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Journal Articles

Sud, A. Parry, E.M. Wu, C.J. (2024). The molecular map of CLL and Richter's syndrome. Semin hematol, Vol.61 (2), pp. 73-82.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Duran-Lozano, L. Halldorsson, G.H. Gunnell, A. Ugidos-Damboriena, N. Law, P. Ekdahl, L. Sud, A. Thorleifsson, G. Thodberg, M. Olafsdottir, T. Lamarca-Arrizabalaga, A. Cafaro, C. Niroula, A. Ajore, R. Lopez de Lapuente Portilla, A. Ali, Z. Pertesi, M. Goldschmidt, H. Stefansdottir, L. Kristinsson, S.Y. Stacey, S.N. Love, T.J. Rognvaldsson, S. Hajek, R. Vodicka, P. Pettersson-Kymmer, U. Späth, F. Schinke, C. Van Rhee, F. Sulem, P. Ferkingstad, E. Hjorleifsson Eldjarn, G. Mellqvist, U.-. Jonsdottir, I. Morgan, G. Sonneveld, P. Waage, A. Weinhold, N. Thomsen, H. Försti, A. Hansson, M. Juul-Vangsted, A. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Hemminki, K. Kaiser, M. Rafnar, T. Stefansson, K. Houlston, R. Nilsson, B. (2024). Deciphering the genetics and mechanisms of predisposition to multiple myeloma. Nat commun, Vol.15 (1), p. 6644.  show abstract  full text

Cornish, A.J. Gruber, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Chubb, D. Frangou, A. Caravagna, G. Noyvert, B. Lakatos, E. Wood, H.M. Thorn, S. Culliford, R. Arnedo-Pac, C. Househam, J. Cross, W. Sud, A. Law, P. Leathlobhair, M.N. Hawari, A. Woolley, C. Sherwood, K. Feeley, N. Gül, G. Fernandez-Tajes, J. Zapata, L. Alexandrov, L.B. Murugaesu, N. Sosinsky, A. Mitchell, J. Lopez-Bigas, N. Quirke, P. Church, D.N. Tomlinson, I.P. Sottoriva, A. Graham, T.A. Wedge, D.C. Houlston, R.S. (2024). The genomic landscape of 2,023 colorectal cancers. Nature, Vol.633 (8028), pp. 127-136.  show abstract  full text

Culliford, R. Lawrence, S.E. Mills, C. Tippu, Z. Chubb, D. Cornish, A.J. Browning, L. Kinnersley, B. Bentham, R. Sud, A. Pallikonda, H. Renal Cancer Genomics England Consortium, Frangou, A. Gruber, A.J. Litchfield, K. Wedge, D. Larkin, J. Turajlic, S. Houlston, R.S. (2024). Whole genome sequencing refines stratification and therapy of patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Nat commun, Vol.15 (1), p. 5935.  show abstract  full text

Hislop, J.M. Went, M. Mills, C. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. (2024). Using Mendelian Randomisation to search for modifiable risk factors influencing the development of clonal haematopoiesis. Blood cancer j, Vol.14 (1), p. 114.  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Mills, C. Hyde, A. Culliford, R. Law, P. Vijayakrishnan, J. Gockel, I. Maj, C. Schumacher, J. Palles, C. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R. (2024). Phenome-wide Mendelian randomisation analysis of 378,142 cases reveals risk factors for eight common cancers. Nat commun, Vol.15 (1), p. 2637.  show abstract

Mills, C. Sud, A. Everall, A. Chubb, D. Lawrence, S.E. Kinnersley, B. Cornish, A.J. Bentham, R. Houlston, R.S. (2024). Genetic landscape of interval and screen detected breast cancer. Npj precis oncol, Vol.8 (1), p. 122.  show abstract  full text

Hemminki, K. Hemminki, J. Försti, A. Sud, A. (2023). Survival in hematological malignancies in the Nordic countries through a half century with correlation to treatment. Leukemia, Vol.37 (4), pp. 854-863.  show abstract  full text

Huntley, C. Torr, B. Sud, A. Rowlands, C.F. Way, R. Snape, K. Hanson, H. Swanton, C. Broggio, J. Lucassen, A. McCartney, M. Houlston, R.S. Hingorani, A.D. Jones, M.E. Turnbull, C. (2023). Utility of polygenic risk scores in UK cancer screening: a modelling analysis. Lancet oncol, Vol.24 (6), pp. 658-668.  show abstract  full text

