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Hit Discovery and Structural Design Group 

Dr Rob van Montfort’s group uses screening techniques to narrow down the number of potential molecules to take forward into drug development.

Group leader

Dr Rob Van Montfort

Dr Rob Van Montfort

Dr Rob van Montfort uses protein crystallography and a range of biochemical and biophysical approaches to investigate ligand-binding to new cancer drug targets. He has a joint appointment between the Divisions of Cancer Therapeutics and Structural Biology at the Centre for Cancer Drug Discovery.

ORCID 0000-0002-5688-3450

Group members

Asha Adde

PhD Student +44 20 7153 5573

Dr Rosemary Burke  

Senior Staff Scientist

Dr Marc Cabry

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6260

Dr Caroline Ewens

Staff Scientist +44 20 8722 4335

Dr Catherine Fletcher

Honorary Appointment

Dr Teresa Guerreiro Machado

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 3528

Dr Stephen Hallett

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 7206

Daniel Hinchen

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 3437 6762

Dr Alexandra Knopp

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 3437 6050

Dr Katalin Kondas

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6890

Dr Yann-Vai Le Bihan

Staff Scientist +44 20 3437 6210

Dr Craig McAndrew

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 8722 4294

Dr Shruti Mittal

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6960

Dr Anju Paul

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 3437 3515

Dr Olivier Pierrat

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6314

Dr Nihar Prusty

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 3549

vj Rama

Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6404

Dr Varun Ramaswamy

Honorary Appointment

Benjamin Read

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6374

Dr Matthew Rodrigues

Honorary Appointment

Gaurav Sharma

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 3601

Dr Sara Silva

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 3437 6141

Dr Roxanne Smith

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 8722 4641

Dr Mark Stubbs

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6477

Rachel Talbot

Higher Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6511

Kathy Tomlin

Senior Scientific Officer +44 20 3437 6282

Dr Michael Tong

Postdoctoral Training Fellow +44 20 3437 6333

Jannik Wiebe

PhD Student