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Thank you

We've received your form and thank you for your ongoing support. Your continued contact with The Institute of Cancer Research, London, will help to improve the lives of people with cancer and help us make the discoveries that defeat cancer.

What you can do next

There are further links on this page that take you to more information on the work we do. If you haven't already, you may be interested in reading about our appeals, signing up for an event or fundraising for us.

Help us to transform the future for people with hard-to-treat cancers

We are striving to improve the lives of people with all types of cancer – including those with the most challenging to treat. With your support today, we can defeat cancer.

Hard-to-treat cancers appeal

Help cure more children with cancer, more kindly

We have made huge strides in research and treatment for children with cancer, improving their chances of survival. With your support today, we can discover kinder treatments and offer more children the hope of a cure.

Support our appeal

Combination therapies appeal

Support our research today to unlock new combination treatments, so more people will survive cancer. Let’s finish cancer, together.

Combination therapies appeal

Set up a regular donation today

Help sustain our research into the future and improve the lives of more cancer patients, by making a regular donation.

Regular giving appeal

Fundraise for us

There are many ways you can get involved from fundraising, to signing up to an event.