El-Sharkawi, D. Sud, A. Prodger, C. Khwaja, J. Shotton, R. Hanley, B. Peacock, V. Peng, Y.Y. Arasaretnam, A. Sharma, S. Aldridge, F. Sharma, B. Wotherspoon, A. Cheung, B. De Lord, C. Johnston, R. Kassam, S. Pettengel, R. Linton, K. Greaves, P. Cook, L. Naresh, K.N. Cwynarski, K. Eyre, T.A. Chau, I. Cunningham, D. Iyengar, S. (2023). A retrospective study of MYC rearranged diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the context of the new WHO and ICC classifications. Blood cancer j, Vol.13 (1), p. 54.  full text

Sud, A. Horton, R.H. Hingorani, A.D. Tzoulaki, I. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. Lucassen, A. (2023). Realistic expectations are key to realising the benefits of polygenic scores. Bmj, Vol.380, p. e073149.  show abstract  full text

HaemSTAR Collaborators, (2022). Diagnostic uncertainty presented barriers to the timely management of acute thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura in the United Kingdom between 2014 and 2019. J thromb haemost, Vol.20 (6), pp. 1428-1436.  show abstract  full text

Vickers, A.J. Sud, A. Bernstein, J. Houlston, R. (2022). Polygenic risk scores to stratify cancer screening should predict mortality not incidence. Npj precis oncol, Vol.6 (1), p. 32.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Sud, A. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Scott, S. Gronthound, F. Torr, B. Garrett, A. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Williams, M. Barry, C. Riboli, E. Kipps, E. McFerran, E. Muller, D.C. Lyratzopoulos, G. Lawler, M. Abulafi, M. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2021). Prioritisation by FIT to mitigate the impact of delays in the 2-week wait colorectal cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic: a UK modelling study. Gut, Vol.70 (6), pp. 1053-1060.  show abstract  full text

Bird, S. Panopoulou, A. Shea, R.L. Tsui, M. Saso, R. Sud, A. West, S. Smith, K. Barwood, J. Kaczmarek, E. Panlaqui, C. Kaiser, M. Stern, S. Pawlyn, C. Boyd, K. (2021). Response to first vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 in patients with multiple myeloma. Lancet haematol, Vol.8 (6), pp. e389-e392.  full text

Sud, A. Law, P.J. Houlston, R.S. (2021). The clinical utility of polygenic risk scores for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia, Vol.35 (12), pp. 3608-3610.  full text

Hemminki, K. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Sud, A. (2021). Epidemiology, genetics and treatment of multiple myeloma and precursor diseases. Int j cancer, Vol.149 (12), pp. 1980-1996.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R. (2021). Will polygenic risk scores for cancer ever be clinically useful?. Npj precis oncol, Vol.5 (1), p. 40.  full text

Sud, A. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Loveday, C. Torr, B. Garrett, A. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Gronthoud, F. Ward, P. Handy, J.M. Yousaf, N. Larkin, J. Suh, Y.-. Scott, S. Pharoah, P.D. Swanton, C. Abbosh, C. Williams, M. Lyratzopoulos, G. Houlston, R. Turnbull, C. (2020). Collateral damage: the impact on outcomes from cancer surgery of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann oncol, Vol.31 (8), pp. 1065-1074.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Torr, B. Jones, M.E. Broggio, J. Scott, S. Loveday, C. Garrett, A. Gronthoud, F. Nicol, D.L. Jhanji, S. Boyce, S.A. Williams, M. Riboli, E. Muller, D.C. Kipps, E. Larkin, J. Navani, N. Swanton, C. Lyratzopoulos, G. McFerran, E. Lawler, M. Houlston, R. Turnbull, C. (2020). Effect of delays in the 2-week-wait cancer referral pathway during the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer survival in the UK: a modelling study. Lancet oncol, Vol.21 (8), pp. 1035-1044.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Zheng, G. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2020). Second primary cancers in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Family history and survival. Int j cancer, Vol.146 (4), pp. 970-976.  show abstract  full text

