler, L.R. Brown, N. Knapp, S. Hoelder, S. (2012). Druggability analysis and structural classification of bromodomain acetyl-lysine binding sites. J med chem, Vol.55 (17), pp. 7346-7359.  show abstract

Wylie, L. Innocenti, P. Whelligan, D.K. Hoelder, S. (2012). Synthesis of amino-substituted indoles using the Bartoli reaction. Org biomol chem, Vol.10 (22), pp. 4441-4447.  show abstract

Faisal, A. Naud, S. Schmitt, J. Westwood, I. Hayes, A. Gurden, M. Bavetsias, V. Berry, T. Mak, G. Innocenti, P. Cheung, J. Sheldrake, P. Atrash, B. Sun, C. Matijssen, B. Burke, R. Baker, R. McAndrew, C. Rowlands, M. Workman, P. Eccles, S.A. Hoelder, S. Raynaud, F.I. vanMontfort, R. Biagg, J. Linardopoulos, S. (2012). Characterisation of CCT251455, a novel, selective and highly potent Mps1 kinase inhibitor. Cancer research, Vol.72.

Solanki, S. Innocenti, P. Mas-Droux, C. Boxall, K. Barillari, C. van Montfort, R.L. Aherne, G.W. Bayliss, R. Hoelder, S. (2011). Benzimidazole inhibitors induce a DFG-out conformation of never in mitosis gene A-related kinase 2 (Nek2) without binding to the back pocket and reveal a nonlinear structure-activity relationship. J med chem, Vol.54 (6), pp. 1626-1639.  show abstract

Whelligan, D.K. Thomson, D.W. Taylor, D. Hoelder, S. (2010). Two-step synthesis of aza- and diazaindoles from chloroamino-N-heterocycles using ethoxyvinylborolane. J org chem, Vol.75 (1), pp. 11-15.  show abstract

Whelligan, D.K. Solanki, S. Taylor, D. Thomson, D.W. Cheung, K.-. Boxall, K. Mas-Droux, C. Barillari, C. Burns, S. Grummitt, C.G. Collins, I. van Montfort, R.L. Aherne, G.W. Bayliss, R. Hoelder, S. (2010). Aminopyrazine inhibitors binding to an unusual inactive conformation of the mitotic kinase Nek2: SAR and structural characterization. J med chem, Vol.53 (21), pp. 7682-7698.  show abstract

Richards, M.W. O'Regan, L. Mas-Droux, C. Blot, J.M. Cheung, J. Hoelder, S. Fry, A.M. Bayliss, R. (2009). An autoinhibitory tyrosine motif in the cell-cycle-regulated Nek7 kinase is released through binding of Nek9. Mol cell, Vol.36 (4), pp. 560-570.  show abstract

Vogtherr, M. Saxena, K. Hoelder, S. Grimme, S. Betz, M. Schieborr, U. Pescatore, B. Robin, M. Delarbre, L. Langer, T. Wendt, K.U. Schwalbe, H. (2006). NMR characterization of kinase p38 dynamics in free and ligand-bound forms. Angew chem int ed engl, Vol.45 (6), pp. 993-997.

Pedersen, H. Hölder, S. Sutherlin, D.P. Schwitter, U. King, D.S. Schultz, P.G. (1998). A method for directed evolution and functional cloning of enzymes. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.95 (18), pp. 10523-10528.  show abstract  full text

Blechert, S. Bockelmann, C. Brummer, O. Fusslein, M. Gundlach, H. Haider, G. Holder, S. Kutchan, T.M. Weiler, E.W. Zenk, M.H. (1997). Structural separation of biological activities of jasmonates and related compounds. Journal of the chemical society-perkin transactions 1, (23), pp. 3549-11.

Holder, S. Blechert, S. (1996). A concise synthesis of coronafacic acid via ring closing olefin metathesis. Synlett, (6), pp. 505-3.

Blechert, S. Brodschelm, W. Hölder, S. Kammerer, L. Kutchan, T.M. Mueller, M.J. Xia, Z.Q. Zenk, M.H. (1995). The octadecanoic pathway: signal molecules for the regulation of secondary pathways. Proc natl acad sci u s a, Vol.92 (10), pp. 4099-4105.  show abstract  full text