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Professor Robert Huddart

Group Leader

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Professor Robert Huddart is investigating ways to improve radiotherapy treatment for bladder cancer and is investigating the genetic causes of testicular cancer. He has served as Chair of the National Cancer Research Institute and jointly leads the MSc in Oncology at the ICR. Group: Clinical Academic Radiotherapy (Huddart)
0208 661 3529 ORCID 0000-0003-3604-1990


Professor Robert Huddart leads the Clinical Academic Radiotherapy group at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, focusing specifically on bladder and testicular cancer. He is one of the ICR’s top scientists in the Everyman laboratories and also an Honorary Consultant in Urological Oncology at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, where he manages and treats patients with urological cancer - cancer that affects the kidney, bladder, prostate, testicles and penis.

Professor Huddart completed a Master of Arts and a Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Oxford, and a Bachelor of Surgery at the University of London before undertaking general medical training in Oxford and Cambridge. He gained membership to the Royal College of Physicians and then moved to The Royal Marsden for specialist training in oncology. Professor Huddart was awarded gold medals in both stages of the examination to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists. He first joined the ICR to complete a PhD in the molecular biology of testicular cancer with Professor Colin Cooper.

Professor Huddart said:

“Working as a clinical academic at the ICR and The Royal Marsden provides an almost unique opportunity in the UK of working and researching at the cutting edge of oncology, meeting and working with some of the UK's top cancer scientists and being able to investigate and use new technologies and developments. This, combined with the excellence of cancer care within The Royal Marsden, means there is no better place, in my view, for an oncologist to be.”

Current Research

Professor Huddart’s current research focus is improving radiotherapy treatment for bladder cancer, examining the genetic causes of testicular cancer and developing new ways to treat it.

“Clinical oncology as a speciality was attractive to me as a blend of holistic patient care, complex treatment delivery and strong research,” Professor Huddart says. “I got into urological cancer through the opportunity to undertake a PhD on testicular cancer. I was persuaded to stay in this research area by the varied and complex management of the different types of urological cancer, each of which has a unique identity and challenge, as well as the opportunity to advocate for services for male cancer.”

Professor Huddart recently retired (after six years) as Chair of the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) testicular cancer group, and jointly leads the ICR’s postgraduate course in oncology. Most recently, he has qualified for a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from University College, London.

In the future, Professor Huddart hopes to be involved in “developing new personalised treatments which make a real impact on the outlook of the patients we see each week”.

Professor Huddart’s life away from work revolves around his wife and three children. He also competes regularly for a local badminton club.