Zheng, G. Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2019). Second primary cancers in patients with acute lymphoblastic, chronic lymphocytic and hairy cell leukaemia. Br j haematol, Vol.185 (2), pp. 232-239.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Li, N. Johnson, D.C. Mitchell, J.S. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Regions of homozygosity as risk factors for multiple myeloma. Ann hum genet, Vol.83 (4), pp. 231-238.  show abstract  full text

Loveday, C. Sud, A. Litchfield, K. Levy, M. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Kote-Jarai, Z. Dunning, A.M. Muir, K. Peto, J. Eeles, R. Easton, D.F. Dudakia, D. Orr, N. Pashayan, N. UK Testicular Cancer Collaboration, PRACTICAL Consortium, Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2019). Runs of homozygosity and testicular cancer risk. Andrology, Vol.7 (4), pp. 555-564.  show abstract  full text

Law, P.J. Timofeeva, M. Fernandez-Rozadilla, C. Broderick, P. Studd, J. Fernandez-Tajes, J. Farrington, S. Svinti, V. Palles, C. Orlando, G. Sud, A. Holroyd, A. Penegar, S. Theodoratou, E. Vaughan-Shaw, P. Campbell, H. Zgaga, L. Hayward, C. Campbell, A. Harris, S. Deary, I.J. Starr, J. Gatcombe, L. Pinna, M. Briggs, S. Martin, L. Jaeger, E. Sharma-Oates, A. East, J. Leedham, S. Arnold, R. Johnstone, E. Wang, H. Kerr, D. Kerr, R. Maughan, T. Kaplan, R. Al-Tassan, N. Palin, K. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.-. Hopper, J. Jenkins, M.E. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Duggan, D. Casey, G. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P.D. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Swerdlow, A. Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. PRACTICAL consortium, Harkin, A. Allan, K. McQueen, J. Paul, J. Iveson, T. Saunders, M. Butterbach, K. Chang-Claude, J. Hoffmeister, M. Brenner, H. Kirac, I. Matošević, P. Hofer, P. Brezina, S. Gsur, A. Cheadle, J.P. Aaltonen, L.A. Tomlinson, I. Houlston, R.S. Dunlop, M.G. (2019). Association analyses identify 31 new risk loci for colorectal cancer susceptibility. Nat commun, Vol.10 (1), p. 2154.  show abstract  full text

Labreche, K. Daniau, M. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Royer-Perron, L. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Went, M. Benazra, M. Ahle, G. Soubeyran, P. Taillandier, L. Chinot, O.L. Casasnovas, O. Bay, J.-. Jardin, F. Oberic, L. Fabbro, M. Damaj, G. Brion, A. Mokhtari, K. Philippe, C. Sanson, M. Houillier, C. Soussain, C. Hoang-Xuan, K. Houlston, R.S. Alentorn, A. LOC Network, (2019). A genome-wide association study identifies susceptibility loci for primary central nervous system lymphoma at 6p25 3 and 3p22 1: a LOC network study. Neuro oncol, .  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2019). Analysis of 153 115 patients with hematological malignancies refines the spectrum of familial risk. Blood, Vol.134 (12), pp. 960-969.  show abstract

Went, M. Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. van Duin, M. Orlando, G. Mitchell, J.S. Kuiper, R. Walker, B.A. Gregory, W.M. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Hansson, M. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Goldschmidt, H. Stefansson, K. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Transcriptome-wide association study of multiple myeloma identifies candidate susceptibility genes. Hum genomics, Vol.13 (1), p. 37.  show abstract  full text

Takahashi, H. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Disney-Hogg, L. Calvocoressi, L. Lu, L. Hansen, H.M. Smirnov, I. Walsh, K.M. Schramm, J. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Schildkraut, J.M. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Wrensch, M. Wiemels, J.L. Claus, E.B. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. (2019). Mendelian randomization provides support for obesity as a risk factor for meningioma. Sci rep, Vol.9 (1), p. 309.  show abstract  full text

Zheng, G. Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2019). Types of second primary cancers influence survival in chronic lymphocytic and hairy cell leukemia patients. Blood cancer j, Vol.9 (4), p. 40.  full text

Schmidt, A.F. Holmes, M.V. Preiss, D. Swerdlow, D.I. Denaxas, S. Fatemifar, G. Faraway, R. Finan, C. Valentine, D. Fairhurst-Hunter, Z. Hartwig, F.P. Horta, B.L. Hypponen, E. Power, C. Moldovan, M. van Iperen, E. Hovingh, K. Demuth, I. Norman, K. Steinhagen-Thiessen, E. Demuth, J. Bertram, L. Lill, C.M. Coassin, S. Willeit, J. Kiechl, S. Willeit, K. Mason, D. Wright, J. Morris, R. Wanamethee, G. Whincup, P. Ben-Shlomo, Y. McLachlan, S. Price, J.F. Kivimaki, M. Welch, C. Sanchez-Galvez, A. Marques-Vidal, P. Nicolaides, A. Panayiotou, A.G. Onland-Moret, N.C. van der Schouw, Y.T. Matullo, G. Fiorito, G. Guarrera, S. Sacerdote, C. Wareham, N.J. Langenberg, C. Scott, R.A. Luan, J. Bobak, M. Malyutina, S. Pająk, A. Kubinova, R. Tamosiunas, A. Pikhart, H. Grarup, N. Pedersen, O. Hansen, T. Linneberg, A. Jess, T. Cooper, J. Humphries, S.E. Brilliant, M. Kitchner, T. Hakonarson, H. Carrell, D.S. McCarty, C.A. Lester, K.H. Larson, E.B. Crosslin, D.R. de Andrade, M. Roden, D.M. Denny, J.C. Carty, C. Hancock, S. Attia, J. Holliday, E. Scott, R. Schofield, P. O'Donnell, M. Yusuf, S. Chong, M. Pare, G. van der Harst, P. Said, M.A. Eppinga, R.N. Verweij, N. Snieder, H. Lifelines Cohort authors, Christen, T. Mook-Kanamori, D.O. ICBP Consortium, Gustafsson, S. Lind, L. Ingelsson, E. Pazoki, R. Franco, O. Hofman, A. Uitterlinden, A. Dehghan, A. Teumer, A. Baumeister, S. Dörr, M. Lerch, M.M. Völker, U. Völzke, H. Ward, J. Pell, J.P. Meade, T. Christophersen, I.E. Maitland-van der Zee, A.H. Baranova, E.V. Young, R. Ford, I. Campbell, A. Padmanabhan, S. Bots, M.L. Grobbee, D.E. Froguel, P. Thuillier, D. Roussel, R. Bonnefond, A. Cariou, B. Smart, M. Bao, Y. Kumari, M. Mahajan, A. Hopewell, J.C. Seshadri, S. METASTROKE Consortium of the ISGC, Dale, C. Costa, R.P. Ridker, P.M. Chasman, D.I. Reiner, A.P. Ritchie, M.D. Lange, L.A. Cornish, A.J. Dobbins, S.E. Hemminki, K. Kinnersley, B. Sanson, M. Labreche, K. Simon, M. Bondy, M. Law, P. Speedy, H. Allan, J. Li, N. Went, M. Weinhold, N. Morgan, G. Sonneveld, P. Nilsson, B. Goldschmidt, H. Sud, A. Engert, A. Hansson, M. Hemingway, H. Asselbergs, F.W. Patel, R.S. Keating, B.J. Sattar, N. Houlston, R. Casas, J.P. Hingorani, A.D. (2019). Phenome-wide association analysis of LDL-cholesterol lowering genetic variants in PCSK9. Bmc cardiovasc disord, Vol.19 (1), p. 240.  show abstract  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Cornish, A.J. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Swerdlow, A.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Influence of obesity-related risk factors in the aetiology of glioma. Br j cancer, Vol.118 (7), pp. 1020-1027.  show abstract  full text

Takahashi, H. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Kinnersley, B. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Schoemaker, M.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Turnbull, C. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Mendelian randomisation study of the relationship between vitamin D and risk of glioma. Sci rep, Vol.8 (1), p. 2339.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Yu, H. Sud, A. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2018). Multiple myeloma: family history and mortality in second primary cancers. Blood cancer j, Vol.8 (8), p. 75.

Chattopadhyay, S. Zheng, G. Sud, A. Yu, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Hemminki, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, K. (2018). Risk of second primary cancer following myeloid neoplasia and risk of myeloid neoplasia as second primary cancer: a nationwide, observational follow up study in Sweden. Lancet haematol, Vol.5 (8), pp. e368-e377.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Orlando, G. Försti, A. Law, P.J. Broderick, P. Cooke, R. Hariri, F. Pastinen, T. Easton, D.F. Pharoah, P.D. Dunning, A.M. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Eeles, R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. Campa, D. PRACTICAL Consortium, Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. von Strandmann, E.P. Swerdlow, A.J. Engert, A. Orr, N. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Genome-wide association study implicates immune dysfunction in the development of Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood, Vol.132 (19), pp. 2040-2052.  show abstract  full text

Turnbull, C. Sud, A. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Cancer genetics, precision prevention and a call to action. Nat genet, Vol.50 (9), pp. 1212-1218.  show abstract  full text

Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Coker, E.A. Tym, J.E. Di Micco, P. Al-Lazikani, B. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Leveraging Human Genetics to Guide Cancer Drug Development. Jco clin cancer inform, Vol.2, pp. 1-11.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Försti, A. Halvarsson, B.-. Weinhold, N. Kimber, S. van Duin, M. Thorleifsson, G. Holroyd, A. Johnson, D.C. Li, N. Orlando, G. Law, P.J. Ali, M. Chen, B. Mitchell, J.S. Gudbjartsson, D.F. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Broderick, P. Campo, C. Bandapalli, O.R. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.A. Gullberg, U. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Jöckel, K.-. Johnsson, E. Kristinsson, S.Y. Mellqvist, U.-. Nahi, H. Easton, D. Pharoah, P. Dunning, A. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Swerdlow, A. Eeles, R.A. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. Rafnar, T. Ross, F.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Turesson, I. Vangsted, A. Andersen, N.F. Waage, A. Walker, B.A. Wihlborg, A.-. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Thorsteinsdottir, U. Langer, C. Hansson, M. Goldschmidt, H. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Stefansson, K. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Houlston, R.S. PRACTICAL consortium, (2018). Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma. Nat commun, Vol.9 (1), p. 3707.  show abstract  full text

Disney-Hogg, L. Cornish, A.J. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Kinnersley, B. Jacobs, D.I. Ostrom, Q.T. Labreche, K. Eckel-Passow, J.E. Armstrong, G.N. Claus, E.B. Il'yasova, D. Schildkraut, J. Barnholtz-Sloan, J.S. Olson, S.H. Bernstein, J.L. Lai, R.K. Schoemaker, M.J. Simon, M. Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Chanock, S. Rajaraman, P. Johansen, C. Jenkins, R.B. Melin, B.S. Wrensch, M.R. Sanson, M. Bondy, M.L. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Impact of atopy on risk of glioma: a Mendelian randomisation study. Bmc med, Vol.16 (1), p. 42.  show abstract  full text

Chattopadhyay, S. Sud, A. Zheng, G. Yu, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Försti, A. Houlston, R. Hemminki, A. Hemminki, K. (2018). Second primary cancers in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Bidirectional analyses suggesting role for immune dysfunction. Int j cancer, Vol.143 (10), pp. 2449-2457.  show abstract  full text

Lawrie, A. Han, S. Sud, A. Hosking, F. Cezard, T. Turner, D. Clark, C. Murray, G.I. Culligan, D.J. Houlston, R.S. Vickers, M.A. (2018). Combined linkage and association analysis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Oncotarget, Vol.9 (29), pp. 20377-20385.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Speedy, H. Sunter, N.J. Försti, A. Law, P.J. Johnson, D.C. Mirabella, F. Holroyd, A. Li, N. Orlando, G. Weinhold, N. van Duin, M. Chen, B. Mitchell, J.S. Mansouri, L. Juliusson, G. Smedby, K.E. Jayne, S. Majid, A. Dearden, C. Allsup, D.J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. Rosenquist, R. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Broderick, P. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.M. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Jöckel, K.-. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Walker, B.A. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Hansson, M. Goldschmidt, H. Dyer, M.J. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Catovsky, D. Allan, J.M. Houlston, R.S. (2018). Genetic correlation between multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia provides evidence for shared aetiology. Blood cancer j, Vol.9 (1), p. 1.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Sundquist, J. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2018). Familial risks of acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative neoplasms. Blood, Vol.132 (9), pp. 973-976.  full text

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Law, P.J. Försti, A. Filho, M.I. Holroyd, A. Broderick, P. Orlando, G. Lenive, O. Wright, L. Cooke, R. Easton, D. Pharoah, P. Dunning, A. Peto, J. Canzian, F. Eeles, R. Kote-Jarai, Z. Muir, K. Pashayan, N. PRACTICAL consortium, Hoffmann, P. Nöthen, M.M. Jöckel, K.-. Strandmann, E.P. Lightfoot, T. Kane, E. Roman, E. Lake, A. Montgomery, D. Jarrett, R.F. Swerdlow, A.J. Engert, A. Orr, N. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association study of classical Hodgkin lymphoma identifies key regulators of disease susceptibility. Nat commun, Vol.8 (1), p. 1892.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Candidate gene association studies and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hematol oncol, Vol.35 (1), pp. 34-50.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Second cancer risk following Hodgkin lymphoma. Oncotarget, Vol.8 (45), pp. 78261-78262.  full text

Sud, A. Dearden, C. (2017). T-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia. Hematol oncol clin north am, Vol.31 (2), pp. 273-283.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. (2017). Survivors at risk: Hodgkin lymphoma survivors at high risk of second cancers. International journal of hematologic oncology, Vol.6 (1), pp. 5-8.  full text

Levy, M. Hall, D. Sud, A. Law, P. Litchfield, K. Dudakia, D. Haugen, T.B. Karlsson, R. Reid, A. Huddart, R.A. Grotmol, T. Wiklund, F. Houlston, R.S. Turnbull, C. (2017). Mendelian randomisation analysis provides no evidence for a relationship between adult height and testicular cancer risk. Andrology, Vol.5 (5), pp. 914-922.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Thomsen, H. Sundquist, K. Houlston, R.S. Hemminki, K. (2017). Risk of Second Cancer in Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors and Influence of Family History. J clin oncol, Vol.35 (14), pp. 1584-1590.  show abstract  full text

May-Wilson, S. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Ripatti, S. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Fisher, D. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Passarelli, M.N. Figueiredo, J.C. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Aaltonen, L.A. Cheadle, J.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Pro-inflammatory fatty acid profile and colorectal cancer risk: A Mendelian randomisation analysis. Eur j cancer, Vol.84, pp. 228-238.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Kinnersley, B. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association studies of cancer: current insights and future perspectives. Nat rev cancer, Vol.17 (11), pp. 692-704.  show abstract  full text

Li, N. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Kimber, S. Dobbins, S.E. Mitchell, J.S. Kinnersley, B. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Orlando, G. Scales, M. Wardell, C.P. Försti, A. Hoang, P.H. Went, M. Holroyd, A. Hariri, F. Pastinen, T. Meissner, T. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Morgan, G.J. Kaiser, M. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genetic Predisposition to Multiple Myeloma at 5q15 Is Mediated by an ELL2 Enhancer Polymorphism. Cell rep, Vol.20 (11), pp. 2556-2564.  show abstract  full text

Rodriguez-Broadbent, H. Law, P.J. Sud, A. Palin, K. Tuupanen, S. Gylfe, A. Hänninen, U.A. Cajuso, T. Tanskanen, T. Kondelin, J. Kaasinen, E. Sarin, A.-. Ripatti, S. Eriksson, J.G. Rissanen, H. Knekt, P. Pukkala, E. Jousilahti, P. Salomaa, V. Palotie, A. Renkonen-Sinisalo, L. Lepistö, A. Böhm, J. Mecklin, J.-. Al-Tassan, N.A. Palles, C. Martin, L. Barclay, E. Farrington, S.M. Timofeeva, M.N. Meyer, B.F. Wakil, S.M. Campbell, H. Smith, C.G. Idziaszczyk, S. Maughan, T.S. Kaplan, R. Kerr, R. Kerr, D. Passarelli, M.N. Figueiredo, J.C. Buchanan, D.D. Win, A.K. Hopper, J.L. Jenkins, M.A. Lindor, N.M. Newcomb, P.A. Gallinger, S. Conti, D. Schumacher, F. Casey, G. Aaltonen, L.A. Cheadle, J.P. Tomlinson, I.P. Dunlop, M.G. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Mendelian randomisation implicates hyperlipidaemia as a risk factor for colorectal cancer. Int j cancer, Vol.140 (12), pp. 2701-2708.  show abstract  full text

Went, M. Sud, A. Law, P.J. Johnson, D.C. Weinhold, N. Försti, A. van Duin, M. Mitchell, J.S. Chen, B. Kuiper, R. Stephens, O.W. Bertsch, U. Campo, C. Einsele, H. Gregory, W.M. Henrion, M. Hillengass, J. Hoffmann, P. Jackson, G.H. Lenive, O. Nickel, J. Nöthen, M.M. da Silva Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Walker, B.A. Broyl, A. Davies, F.E. Langer, C. Hansson, M. Kaiser, M. Sonneveld, P. Goldschmidt, H. Hemminki, K. Nilsson, B. Morgan, G.J. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Assessing the effect of obesity-related traits on multiple myeloma using a Mendelian randomisation approach. Blood cancer j, Vol.7 (6), pp. e573-e573.  full text

Law, P.J. Sud, A. Mitchell, J.S. Henrion, M. Orlando, G. Lenive, O. Broderick, P. Speedy, H.E. Johnson, D.C. Kaiser, M. Weinhold, N. Cooke, R. Sunter, N.J. Jackson, G.H. Summerfield, G. Harris, R.J. Pettitt, A.R. Allsup, D.J. Carmichael, J. Bailey, J.R. Pratt, G. Rahman, T. Pepper, C. Fegan, C. von Strandmann, E.P. Engert, A. Försti, A. Chen, B. Filho, M.I. Thomsen, H. Hoffmann, P. Noethen, M.M. Eisele, L. Jöckel, K.-. Allan, J.M. Swerdlow, A.J. Goldschmidt, H. Catovsky, D. Morgan, G.J. Hemminki, K. Houlston, R.S. (2017). Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci. Sci rep, Vol.7, p. 41071.  show abstract  full text

Sud, A. Morilla, R. Ethell, M. Taussig, D. Liapis, K. (2015). Green-grey crystals in acute myeloid leukaemia. Br j haematol, Vol.168 (5), p. 618.

Sud, A. Cooke, R. Swerdlow, A.J. Houlston, R.S. (2015). Genome-wide homozygosity signature and risk of Hodgkin lymphoma. Sci rep, Vol.5, p. 14315.  show abstract  full text

Hanson, D. Murray, P.G. Coulson, T. Sud, A. Omokanye, A. Stratta, E. Sakhinia, F. Bonshek, C. Wilson, L.C. Wakeling, E. Temtamy, S.A. Aglan, M. Rosser, E.M. Mansour, S. Carcavilla, A. Nampoothiri, S. Khan, W.I. Banerjee, I. Chandler, K.E. Black, G.C. Clayton, P.E. (2012). Mutations in CUL7, OBSL1 and CCDC8 in 3-M syndrome lead to disordered growth factor signalling. J mol endocrinol, Vol.49 (3), pp. 267-275.  show abstract

Hanson, D. Murray, P.G. Sud, A. Temtamy, S.A. Aglan, M. Superti-Furga, A. Holder, S.E. Urquhart, J. Hilton, E. Manson, F.D. Scambler, P. Black, G.C. Clayton, P.E. (2009). The primordial growth disorder 3-M syndrome connects ubiquitination to the cytoskeletal adaptor OBSL1. Am j hum genet, Vol.84 (6), pp. 801-806.  show abstract

Sud, A. Survival trends in hematological malignancies in the nordic countries through 50 years. Blood cancer journal, .  full text


(2019). Oxford Handbook for Medical School, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199681907.

Book Chapters

Sud, A. Dearden, C. (2020). Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Oxford Desk Reference: Oncology. ISBN: 9780198745440.


Huntley, C.Sud, A.Torr, B.Houlston, R.Hingorani, A.Jones, M.Turnbull, C. The impact of risk stratification by polygenic risk and age on breast cancer screening in women aged 40–49 years: a modelling study, Presented at Lancet Public Health Science Conference, .

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